(The first to come!)


The starry field, the prison of the penalty, the world of the sword, and then with the Jiuyu blood light river, the sword is unparalleled, has played its own field means to reach the extreme.

Under the oppression of the Skin Dynasty, the strength of the Jiuyu blood, the strength has been greatly suppressed. Now the pressure on him, but has risen again, his strength has been studied two%. many.

You know, he is not a sacred person.

His speed is once again reduced, and it has been completely unparalleled.

"Haha, the monk, will be a period."

The sword is unparalleled, echoing in the world, but its body shape is constantly pulling with the monk.

The Sky Quarter has no choice but to stop, and he watched the sword without parallel.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled, and it has completely disappeared in the sight of the main land.

"Do you let this kid escape?" The Tiantu Dynasty held his hands, and he went to the sky and angry.

However, although the Song Dynasty is anger, it still retains its own rationality.

He also had to admit that the sword is very strong, and there is just a terrible area for the field, he can't kill it.

"We can't see that I have seen it before I kill, I didn't have the first time to escape. It turned out that he was a great confidence in his own strength, or he had a great confidence in his own life. He just wanted to fight against me. When he finished his hand, his purpose was reached, he left directly. "The main color of the sky is very ugly.

And at this time ...

"Haha, the sky, you will be lost today, there is an unexpected sacred person, it is actually awkward by a god, but only look at each other, this is not as you." "A thick laugh is from the periphery void.

The main color of the sky is sinking, and the cold scorpion looks towards the surroundings.

But I found that two people came, and the two were old, and it was the old black robe of the Star Court, and there is a little Star Pavilion.

As for the laughter, it is the old man.

"The Sui's Soviet Ideas of the Pavilion?" The sky is a bitter, and the sound is sinking. "When did you come?"

"I have already arrived very early, just the unique grooming means of the Star Court, you have never discovered it." The old black robe laughed.

"Premanence, I have seen the Tiantu World." Jingshen is a slightly speaking.

Although he is a small Pavilion of the Point Pavilion, he faces the Lord of the world, but it is still a very strong Scene, he naturally has a bit awe.

"Do you have a small guy of the star Court?" The main color of the sky is indifferent. "What do you do this?"

"I don't think about it, we also stared at the sword very early, and you will be earlier than the Tiandu Lord, like this Sword, the news in the fire cloud fort, and I told you. That Su Lao smiled and said.

"Is your news?" The main eyebrows of the sky.

He knew that the sword was unparalleled to kill the song, and immediately killed the dragon and phoenix.

However, he did not know that the sword was unparalleled, but someone told him that the sword was in the fire cloud fort, he didn't wait near Fire cloud, waiting for the appearance of the sword, He also got the sword, but unfortunately let him escape.

Now he knows, telling him that the news is the person of the star Court.

"It is clear that he also stares on the sword. The result is that I will make me shot. Why, is it to kill people?" The main cold channel of the sky song.

"Don't be misunderstood, we have no way to kill people, just here is the land of Longfeng Court, I don't conveniently shoot at this, and the sword is just a god, but the strength means It is extremely good, I want to kill him, but I haven't been that it is very easy. I have just realized that you have just arrived. "Su Lao Road.

The main gaze of the sky is slightly smoldering.

He has to admit that the sword is unparalleled, and it is indeed difficult.

"A Shenzun, the result actually defeats my hit!"

"And, I will completely show the saints of the saints, if you want to kill him, the palm is indeed a completely crushing him, but after the crushing, he is just a somewhere, but there is no Some injuries, this means ... "

The sword is not as good as him, this is no doubt.

But after a fight, even if you didn't choose to escape, the Skywander is still not fully killing the sword.

"Su Yao, you point the star Court, what does it mean?" The Tianqu Dynasty looked over.

"It's very simple, single by me, or one of the monarchs, you want to kill the sword, I am afraid it is very difficult, if so, why not join hands?" Su Lao said.

"Teach your hands?" The main spirit of the sky is coming.

"The Sky, you have to kill the sword, don't want to revenge for your son, I'm trying to kill him, and I have something in his hand, there is no contradiction in our motivation, You can join hands. "Su Lao Road.

"You are right, I just want to die, as for the treasure on him, I am not interested, since it is the case, we can independently join hands, but the sword is good, especially his field means, I can have a great restriction on me. He just said that it is easy to escape from me in this field. Although you are not dead, if you can't limit his field means, it is difficult to kill it. He. "The main road of the sky.

"This is the fact, but it is not a big problem." Su Lao smiled.

"Don't forget, I documented the star, the first chamber of the Jinwujin, there are not many things, but the treasures owned are the most powerful, like the treasures of the domain, I point. There are also many in the Star Pavilion, even though I don't have it in my own hands, but I can find someone to send a field of holy treasure. "

"When I personally manipulate a field of holy treasure, I will definitely easily crush the field of this sword. After all, however, he is just a gods, and there is a hierarchical holy treasure. In his strength, he can't play too strong power. "

"As long as he is restricted by his field, he will become a shackle of , when you want to kill him, you will be more relaxed."

"Yes." The main eyes of the sky are bright.

"Yes, in order to prevent it, I also invited another helper." Su Lao suddenly opened.

"Who?" The Skywang Lord came over.

"Don't worry, you will know right away." Su Lao smiled.

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