(The first to come!)


"This sword is ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and he sees that this sword has been fully integrated into the blood peak sword, and has become part of the blood peak sword.

And yourself is the owner of the Blood Sword, and this sword will naturally be used for him.

When the sword is unparalleled, try to communicate with this sword, want to guide this sword.

As a result, he is just a slight guide to a sword.

"This sword, too super super super, relying on the sense of swords, I want to guide this sword, it seems very reluctant?" The sword was unparalleled and frown, but it quickly and soon, "Not anxious, this The sword is just integrated with the blood peak sword. When I have time, I will go well. "

Light spit, swords have no blessings, but it is coming.

In general, he is still very satisfied with this transformation of the blood peak sword.

Especially there is no sword in the blood peak sword, the sword is unparalleled, this sword will have a lot to use.

After simply exploring the changes of the blood peak sword, the sword was unparalleled and the eyes were watching the past.

It can be seen at this moment, but the sword is unparalleled.

After the end of the refining, the blood peak sword completes the transformation, this Money closes the eyes directly, standing there, there is no movement.

This appears to be aware of it.

The sword is unparalleled, so he is just waiting next to stand next to it, and there is no opening to disturb.

After a longer period of time, I can't stand in that, but I opened my eyes, I opened my eyes, and I opened myself, and I was unprecedented, and I turned into two lightning, suddenly exploded.

Money's expression is also ambiguous.

"Haha ~~~"

"Cross, the time is over, the old man finally crossed this step!"

"God is really not thin !!"

Money smiled, the sound took a soft mad, this madness is completely surprised.

The sword is unparalleled next to it, but the look is a moving.

He saw that this is so surprised, because of a breakthrough.

And this breakthrough, I am afraid it is not a strength?

"Money, you are ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword is a little friend, you will thank you, but also thank you of the soldiers in your hands." Money smiled: "The old man became a seven-character refinerie, and even the top level of the seven products, I didn't know how many years. I have no chance to further. "

"Too long for a long time, the old man wants to cross the step, become a real Eight-scale refinerie, after all, the refineries, different from the practice, the top of the eight products, seems to be just a step, but it is completely Two different levels are two different worlds. "

"A few hundred thousand years ago, the old man had seen a real eight-character refining teacher, when the other party's refiner's means, even if they wanted to go to the other door, but the person is just a one. Eight pieces of primary refining practitioners. "

"The old man is too long for that level, but unfortunately, that step is difficult, don't worry about itself, and there is no shortcut to go, I am trapped in this step, I have been trapped for so many years. Originally, I can't break through this life, but today ... haha ​​~~~ Breakthrough! "

"The old man finally crossed that step and became the real eight-year-old refinerie !!"

The whole space is echieving the laughter of the people, which is indeed full of joy.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it nodded.

He guess that this big breakthrough should not be in its own strength, maybe he is also refined, but truly let him love him so excuse, and even let him so peak regardless of his identity, can only be a refiner A breakthrough on one.

Sure enough, this is the top of the top of the top of the top of the top.

Eight-piece refining practitioners, this identity, don't say that in Jinwujin, such a remote territory, even in the vast three days, it is absolutely unpaid to be very respected.

"Money, congratulations." The sword has no double.

"The old man can further refine this time, but also a little friend, you have a friend, so you have no need to call me in the future, the old man is named Mo Tao, Xiao You is not disappointing. Call me, Mo, Mo, is. "Mo Tao Road.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"How, Xiaoyi is disappointing the husband, I feel that the old man can't help this two characters?" Mo Tao is not happy.

"Did you dare, Mo Mo." The sword is unparalleled to change the name.

"Haha, this is like a way." Mo Tao once again showed a smile, and it was very happy.

In fact, if it is an ordinary person, even some powerful unscrupulous saints, with the strength of Mo Tao, may not be placed on the heart, as for the other side, said that the brothers, it is even more impossible.

And Mo Tao is now willing to be with the sword. There is no double in such a way, and the one is that the sword is unparalleled. It has helped him very busy, so that he is very surprised.

Second, he also seen the unparalleled swords.

From the beginning of the sword, there is no double, let him think that it is a special life of the blood, he has seen the sword unparalleled high great gods.

Subsequently, when the sword is unparalleled, the sword is coming, and Mo Tao feels incredible.

As for the truly shocking, it is still in the refining process, the three drops of the sword have come out.

The three drops of blood have been completely exceeded by Mo Tao.

But he can see that the three drops of blood are not from other places, but the sword is unparalleled.

Can have unbelievable, completely exceeded the blood of his cognitive, and what is the sword?

Mo Tao didn't know, he even guess it could guess, but he clearly, the sword is unparalleled, it must be surprised.

In such cases, do he dare to have any shelves?

Similarly, he did not dare to live in adults, so there was this scene now.

"Sword is a little friend, after a turning system, and absorbed your three drops of blood, after adding so many genius, your sword should be not small, how do you feel?" Mo Tao asked.

"Change is quite big, it feels very good, but how much is changed, I have to find time to slowly study." The sword smiled.

"Your sword is a big amazing, the potential is big, it is incredible." Mo Tao is screaming, "I have a refiner for so many years, the god soldiers who have been refining are also countless, and there are many people in this." However, there is a mission of the life that I am refining in my hand, I usually can grow up to the best holy hierarchy in the future. If it is lucky, it can be a treasure ... "

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