(Today's three is more!)


Looking at the ancient scrolls taken out of the bones, the sword is unbentered.

This ancient scroll, he is too familiar, because such a reel has two feet in his Qiankun.

There is no doubt that the bones are taken out, and it is also a sealing and sky.

"Third !!"

The sword is unparalleled immediately.

This is also normal, as the said, the sealing film has a lot of benefits, the greater the benefits.

During this time, he raised such a reason for the Sword, which is so fast, in addition to his own talented high, the most important thing is that he has two auxiliary, these two sealing scrolls. Give him a great help.

Both are the case, and the third ... rumor is a three-way seal and sky paintings, but it is enough to get a good opportunity.

For this opportunity, the sword is also full of expectation and curiosity.

Now, this third seal field appears in front of him.

Although the heart is surprised, it can be keenly in the face of swords.

"I didn't expect that the bones of the bones did also have a sea-day picture." The sword has no double.

"How, is it very moving?" Old Di smiled and said: "This is the same, if you want, it is actually given to you."

"As you said, the more you said, the more the benefits of the sky, the greater the benefits, these years I have got a lot of benefits, now I have the opportunity to get the second Of course, certain can't be missed, but I don't know if the bone emperor is conditional? "The sword has no double.

He knows that will never have a sealed map to him without any reason, and it must be conditions and cost.

He is curious to just ask this .

"This seal can not use it for this seat. Since you need it, this seat can now give you, as for conditions, this seat does have one, but this condition is just a hand of hand." Old emperor said.

"Talk about it." The sword didn't have a pair of bones.

"Sword, have you heard of the ?" Old Didu directly said.

The sword has no double shape.

He has heard that he has heard of the sky. Of course he heard.

It is also through the red stone saint, let him know the presence of this terrorist force.

And when the red stone saints also gave him a clear order.

Now, this bones are in his face, and mentioned the annual translation ...

"Look at your look, you should also know, and if you don't accident, it should also tell you the red stone saints?" Old Emperor looked over.

"You know how you know it again?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, this seat knows that there is no single day map roll in the red stone hand, and he has won a clear order under the chance, because he once took this to the sky to come to me. He wants to dedicate this to me, then in the hands of this seat in the hands of what he needs, but unfortunately, this seat has not promised. "Old Emperor said.

"Why, is it too high of the red stone saint, or said that the bone emperor is not interested in ?" The sword was unparalleled.

The is a giant, although the conditions added are incomparable, once the benefits of adding are absolutely a lot.

In the god community, many powerful powerful people are eager to enter the , about this bones, the strength is so powerful, if it can get a clear order, you can try to enter the .

After hearing the sword is unparalleled, the bones are a smile. "Not too high of the red stone saint, nor is it that this seat is not interested in the Ansimagle, but because of the red stone saints When I gave me, I have already been a prefecture-level member in the Jade. "

"What?" The sword was shocked, but he was a matter of time.

No wonder, no wonder the bones will refuse the red stone saints. It turns out that he is a member of the .

Since I have already joined the , what do he still need?

"The Tianzheng is indeed a deep force, it is strong, far beyond the imagination of the general strong, even if this is the present, it is just a star half of the , but one thing, That is to join the Ansimousi, this is indeed great advantage, and even this seat can be perfectly controlled, and touched the level of today, and he can't get a dry system with the ! "

The sword has no double eyes.

For the mysterious mystery, but a strong and very incomparable, he also has some yearning.

"The sword, the red stone, should it be in your hand?" I asked the bones.

"It is in my hand." The sword is unparalleled. "

The bones smiled slightly, "some of the things of the , the red stone saints should have told you, and your talent is very high, the key is the terrible ability, and there is a clear day in hand If you want to join the Tianzhi, it should be light and easy, and the assessment of the should be difficult to stay. "

"Maybe." The sword is unparalleled.

He listened to the red stone saint, and the minimum requirement is God.

And it is also very strong, it has become the top invincible God.

In other words, the invincible God is just a qualification to accept the assessment, but can it be a member of the , but it has two words.

But in his strength, if you accept the assessment of the invincible Shenzun, the breakthrough is at least 90%.

After all, he can kill the saints in front of it!

This is the god of the sky, if it is not possible to pass the assessment, who can pass?

"Sword, this is wondering, will you use that day in the future to participate in the assessment of ?" Ji Di asked.

"Will!" The sword nodded directly, and the interception of the cross, then he looked at the Emperor, "The Oil Emperor, your condition, is it related to ?"

"Yes." I nodded, and there was a smile on my face. "The conditions of this seat are actually very simple, that is, when you accept the assessment, you have to admit that you will be referred to as a heaven."

"Is it simple?" The sword has no double.

Just just admitted by the osteology, this is it?

The conditions of the bones are too simple to be too simple.

"The Oil Emperor, it is difficult for you to be a member of the Jade member, which refers to a new member, will it be rewarded or reward?" The sword didn't have a double question.


PS: Sorry, today is three more.

I owe a bigger today, I will pay more than two days! !

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