Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2865, foreshop

(The third is over!)


On the void, Na Precaing has been completely over, and the sword is unparalleled from him, and it will continue to be cold as frost.

Finally, he came to the face of cold as frost, but he did not stop ten meters away. He finally stopped.

Then he slowly reached out and took out a simple jade.

He looked at the frost and throwing this jade simple.

Cold as frost hesitated for a moment, and the jade passed the jade, and then the conscious browsed it.

Jade Jane, only one paragraph.

"Before the world, chasing you 100,000 years, liver intestines, recall the relationship, with you in turn."

"This life, I will make you hundreds of millions of years, until the death is not dead, today see each other, and the love is proud."

"Sword ... no double!!

Cold as a frost, you want to look up in the sword.

But I found that the sword has turned around to go to the distance.

Cold as frost, I can only look at the sword unparalleled back, in the dark.

"The sword is unparalleled, is this his name?"

"This name, why will I give me so familiar?"

"Before the world, this life ... He, who is it?"

Cold as the frost heart also rose a lot of doubts, and he shook his head halfway.

"Let's go." Cold as frost opens, followed by many female disciples, returning to their residence.

Until the cold, the cream completely disappeared in the vision of everyone, many of the many places were turned out.

In the middle of the military farm, the few people who didn't die quietly quietly, did not publish anything, but now I laughed.

"Haha, it is a young phoenix of Long Fengge, this pursuit, is really a lot."

"Yeah, the son of the Sky, there is also a small door of the Star Pavilion, but it is not ordinary people, and the little guy who has finally emerged is quite extraordinary."

"It's really extraordinary, just in that moment, should you notice?"

Several no dead saints on the field looked at each other, all nodded.

"Sword, a very fierce, but contains the sword of the murder !!"

"This sword is also too strong, and the reason is that the red mode is also the main owner of the star. It is not limited to the invincible God. This sword should not make him right, but he is Under the sword, I couldn't say that I couldn't say it. "

"Haha, swords are just the second, the key is the murderous machine contained in the swords, so I didn't guess, just the little guy should be a true killing, he looked that it was not big, but a life killing The cultivator, absolutely a lot, and only the horror killing of the sky, the stunned, with the swords, and the way can shock to Nanta, this little guy, not simple. "

These unscrupulous people are talking about swords.

"Right, can you have a little guy?" Long Fengge Pavilion is asked with a smile.

"do not know."

"There are many strong people in Jinwu, but can be like this little guy, there is such a powerful sword and killing, but there are not many, and he is just a peaks of great gods ... I want to go to the few people. And did nothing. "

"It seems that it is a hidden power, or soon, I haven't heard of it, I haven't heard of it."

Several unmanned people present, no one recognized the sword.

On the downtown, there are several people who recognize the swords, but they have not passed the ear of these unstead.

"Since I don't know, then I have to count." Long Star waved, "I grate on the view of the face today, but this time the ceremony is over, if you have no things, you can drink a few times in my dragon. And if you have a busy, you can leave it first. "

As the cold as frost leaves, this ceremony is actually over.

Many strong people on the play of the work are beginning to leave.

In a corner of the downtown ...

"Chu Shi brother, the sword seems to have been gone, we don't want to catch up immediately." The ancient magic woman.

"No." Chu Shi shook his head, "The ancient sister, your strength is too weak, maybe I don't understand, but I have seen it very clearly. Although the sword has never shot, he is in Among the confrontation of Premide, it is in the absolute upper, and even the red mode is completely smashed. "

"Pret Ming is the Lord of the Shage of the Star Court, even if he is not the opponent of the sword, I naturally not, look like I am going to him before, it is a bit raging."

"This sword is one, this is it?" The ancient magic woman was quite stunned, but more was surprised.

You know, when they meet last time, the sword is only just the cultivation of the peaks, and the war is the level of God.

But now, how long, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, is there a lot of Chu Shi, a peak?

And in another corner.

"Qu Hong, the cold girl does not accept your Tian Feng Silver Snow, are you very disappointed?" Antanth appeared in front of the currency, ridiculous.

"Hey, the cold girl doesn't accept your nature of the phoenix? What do you proud?" The curgoman is cold.

"Yeah, we have two carefully prepared gifts, cold girls have not received, and there is no positive look at it, but the one who doesn't know where to come out, so that the cold girl has changed The cold girl even took the initiative to ask the other party's name, huh, Qu Gongzi, look like you, I have no hope. "Chiang Mu.

"I don't want it?" The curved flag has changed.

"For, don't say it." Azhong waved, and left directly.

The flag is still standing there, but the completion has become extremely gloomy.

"Black blood, let you stare at the sword, what is it now?" Quantian asked.

"Go back to the son, have sent people to keep up." Black Blood Road.

"That's good." The song is very cold, "Jianyi ... Before the fire cloud fort, after I, only this sword came to visit the Morner, Money Moves the Holy Heaven The treasure treasure of refining, it is very likely to be refined for this sword, and now, this sword has also ran to Longfeng Pavilion, and fight with me !! "

"Hey, in his district, a peak of the gods, also in the chart and pool. If I don't remove his claws, I will not call Qu Gongzi !!"

"Black blood, let's go, go to the sword!" Quantian son.

"Yes." Black blood nodded.

Now, this song is brought with a black blood, the invincible God, and several peaks, and directly chasing the sword.


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