(The first to come!)


"You can't, you can't let the cream go too much to forget the Valley." The sword is unparalleled.

He has been looking for too long too long, and the last generation of 100,000 years.

It is not easy to see it in this world, and the sword is unparalleled, and the frost will be left again from him.

What's more, once you go to a place, you have to abandon all emotions and forget everything in the past ...

Deep sucking tone, swords unparalleled inner heart have decided, his faces become deciduous.


His body is already unparalleled, at this moment, it has risen again.

The dragon and phoenix strengthenings around him saw this, and the look also immediately gained.

"Sword, what do you want to do?" The piano, who was suppressed in the blood peak sword, and she was able to feel the emotional fluctuation of the sword.

"What to do? Do you say?" The sword was cold.

Next moment ... Boom! !

The sword is unparalleled.

It is like a stream of magic, carrying an earth-shattering power, and flip directly towards the manor living in the frost.

He moved, the people around him were instant.

"Block him!" The dragon star issued a burst.

In an instant, Longfeng Pavilion included Dragon Star I didn't move in the four-in-one, the four people who were not dead.


Chu Yong is cold, he is with another unmanned saints to join hands, and the two breaths are in front of the sword.


Chu Yong is still waving the red long gun, the green gun is filled with the flames, leaving a huge flame passage in the void, and the fierce appears in front of the sword.

The unmanned saints who stand together are waving huge fists. His fist is like a giant mountain, with hundreds of kilograms of power, and a punch is as if it is going to be exploded.

These two people are directly blocked in front of the sword, while the dragon star and another unstead of sacred people have no double attack.

The sword is unparalleled, and in the moment of these unscrupulous saints, he immediately has a great blood color river, with a dark golden ray.

This bloody river is surging, the power is iv, and the time covers the entire void.

Jiuyu blood river, starry field, punishment, sword unparalleled field means have been played.

Under this field, even the power of the unscrupulous saints of Longxing, all have been suppressed immediately, and one of the strengths is suppressed nearly two%.

Then the sword is unparalleled.

His blood peak sword directly appeared in front, connecting two swords.

clang! clang!

Chu Yong's long gun, as well as the unmanned saints like a hills of mountains, they have been directly shocked.

As for the two people who attacked, the swords were unbeatable, and they also handed with them.

His sword light is strong, easily to resist the offensive of these people, but his own body is also blocked by these four unsteads.

"Sword, in my dragon, you can't let you go!" The dragon star is cold, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger.

At the side of Chu Yizong, the three unstead of sacred people, and the Tiger is staring at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in Jinwu Jiujie, after all, after all in the siege of the three unsathered people, kill two of them, one on them, even the strongest dragon star is not an opponent, but now They are a four-in-one unstead of sacred people, and they are still in the dragon and phoenixes, they have confident that they can take the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't speak. He can immediately hit the sword in the sword in this moment.

That unsuccessful sword, strong.

The priest is now the understanding of the swords, and there is also a second-realistic sword sword tree, and it is still three thousand three hundred feet high-quality swords. This is a lot of swords, and it will lead to one percent. .

! ! !

One is too high, and the superficial sword is suddenly burst.

The sword is strong, in the outbreak of the moment, it has already attracted heaven and earth.

The four unexpected saints surrounded by the sword, and the color of this sword is all changing.

"Good strong sword !!"

"When this sword is like a man and others, I have made the same swords, and this sword should be derived from the stern sword in his hand !!"

"The sip of the sword, no accident, it should be that Mo is the next time to use the holy tree refining, and the swordsman who triggered the sky."

"Everything is careful, don't hear him."

These four unstead of sacred people are solemn.

There is no sword to sweep, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unimpeded to show the power of swordsmanship.


The sword is unparalleled again.

He one-handed, the blood peak sword rosted over a perfect radians in the void, and the time of the time, swordscent swords were directly discharged.

This sword is huge, and it is incomparable.

The most important thing is the power of the swords and light, and the power of the power will be too terrible.

Dragon Star, Chu Yong four people saw this sword light, couldn't help but twitch.

"I shot together !!" Dragon star issued a low drink.

These four unscrupulous saints are immediately shot.

He is from Longfeng Pavilion, and it is very tacit understanding with each other. Although the four people shot, but the power can be a very perfect combination.

boom! !

A big ring, shocking!

Result ...

"huh huh huh huh!"

At the same time, the four sullen sorrows, the four unstead of the Dragon Feng Court actually went out by the sword light horrible.

Two of them have weaker, and the faces are pale, which is obviously a little injury in this anti-earthquake force.

"I won four big and dead saints, I can't resist their front, this sword is light, it is so strong?" The dragon star was surprised.

He didn't know, when the sword was unparalleled, the sword was guided, and the sword was killed by the Sword, and the show is such a shocking sword.

Now the sword is unparalleled to time and space, the feelings of the two rules of the reincarnation have reached the hierarchy of the people, and the strength has risen again. Such swords light is displayed, and the power is naturally more horrible.

Although Dragon Star is teamed up, the strength of the four people is strong, and the most powerful dragon star is mainly a bit more powerful than the original Tiantu world. This kind of strength will join hands, the current sword Unparalleled, you can also defeat your front!

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