Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2918 kills him!



clang! clang! clang!

The blood peak sword and the purple monsters were once again hit three times. The monster shot was unparalleled by the sword.

"Shen Zun can block my shot on the front, you are the first." Ziyi saw the sword unparalleled, flashing a different color, followed! !

Endless guns show, his gods are also crazy, and they will come to the sword.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the tweet sword array consisting of the 18th handles.

~~~ The surroundings turn into a white ice world.

The sword is unparalleled, and the reincarnation of the sword, with its own close, directly to the extreme.

At the same time in the sword unparalleled with this Ziyi, the top eight people have come to the face of cold as frost.

"Coldshos, let us go." Although the voice of the proud woman is indifferent, it is obvious that the eyes of cold as frost are obviously different from others.

After all, they all know the importance of cold as the cream is forgetting the Valley, that is, it is hoping to cultivate to strong art.

The same disciple is too much to forget the Valley, but it is as cold as a cream to go too much, absolutely a thousand people, the status is much higher than those of them.

Cold as frost, I watched the sword where I was caught, I bite my teeth and opened: "I can go with you, but you can't hard him."

"Well?" The cold proud woman is sinking. She solemnly looked at the frost, low Shen said: "I will be too forgetful, I will forget everything in the world, you are boring cold, there is no mixed half of the emotions, it is cultivating I have forgotten the best candidates of the Valley, but now you are a man. "

"You don't ask for a good fortune, you are now in love, then this is the god of the sword, but you will die!"

"Only he is completely dead, no longer appearing in front of you, will not have any impact on you !!"

"What?" Cold as the cream as shocked.

"Autumn Master." The proud woman glanced behind a blue woman.

The blue-haired woman nodded slightly, and she immediately stepped forward, a pair of dark eyes were suddenly sent a blue ray.

This blue ray is beautiful, and once the emergency attracts the attention of cold as frost.

The eyes of cold as soil becomes fluid.

Although she is in the sky, the rules are rigorous, they are easy to drink, but her practice is still short, and now it is only just the level of the peak of the peak, facing the illusion of a unmanned saints. There is no resistance to the resistance, and the blind is in the bline.

After cooling, the cold proud woman once again looked in the direction of the sword.

"There is a gods in the district. It can be able to face the Ziyi Mission. It has also reached a first-order holy level. But unfortunately he uses the feelings, and he is a cold master, such a People, it is impossible to let him enter me too much forgetting the valley, and can only kill. "

"Ziyi brother, don't worry with him, kill him directly!" The proud woman is low.

"Yes." That Ziyi nodded slightly, the spin was in his body, a burst of purple scorpion came out, and his body behind him came with a purple paradise.

The horrible momentum has been made from the purple paradise, which also turned into a purple and became unparalleled.


Ziqi once again shot again, the momentum is more than a double battle with swords before, and there is a lot of time.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled with this Ziyi, even if it is the best to play his own skill, the ability to go back to the sword, the sword world is also perfect, but it is still in absolute down-wind.

Now, the strength of Ziyi has a significant increase in violence, and the sword is unparalleled has formed a rolling potential.

boom! !

A huge roar, the purple pair held the purple gun in his hand, and the long gun has skyrocketed in his hand.

It is clear that it is a long gun, but at this moment, it seems to be a huge stick to hold Ziyi, then the fierce anger.

Instantly heaven and earth.

A mighty purple pharained, lightning is like a sword.

The sword is not double-finished, and the hands are holding the blood peaks at the same time, and the first time has done their best.

Results The blood peak swords have been contacted with the purple phantom, and a horrible force is active.

This power is much stronger than the sword and the unparalleled self-power, it is fully crushed.


The sword is unbolded by the force, and it will fall directly from the bottom.

His figure has not really appeared below the ground, the figure of Ziyi appeared on him, his eyes like electricity, and a glazed radio shot out.

"The demon gun is broken !!" "Ziyi is also sent to drink.

The glazing violet is not hindered by a half-point, and directly impact on the sword unparalleled.

Although there is a biae table with Jiu Yaoxingjia, and the two guards of the golden armor, you can crash in this glamorous purple light. Bay A, although the level is not high, but because of incorporating his perfect sophisticated, he has become tenacious.

This gun did not take his golden armor, and the terrible power contained in the long guns, but directly shredded his body through the golden armor.

Booming ~~~

The sword is unparalleled, the body is now crashed.

"Is it dead?"

Ziyi stationed next to the void, looked at the scene of the sword without a bodhimp, but the look was indifferent.

The strength of the sword is really surprised, but it is surprised to eat, his war is there, and the first-order strength of the district is not his opponent.

But at this time ...


Ziyi brows suddenly wrinkled, because he has seen the void, the sword is unparalleled, the body that has collapsed, has begun to restructuring a large amount of power.

Just blinking, a well-lost sword is unparalleled once again appeared in front of him.

"Don't die?" Ziyi is surprised.

Even the rear of the cold proud woman and others are quite quite weird.

"He is a district of the district, and a force is enough to be a first-order holy, and there is only a true holy party to control the unsatisfied body? This kid, some weird." The cold proud woman sinking, but the eyes Micro shock, "noble, since there are some dry lines with the cold master, then he will die !!"

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