Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2922 awareness



Dragon Fengge, countless strong people, have been completely shocked.

I have forgotten the valley, and the nine people who are not dead are only blinking. Only one sword, one of them, dead on the spot! !

The sword is unparalleled with the horrible sword, and the power of terror, there has been shocking everyone.

"This, this is impossible !!"

The firky voice suddenly sounded.

I sent this voice, and I was too much to forget the nine people who didn't die, the only cold pricing woman.

The cold pricard's own strength is the strongest in nine people, and she is too much to forget the status of the valley, and a long appreciation of a long reward in the valley, just she just relys this. The ambulance of the ancestors, fortunately, fortunately, or she has been killed on the spot.

However, although she survived, her right arm is also cut off directly under the Sword of the Jianhai.

Now she is holding the wound of her right arm, and the body is swept, I want to restore this broken right arm.

No matter what happened, the wound of the right arm does not change, even in the wound, there is still a special force, still eroding her body in madness.

"What is the power !!" "Cold proud woman was shocked.

And the sword is unparalleled is noodles, standing in front of her.

"Take the sky, even the knife can be, the district is not dead in front of the sky, the half point effect is not." The sword is unmainted, "Unfortunately, I just entertained to the requirements of the , Drilling is not deep enough, just barely put this gods, but its power is not enough to play, or ... I am just a god, you can separate the sky. Trick, it is enough to sweep many people who are not dead. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear about the terrible of the tactics.

That is the strongest magical turn of his master.


The sword is unparalleled, and the head is also raised.

In the moment he lifted, he has seen the empty movement of the above voids.

"The heavens will soon will come, can't be worn, I want to take the cream immediately!" The sword is not a double eyed, but the figure is straightforward, I want to get cold like a frost.

But his figure is just ...

"Sword !!"

The screams in a housature are sent from the cold proud women's population. "You kill me too much forget the eight disciples, no matter what you have, there is any background, you must die! No one saved you !!"

This cold pricard's sickness fell, but her hands were suddenly a lot of jade.

That is a gray jade emptiness that exudes special atmosphere.

Jade Jane has just appeared in her hand, and the slap was crushed directly.

In an instant, a thick and old breath broke out from the jade.

Booming ~~~

This breath, strong suffocation.

In the event, there were countless cultivators, and it seems that there is a neck of life in life. It is not until you have never done it.

The sword is unparalleled immediately, and the brow is slightly frowned, and the source of this breath is over.

Here, a hazy figure is slowly formed.

This figure is three meters high, although it can't see her appearance because of the more embarrassing relationship, but she is already a woman.

"Master !!"

Seeing this three-meter high mirror, the cold proud woman immediately cried directly.

Among the championships, one pair sweeping around with a little cold and smashed everything in their eyes.

She didn't pay attention to the cold pricard, but directly smashed the eyes of the sword.

"The pressure of life level? Moreover, good, strong incredible !!" This is not shaken in the heart.

She is distinguished, powerful, and is the most intimate in the god of the gods all year round, that is, the three days of the world, the various blood groups, and even some special life, she has seen a lot.

But she has never seen, and the life level will stron to get the spirit of this.

"The highest life of the life of the life I have ever seen is a special life that has already met the main level of the rules. He is a life formed by a hundred millions of years of Jinshan, and it is too early. A big hegemony of the gods, the life level is warm and swept, even if the top of the genre, the top of the gods, the people, the people, the people. "

"But I feel that the life level of life from this God is compared to the Lord of the rules, but also to be strong ten times !!"

This is incredible.

And in this old shadow, the latter is also playing her.

"Is it confident?" The sword was unilaterally dark.

A cultivator as long as it is willing to easily condense awareness.

However, the district consciousness does not have strength, and it can be different.

Consciousness is that the cultivator must have a certain power. Some people are still very good because of the relationship between cultivation, and they are still very good enough to play the fighting power of the respective and 40%.

Nowadays, this hazard in front of him is obviously a consciousness, and it is a sense of consciousness of a rule! !

"The awareness of the Lord of the Rule is divided, even if there is only two% of the war, I am afraid it is enough to sweep the saints." The sword is unparalleled, facing a rule of consciousness, his There is also a small pressure in my heart.

"Here, what is going on? This person, who?" Xu Xu Xu, the sound, brought a bit hoarse.

"Master, this person is a monster." The cold proud woman said: "I will wait until this dragon Fengge, I want to refresh the teacher to return to the valley, the result is blocked by this person, I first started me, etc. It seemed that he had hindered his cold master, so he wanted to kill him directly, but he didn't expect him to be a god, but the means is very much, and he is too quirky !! "

"There is a gods in his district, but the power is strong, it is comparable to the first order of true God, and he also controls the body of death, this is not single, not only the material attack is invalid, and even the soul attack is not a half-point effect, just autumn Teacher has two consecutive times to attack him, and every time he is completely annihilated, but he can not die, and immediately fix it. "

"Just when I intend to use the treasure, when I directly crack him, he will show an incredible means. When a sword will kill the Ziyi Mission and seven teachers, all, even the disciple, if there is no teacher You have given the premise, must also die, you will die !! "

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