Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2852 Conditions

(The third is over!)


Previously, the sword was unparalleled to make his own perfect blood. After diluting, it became a feet one hundred.

He has a bloody blood like a hundred drops, although it gave Mo Tao dripping, plus it in the process of just refining, but he still is still very sufficient, like now he suddenly I took out ten drops directly.

Looking at these blood, Mo Tao immediately became hot.

"Little friends, these blood, can you give olders, of course, the old man will never take your little friend, and the little friend is there, so that the old man meets you as much as possible." Mo Tao Road .

"Mo Lao Ge, these blood is not too much to me, since you want, I will give you ten drops again." The sword is unparalleled, and the ten jade bottles will be thrown directly. In the past.

"This, this ... too much." Mo Tao took a jade bottle, looked at the blood of the jade bottle once can't get the blood, but the heart was excited, halfway he received eight Bottle, the other two bottles will also give the sword unparalleled.

"Eight drops, plus the previous droplets, there are nine blood like this, enough." Mo Tao smiled.

"Mo Laoge, don't be with me, like this kind of blood, my hand does have a lot." The sword waved again, and immediately had a jade bottle.

Looking at these jade bottles, Mo Tao mouth is slightly twitching.

You know, he once wanted to get such a blood, I don't know how much cost spent, but I can't succeed.

It is now looking at the spermous blood in the sword. It is simply like something that can be seen, it is naturally not a taste.

"Nine drops of blood, it is indeed enough, more, this kind of essence is not precious." Mo Tao said, "This nine drops of blood, any drop, the value is in millions of Holy Dand, or even more than not, The old man took nine drops, it is equivalent to tens of millions of Saint Dan, but I don't know what the small friends do, the old man can do it, you will meet your little friends as much as possible. "

"No." The sword is unparalleled but shook his head. "Mo Lao Ge, you have already integrated my own blood into my goddess for me, and in order to meet the appetite of my sword. You also spend a lot of refining materials and genius, it is enough for this nine drops. "

"That is two yards, those who spend on the refiner process with genius, I am purely looking at this singer, I have a big effect on me, and I have also gone. Breaking through the eight-year-old refinerie, this is more important to me, and now I have more important treasures, and now I can't take your blood. "Mo Tao said.

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled, and it can't help but laugh.

"This, the sword is a little friend, do you have a treasure with a holy hierarchy? If there is any words, I will refine one for you, and the materials needed for this refining the soldiers, and each What kind of things are available, you just want to tell me what you want. "Mo Tao Road.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled, and he will look up again. "I have once again," I have a soldier with my life, I can't use it. If I don't want to go, I will not go, I will replace me. Refine a field of treasures. "

"Area treasures?" Mo Tao looks.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

He is a large number of means, and one of the strongest means is his field.

He has four fields in the four areas, and it is extremely effective.

Especially in the way of the two sides of the battle, his resort is completely sufficient to change the situation of the entire battlefield.

However, the domain treasure of the treasures he used is just the top Tianbao. Although the power is also quite gains, but the opponent in the sword is constantly become strong, this field effect is also a big discount.

Natural swords are unparalleled to have a more powerful holy treasure, so his numerous fields, that is terrible.

"The treasures of the domain, the most cumbersome in many treasures is also the most difficult. If it is, I haven't crossed this step, I want to refine one of the domains of the domain, I am afraid it has to be protected. The holy tree furnace is only, but now, even if I don't need to use the holy tree, I still need to refine it, but it takes a while to prepare materials. I am afraid to refine in a short period of time. "Mo Tao Road.

"Time, don't worry." The sword was unparalleled.

"In this case, you can only let the sword, you will wait for a while." Mo Tao smiled slightly, and said: "In addition, the domain holy treasure is precious, but its price is compared to that nine drops. It is still very poor, so ... this way, in this field of holy treasure, I add two million Sheng Dan to my little friend, how? "

"Two Millions of Sheng Dan?" The sword has no double look, "line !!"

This time, he did not choose to refuse, but directly agreed.

After all, he needs Santa Dan!

He needs a lot of Santa to enhance its realm.

His present realm, saying that it is just a peak of God.

He wanted to handle the bloody emperor of the 20,000 kilograms of blood trendy at the same time, so he can get a big Santa, it is used to break through, but no I thought that the blood trend in the refining process was swallowed directly by the blood peak sword.

In addition to the treasures they need, he is in his hands, all kinds of genius treasures have been exhausted, he is really nothing.

At this point, Mo Tao promised him two million Santa Dan, which is not far from the snow, and the sword is unparalleled.

Mo Tao took out a Qiankun to handed a sword. Holy Bao, I will then let the little friends come over. "

"No problem." The sword is not smiled and the result of the Qiankun.

"Yes." Mo Tao opened: "Sword is a friend, these blood, high value, especially your own blood, but it is incredible, but these blood, you will Everything is taken out, don't be stupid to take the sale to Santa or other treasures, this will be provoked, wrong, you can even make a disaster. "

"Well, I know." The sword has no double nod.

He nature knows that these precision is serious.

Especially his own blood, the most perfect blood, if it is really circulating, the strong people will never be a few.

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