Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2891 Spike

(The first to come!)


The expression of the sky, the old Soviet, is also very good.

The shape of the sword has appeared in front of the main land of the sky, then he sword.

There is no shocking swordsmanship, the sword is unparalleled just a sword, which is just a waved, quite horizontal.

When the blood peak sword waves, in the world of the sword in his body, there are three thousand three hundred feet high, and the strong sword, the power, the power, the only sword, the sword in the sword, can also be unscrupulous. Outbreak open.


This sword is supreme.

The moment that swept opened, so that these three unstead of sacred people changed.

Subsequently, a pound of sword is born.

This sword is light, it is extremely horizontal, it is extremely huge.

Covering the sky, shrouded half a void.

~~~ The sound from strong extrusion is also constantly sounding between the heavens and the world.

When this moment of magnificent swords, the top of the sky, Su Yao, the three people of Tianquan Palace were stunned.

"This sword ..." The monk is dead to this pound of swords, because this pound of sword is in front of him.

"How can it be, strong?" Su Yuri is a slogan.

At the beginning, they wanted to shot, helping the Skywander Lord to resist this sword, and the sword is really obeying, he is completely obeyed.

There is only the owner of the sky, the strength of the strength reaches its strength.

Bang! !

I saw a lot of black power, don't live, unhappy, outstanding.

The main color of the sky is red, and it is a madness that is unprecedented. The endless black power is again condensed into a huge black alien.

"Blocking, be sure to block !!" The main heart of the sky is crazy.

The majestic sword is swept.

In an instant, it is destroyed, the black alien is directly annihilated, and then this huge scorpion is to flood the entire body of the Sky song.

The Tiantong Dynasty is unable to send a tragic scream, which has been shredded by the power of the power in this sword.

And the sword light was annihilated after the Sky, and it was still a long time, and he was completely dissipated.

"Dead, dead?"

Su Gao, the two people of Tianquan Palace are all looking up.

The mainland of the sky is the strongest sacred person in the three people.

But now, this strongest Tianquity is in front of the sword, just a sword, is it directly spiked?

What strength is this?

At the same time, when he fell into the shock, the sword was not seen in the two people again.

I was aware of the sword where the sword was unsatisfactory, the two in the Jinwuji Territory Hehe's unstead, actually scared the soul.


There is no one to hesitate, Su Yao, the two people in the palace are turned to escape.

And in the moment of escaping, he had burst out his fastest speed, and he wanted to escape the sword unparalleled look.

And see this scene, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is killing.

At the same time, the two unscrupulous saints fled, this two unstead of sacred people were in his two directions. Now they are scattered, and he can only leave one person. This person, he immediately locked it immediately.

It is the Soviet Unique.

The reason why it will lock him, not doing anything, just because this Sui is not any reason, he will shoot him.

Like the Tiantu Dynasty with the Tianxifei Palace, it is necessary to kill him, all the reasons, the sword is unparalleled, so the killing is actually not too big.

But this Sui is ... He is not enemies with the Star Pavilion, which is inexplicable to kill him, which makes the sword are not angry.

As for the killing of him, whether it was a sin, he was too lazy.

What's more, Su Jiasi is more close to him.

The sword is unparalleled, I saw him, and the horrible swords suddenly broke up. With that there was always the area of ​​the peripheral void, crazy, the Soviet strange, and the sword was unparalleled. Down to the direction of the Soviet margin, far away!

One designated tactics!

This trick, because the feelings of swords have no difference in time and space, there is no difference in the relationship between the unstead of sacred people, and the impact on the unscrupulous saints will not be too big, but the impact is not big, and it can be slightly hidden to the old.

Take this hindrance, the sword is unparalleled.

" !

The same sword is coming.

It is still the same, it is still the earth.

This sword is blocked by the sky, and the Soviet monster will be overwood.

"Do not!!"

Su Yao wants to crack, desperately to show his strongest means to block the sword.

Why, broke through the swordsmanship of the second heavy sword tree in the sword, there is too much to improve the prior to the prior to the previous, and the sword will be resistant to the world, and this Soviet is certainly unable to resist it. .

The only thing he can expect is that he still wears a holy hierarchy of nails.

Although this body warfare is not too strong, it is just a common level, but it is also his life-saving means.

However, when the sword is really falling, it is ~~~ This holy layer of the nursing armor is in the center of the armor, and there is only a crack directly, and the whole armor is almost collapsed.

"How is this?" Su Lao is full of incredible.

Subsequently, his life was immediately broken.


The void is central, everything is calm.

The entire void is only a sword where the sword is still standing there. As for the three not dead saints, the monk of the sky has been killed by him, and the body is annihilated. .

The sword is unparalleled, and the things left behind the sky, Su Lao blame after the death of the things, then he stood there, but he was a bright spot.

"Three thousand three hundred feet high-income swords, really did not let me down, actually let my swordsman power improved so much, and can guide the unsatisfactory swords, this day song The old man is also the old man, and it is also unstead of sacred people, and the strength is extremely strong, but in front of me, I can't pick up a sword. "The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also excited.

Before the start of this war, he wanted to follow this war. As for the breakthrough, his strength can achieve, but he didn't think more, but now ... he didn't think of him, he Breakthrough, the strength will increase so much.

I deeply sued the tone, the sword didn't have a double eyed ring, and I saw that there was no number of dense linea in the city.

It's a smile, and then the sword is unparalleled.

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