Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2860, Beauty



Chu Shi smiled and looked at the sword, but the eyebrows had absolute confidence.

He also did confidence capital. After all, he is a genuine peak of the best, and its own talent is high, and the understanding of the rules, the understanding of the road is unparalleled, plus the unique in Dragon Phoenixes. Secretary, his war is absolutely standing in the top.

Even if you encounter a general invincible God, he can try to fight.

With such a strength, he naturally doesn't care about the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, the heart is faint, but he nodded, "Yes."

"Well, after the end of the ceremony, I am waiting for you." Chu Shi showed a smile.

As for the ancient magic woman, it is a smashing of the prostitute. "Sword, you are really unsained," I really dare to fight, you are waiting, you have been there. "

Quiet, Chu Stone, ancient witch, Tianxin three people left.

The sword is unparalleled but only shocks, but the bottom is not intended.

Time lapse, the strong people arriving in the play are more and more.

And at the beginning, only some of the great gods appeared on the play of the field, but with time, those who came to participate in the ceremony have come.

When the ceremony is about to begin, the unmanned saints that have gathered on the play of the play, there is already a seven positions.

This seven unstead of sacred people have two from Long Fengge, which has the contemporary pavilion of Long Fengge.

Tianxiange, Lei Yunge, regardless of the strength or status, and Long Fengge, this time, all sent a non-dead saints come to participate.

The Point Court, the same came, an unstead of sacred people, and this unscrupulous saints were coming with the Legend of the Hakock.

In addition, the real overlord of Jinwu, the bone emperor, although he did not arrived, but also sent a saints to come to the ceremony.

As for the last unscrupulous saints, it is the main land of one side. This landlord is just just nothing to participate.

Most of the dominances like other interfaces, mostly sent to the strong people to come over, as they did not present.

Among these interfaces, the Danyang Shengyou is also the same as the virtual world.

Yin Suer, the controller of the Danyang Shengjie, because she has got a passage from the sword unparalleled, and now it is in a closed-door breakthrough, so I sent the Yunshan who sent a squat to come over, and Tianyong Palace arrived. The strong, it is a sword unparalleled acquaintance ... Sanyin Hou! !

Sanyin Hou, is the first invincible Zhen Zun with swords, but also the left right arm of the Tianxifeng Palace, this time the ghogue in the dragon Fengge, the arrival of Sanyinhou, and came here, three Yinhou also noticed the existence of swords.

"Sword 1 ..." Sanbao Hou died in the sword and did not have a movement.

He is very clear, the strength of the sword is not weak than him, all in the world, unless the Tianqui Palace is coming, otherwise no one has a sword.

So, no matter how angry with the sword, how to set the sword, it is nothing more than death, and he also has no way to take the sword.

On the downtown, all parties have come almost.

And at this time ... from the voids not far from the surroundings, a woman slowly stepped on near the ten female disciples.

"I'm coming!!"

As the woman's appearance, the entire performance of the military field becomes noisy.

Numerous strong people have looked up, and they have seen the past, and these strong people's eyes, mostly with a hot hot.

The young phoenix of Longfeng Pavilion ... The first day of the Jinwujin, her name is too big.

At the same time as the first day, she still has another identity, that is the first beauty of Jinwujin! !

If it is just the first day, although it will be very attractive, the attraction of many strong people in the field will never be so big.

But the first beauty is different.

On the downtown, from all walks of life, all parties of the parties, they all want to know that the first beauty of Jinwu Jiujie, how is it in the normally, what she rely on, can afford the first beauty Four words.

Everyone is looking for, I want to see the true face of this young phoenix.

"Cold Master !!"

The ancient devils also stand in the crowd, and there is a very excited, but more is worship.

Next to her, the Chu Stone is very enthusiastic with the heart.

They are all proud of Dragon Fengge, and they naturally have seen a challenge in the weekdays. It is because they see them.

In Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, the young phoenix is ​​regarded as a goddess, and there are too many people pursued in the pursuit. Chu Shi and Tianxin are just two.

But they also have self-knowledge, know that with their identity, they can't afford to each other.

So they can only look far away.

He is like this, and like Xuan Ming, the pursuit of the pursuit of the song, this moment is more hot.

Countless eyes, the focus of all people's line of sight, has already concentrated toward the woman.

And as the woman slowly came, her figure followed up, and finally emerged in front of everyone.

She is wearing a snow white clothes, inlaid on the clothes, the skin of the phoenix, the skin is wins, the eyes are like a clear water, and some of the elegant and high temperament, let people take it, self-defeating, do not dare, but then In the hot proud of the spirit, there is a huge soul, and people can't help but also.

Look at her face ... beautiful! Beauty suffocating.

Beautiful and even completely unable to describe it.

Like what is the country, Mei Ruo Tianxian can't describe the appearance of this woman.

But all people who have seen her face, but there is no inner tremor.

Such an incredible face, plus that people don't dare to tend, the soul of the soul, she appears, there are countless cultivators in the field unreasonable.

"Good guy, early listening, the young phoenix beauty of Long Fengge is the first, and today I will see it. I have experienced a lot of wind and waves. If I see this, when the old man sees this When the poverty, the bottom is even rumored, sweat, and it is really sweating. "The unmanned saints under the bones were sighing.

Of course, the words that are not dead, although some exaggerated components, but they are sufficient to fully explain the beauty of the young phoenix.

Everyone has already gained a look at the martial arts.

Even if it is the same, however, he is shocked, not because it is shocked that the beauty of the poverty.

But the face ... He is too familiar.

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