Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2896 Borrow



"Alliance him, actually kill an unstead of sacred people?"

The many strong people of the swords have set off a huge waves.

After a short shock, they began to sink.

They are hesitating, do you want to follow the sword without double to the sky.

It is clear that the sky is more vast times than Danyang, and the platform is also bigger. The swords around you can directly control everything, and every cultivator of the Swords has a great benefit. But like that, They have to leave Danyang Shengjie ...

Everyone is hesitating.

The sword is unparalleled, but he is waiting for them to make a decision. He glanced at Xiao Tiexin next to him. "Heart, I have heard it. The next thing is handed over."

"Yes." Xiao Tiexin respectfully headed his head.

The sword has no double shape, it has disappeared in the main hall.

Going out of the sword, the sword is unparalleled and immediately went to the Red Rockburg.

In the Red Rockburg, the sword has seen Yin Su, who has already broken through the saints.

"Yinbao main, congratulations, finally breakthroughs to reach the saints." The sword is unparalleled.

"I can have today, the Qiqi Jian is your blessing, this big grace, Suer is grateful." Yin Suzhen worked.

She is talking about the fact.

She can break through, most important because of two reasons.

First, it is the crisis of the Red Rockburg has been released. The situation has been resolved, and her heart is completely eliminated.

Second, it is the relationship between Tong Sheng Dan.

And the crisis of the Red Rockburg, all by the sword is unparalleled to help, the Tong Sheng Dan is a sword without pairs directly to her.

"It's a sword, you, I heard that you are in the Holy City of Longfeng, and you will resist the three major unscrupulous saints. It is also the same as the two people, why, what is the wind, and its means, I am admirable. "Yin Suer sighed.

"Okay, if these guests are, they will not say." The sword is unparalleled, "I came today, just for a matter."

Yin Suer immediately saw the past.

"The Song Dynasty is already dead. There is no death in the city, and now I have already become a pot of porridge. I intend to bring the obstacle of the sky before the corpse of the corpse, then completely transferred the swords. The sword has no double.

"Sweeping the sky?" Yin Suer was shocked.

The sky, that is, one side, more than the Danyang, the border.

Directly want to sweep the top of the Shengshengjie, what domineering is it.

However, Yin Suier also knows that the current sword is unparalleled, and this is true.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, with your current strength, to sweep the sky, but you have to transfer the swords all over the past, I am afraid it is not so easy." Yin Suer said.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Sword, Mr. Jian, after all, is a big power, the family is big, the cultivator under the single, you have to transfer the swords from the sword, the number of cultivars that must be very much, and so many cultivation If you travel directly to the sky through the space channel, the cost of spend is too big, even if you are a sword, you don't want to withstand such a huge price. "Yin Suer.

The sword is unparalleled, nodded secretly.

Indeed, from a domain to another domain, the cost of spend is great.

Single dozens of hundreds of cultivators are still good, then the price of swords are not in the heart, but so big one of the swords, one shift to have tens of thousands of cultivators, if it is to drag the house, quantity More.

The cost of transmitting, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is not easy.

"If it is unable to use space channel to transfer, it can only rush from the Danyang Holy Trinity by his own feet, but between the Danyang Shengjie and the Tiantu Dynasty, it has also accepted two geodes. The two interfaces are the Tianxian world and the dragon, the Swordsman wants to go to the sky, and they have to pass through these two domains, that is, the sword, you must go to these two domains. Borrow. "

"In these two domains, the dragon gods are still good, the dragon god is the Lord, the old dragon god has had a good interest in the father, these years, the reason why it has not been able to start with my Danyang Shengjie. , Because there is a dragon necronomance next to the tiger, giving the Tianxian world enough to shock, the old dragon God, as long as I go to the news, or the sword, you personally go to visit, the old dragon God will definitely If you promise to borrow, but the key is that Tianxin ... "Yin Suer said.

"Tianxiajie?" The sword is unhealthy angle, "as long as the old dragon god promised to borrow, as for this day, I personally went to it."

Yin Suier's brow, I already know what the sword is unparalleled.

When the sword is unparalleled, there is no more stay in Danyang, but immediately took the body of the corpse army.


The sky is respected by the Tianxifei Palace.

The Tianyu Palace is the core of the Tianxian world, is above a huge and wonderful island.

This island, the hen, the mingling, Xia Guang is all over the ground, it is called human fairyland.

For the parties of the Tianxian world, countless cultivators, this island is also a holy place that everyone is yearning.

The owner of the island, the Tianxifei palace master, in the true world, has already been completely myth.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it has come to the top of the island.

The ban on the island overlooks the island in the island, but the sword has a smile of the sword.

"That Tian Xi Palace is the master, it is really understandable, the day he created is a virtue, but it is really a good place."

I murmured, and then the sword didn't drink low.

"Tianyu Palace owner, roll out !!"

"Roll out!" "Rollaway!" "Roller out !!"

Most, like thunderous sounds, the constant echoing echoating in the whole day.

The calm palace is broken immediately.

Time, countless figure is flusted from the island.

At the same time, there is still a very angry voice.

"Who, dare to let go of my treasure !!"

"Who dares to pay attention to the palace?"

"I dare to let the palace master roll out, so biliary!"

These rumors are all many strong people in the Tianxi Palace. They rush to anger, when they appear in the void, I saw the sword where the island is unparalleled, the breath is only the breath only It's just a gods, these strong anger is even more.

"There is a sacred area in the district, and I dare to call in front of my Tianhuang Palace, and I really want to die !!"

"kill him!!"

Immediately there is a strong man in Tianyong Palace, and want to kill the sword unparalleled on the spot.

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