Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2893, the sky is surprised (below)

(The third is over!)


The deepest place in Fire cloud, the huge volcanic space.

Bi Yan respects to stand there, and in front of it, Mo Tao is positively gathering to look at a mirror screen.

This mirror screen is the scene of the prior sword unparalleled and three unstead of sacred people.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, all are clear.

"Haha, powerful, powerful !!"

When Mo Tao read this mirror screen, it was laughing directly.

"A Shenzun, in the face of the siege of the three unsathered saints, even killed two, scared one, this sword is really can't afford it." Mo Tao is full of concentrated light.

He is also a powerful unstead of sacred, but its combat power is equivalent to the Tiantu world.

In the stage behind the mirror screen, the sword is unparalleled to be a sword, and it will kill the drama, which makes him also shocked.

He is so, let alone That Bi Yan.

That Bi Yan also saw this mirror picture, but it was a horror on the way.

He is now finally understood, why the sword is unparalleled to directly call his teacher as Mo Dao.

"The sword is a small number of talents, the strength means is deeply unspeakable, the sword is in his hand, it is not buried." Mo Tao smiled, but immediately gave the sword unparalleled message, to him, congratulate him Zhen Jinwu nine.

The sword is not passionate.


Danyang Sorghum, Red Rockburg.

Before a huge secret room, many of the Malaysia of Red Rock came from respectfully.

At this time, the door of the secret room was slowly opened.

"Is it come out?" Yunshan immediately looked up in front of it.

I saw the dense room, and a beautiful figure slowly came out. As this figure appeared, there was a shammint for all people who were present, and the breath was spread.

This breath is the breath of the people who don't die! !

It is a breath of the Red Rock Fort, Yin Suer.

"Congratulations to the owner to break through the holy people!"

"Congratulations to the owner to break through the holy people!"

The sound is loud, and the echoation is ringing throughout the world.

You can see that these big gods are excited.

This is also normal, Danyang Shengjie, since the red stone saints fall after hundreds of thousands of years ago, no longer have the second unexpected sacred person, these years, the Danyang Shengjie is constantly, the strength is in short weakened It is because the lack of one absolute, the existence of the power of the parties that the parties will be discounted.

Nowadays, the Danyang Shengjie has recreated the order of Red Rock, in this way, Yin Suer broke through and became a non-dead saint, it was said that the name was smooth, and the Danyang is in the past, and there is no dead saints personally take the town.

"Fort Lord!"

Yunshan, the main palace of the Miyou, and the people and others will come over to Yin Su.

After breaking through the unmanned saints, Yin Suer is also quite information, "Uncle Yunshan, during the time, Danyang Shengjie has any changes?"

"No." Yunshan shook his head, "Danying the Shengjie in Danyang, there was no movement of the virtual world. As for the Sword of the Joint, because of the constraints of the Sword, it is still quiet."

"This is good." Yin Suier nodded.

"For the owner of the fort, just before, there is a big event in the dragon and holy city." Yunshan suddenly.

"What big thing?" Yin Suer came over.

"This is this ..." Yunshan said that it is about to say it.

After listening, Yin Suer is like a sculpture, thoroughly being there.

She is sluggish, and she is slow to go back.

"You are a sword. He faces the siege of the three unsathered saints, but the Soviet Union is killed by the Soviet Union, and he will retreat to himself?" Yin Suer is obviously unable Believe.

"Yes, not only that, now he is a big amazing in Jinwu 9th, and even some people say that he is Jinculan, except for the supreme bones, the strongest person, is also in Jinwu Jiujie. A God of God. "Yunshan Road.

"No wonder, no wonder, he doesn't care about Santa Dan ..." Yin Suer's face has risen, "I thought I broke through the unmanned people, I finally reopened him, and I can talk to him. But I didn't expect it, I have broken the broken, but the gap is still huge. "

"Sword, you are really a monster !!"


Jinwu Jiujie, accounting for nearly half of the bones of the territory.

This is a vast land, the most central in this land, stands a stunning castle.

This castle is not huge, the surface also surrounds a lot of cyan power.

And within the castle, the border is bus.

A large number of Sensen white bones, people's heads, bones scattered in the end, in the center of the castle, there is a huge high platform that is completely covered by skeleton, and there is a throne that is also cast by white bones.

On the throne, a bone is thin, the body is not quite a small old man sitting there.

This old man does not help but help, but the wind blows his body's bones, it will be distributed. The breath of his body is also ordinary, and there is no difference with ordinary people, but this is the old man who is weak, but it is Jinculan. Deviring emperor.

He, is an iliarrush! !

At this moment, the void in front of this bones, and there is also a vice a pair of war.

Looking at the scenes in the picture, this bone is placed, but it is a smile of a contest.

Especially in the picture, when the sword has no double one sword killed the scene of the day, this bone is slowly slow.

"This sword, simple arms, even if you compare with me, the difference is not too much, there is a god of the district, and he can have such a power, and he still has no death ... Hey, interest, too Interesting. "The evil spirits smiled, but the bottom has been coming.

He is not a double interested in swords.

"I called the Jinchenwu Jiujie for many years, I haven't encountered so interesting things for a long time. This is called the sword. Although the current power may not be more than me, you can have his talent, in the future, it will reach the people, I am afraid it is a nail, and once he breaks through, his combat power is compared with me, I am afraid that it is strong enough, such a person, I want to meet him with him. "

"Go, find him, ask him to come to my bones, just say something, I want to talk about it." The Old Demon said.

There is no one in front of this bones, saying that his words seem to be said to the air.

At the end of the castle, a figure has been set up immediately.

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