Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2883 is coming out!

(The first to come!)


Several people in the sky are waiting quietly outside the city.

This is five years.

Five years later, the sword is unparalleled, finally came out from the room.

After this time, his realm is willing to achieve the level of higher gods from the beginning of the world, and a strength has skyrocketed.

And in the closed door, the sword is unparalleled in the bottleneck on the sword, and some loose is also produced.

"Now, I feel that half the feet have already entered the second important level of the sword, and the middle is intermittent. It is estimated that it is just a heavy window paper." The sword will be muffy.

The world of the sword, the sword is just the first realm.

After the world of the sword, it is a sword tree.

This level is already the hierarchy of the unmanned saints.

But now the sword is unparalleled, it has already been sensed, and the interval is just a window paper.

And to smash this window paper, but it is some external forces, this external force is a battle! !

"I now, I really need a hearty war, let me complete the understanding of my own swords, so I have the opportunity to truly break through this bottleneck." The sword is unparalleled.

Now he, desire!

And the opponents of the war, the stronger strength, the lucky to give him huge stress, and even threatened him.

And such a war, his face is just a game.

"Although I have been closed in this city, I can't care about this time. I will not care about this time. In these five years, he is afraid that I have been waiting for me outside the city. As long as I Out, he immediately shoted, and he failed to find another helper. "The sword is unparalleled, but it has a touch of excitement.

The Sky, a genuine, a genuine, and a very strong in the unmanned saints.

Last time, the sword was unparalleled, so I rely on my own area to escape.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but very eager to be able to face the main battle with this day.

"The Sky, I hope you don't let me down this time!"

The sword flashed in a double eye, and he immediately walked directly to the city.

Above the voids outside the city.

"That Sword, has already passed, and the front of the city is coming." Su Lao Road.

"Finally, is it?" The Sky, the Tianxifei Palace owner is a happy.

"Tianquan Palace owner, can your prohibition are ready?" Asked the sky.

"Reassured, I am ready to be premature." Tianquan Palace was laughing.

"This is good, there is your ban, plus the domain treasure of Su Yang, this time, the sword has a wink to escape." The Tiantu world flashed.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, has left the city, separated from the coverage of the French market.

He came out and waited for the Skyworth, and immediately pericamed.

"Do it!" The main low of the sky song.

Next to the Tianxifei Palace is still a gentle smile, but his palm is a turbple, a strange black bead is thrown directly, and it is incorporated into the void, Time ...! !

A huge black ban is rising from air, this ban is extremely huge, and the power is also extremely good, and there is an instant to cover the world.

The sword is unparalleled just from the city, and it is not allowed to be covered by this heavy black ban.

"Even the ban is ready?" The sword didn't have a double look, but there was a smile, his body has paused.

"The Sky, come out." The sword is unparalleled with the sound of the sky.

His voice has just fallen, hidden in the surrounding void, and appears in front of the sword.

The main color of the sky is cold, the body is suffocating, staring at the sword and unparalleled, "Kid, we met, see your appearance, it seems to know that this seat will take this house outside this city?"

"Of course." The sword is not a hyper point. "I don't act in this city city, I am not easy to find if you can find it."

"Hey, I know that this seat is going to shoot you, you still dare to come out from the fortune city, great courage!" The main low of the sky.

"The Sky, there is not much to say nonsense, what do you have to take it out, I hope this time you have done a full preparation, or you can only look at me like last time. Go. "The sword is unparalleled smile," If I have not guess wrong, this time you should also ask other helper, let them come out. "

"You are smart." The main voice of the sky is cold.

At this time, the two portions have also galloped from the distant voids, and there is an appearance of the main land of the sky.

Similarly, two strong temperaments that only have a sacred people, and they are directly in the sword.

"Come and come to two unscrupulous people?" The sword didn't have a double-faced, and immediately saw the two.

"You're ..." The sword is unparalleled first. It is the middle-aged man who is wearing a purple robe.

He didn't know this middle-aged man.

"You, is a sword?" This middle-aged man is in the sword without a double overlooking, although the eyes are sorrow, but the face is still a gentle smile, "I am the Sky Palace owner!"

"Tianyong Palace owner !!" The sword has no double one, and the spin is also.

In the Nine Dynasty people in Jinwu, except for the Skywander owner, it is most likely that there is reason to kill him, and it is estimated that there is only this Tianxifei master.

The Tianxu Palace is in the face of the Danyang, the result is that he has twisted the Qiankun.

And now because of his existence, Tianyong Palace owners have no way to take Danyang's borders, but if he is dead, then don't say that the Danyang's internal estimation will be completely chaotic. Again, you can have a lot of yourself.

Following, the sword is unparalleled, and the people have seen the past.

The man, the sword is unparalpired, it is the black tall that follows the Shaofe Pavilion of the Star Pavilion.

"The person who point the star Court?" The sword was not a feet.

Tianyu Palace mainly shot him, he can understand, but the point of the star cabinet ... sword is unparalleled, you don't have to sin.

He did not have any interest in the presence of any benefits before, and the only saying, it may be because of the relationship between the frost, but this is not to let the saints personally shot to deal with him.

Therefore, the emergence of this black robe, there are few more and more surprised swords.

Eating surprises, but the sword is unparalleled, but there is still no big fear.

"Oh, in order to kill me in a district, I have made three major unsatisfactory saints, I can really see me." The sword is unparalleled.

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