Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2925 of the Lord of the State

(The first to come!)


"The Lord of the Holy Genting is actually coming to the Lord of the State !!"

Even if this is the Lord of this, a rule of the rules, it is completely ignited at this moment.

Before it was the height of the heavens, and now the Lord of the Holy Genting, the strongest existence of the gods, even in person.

"No, then, however, it is also outside the three days. In the endless territorial domain, the heavens will power will not be too strong here. Although the Lord of the Holy Gentland has, he is far three days, or is still The most core, it is impossible to get here so easy, even if there is a height of the heavens and the will. "

"Then he is now coming, it should be just a sense of consciousness."

She guessed that the white robe's head man's sense is only a sense of consciousness, but it is also aware of the consciousness of her rules. It is much more than the consciousness of her rules.

After walking out of the channel, the white robe is overlooking it.

"It's late, is it fled again?"

White Squares have got a message from the Heavenly will. I know that the sword is unparalleled by people. Although he is somewhat angry, but it is still a laugh, it gives a sense of spring breeze.

At the same time, this white robe is also noted that the existence of the championship, its eyes have also been dressed.

The heart of the shadow is, but it is immediately greeted, "I have forgotten the candle, I have seen the adult."

"How can the people who have forgotten the Valley?" "White Robe is a man.

"This is the case, I have forgotten the Valley. I have a disciple here. I have been able to pick up her." The image of the body.

"What is your disciple, is the woman?" White Robe's head man has seen the past.

"Yes." The body didn't dare to lie.

"This woman is not usually, if this is not guess, the little guy who can't escape before the heavens, and there is a relationship with her." White Robe is flashing with the strange light.

The heart of the shadow is shocked. She can feel this white robe's head man tangled a few points and unsatisfactory, and immediately said: "Adult, this girl is the disciple of I forgot the Valley too much, and forget me forget the Valley is especially important. The most important thing is that I forgot the old Valley of the Valley is very optimistic about her, and even if I have already intended to collect her. "

"Old Valley Lord? The old woman ..." White Square is not angry at the man, but the bottom is dark.

I have forgotten the valley, and it is indeed a big force in the Taijie Shenjie, and it is already compared with the eight parties.

If it is just the case, it is not placed in your heart.

But the old Valley of the Valley is too much, but he has to pay attention to it.

"For, since it is the passage of the old woman, this seat will not be difficult." White Robe is wave.

"Thank you." The shadow is dark.

At this time, the white robot has turned into the body, and there is a horrible breath spread.

The heavenly willfulness in the empty space has not been dissipated. At this moment, this white robe is in the same way, it has been completely united with the heaven will, and in the help of the heaven will, this white robe is started to be arranged. Some special abilities come.

"Does this are going?" I saw this first, but it was.

He is in the arrangement of space channels, and there is also the cooperation of the heavens will. It is difficult for him to open a space channel leading to the triple day, so that his life can come personally? "

The heart is amazed in the heart.

During the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, the many strong people of Long Fengge also looked at the top of the empty space, but no one dared to block.


Here is a gentleman from the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, the Dragon Phoenix City, and even the Jinculan Jiujie has a certain distance.

This void, the original empty.

It's sudden, there is no sign of the appearance there.

This figure, natural is a sword.

He has been in the secret of the rules of the Danyang Shengjie, and he got a special jade simple, and the jade simulation contained transient means.

Transient, that is one of the means to meet the time and space rules to control it.

In the level of the Northern Saints, all that can control the transient, all the top unstead.

And this time he used to use this jade simple, directly transient appeared in this void.

This moment, the sword is not knowing how far, he doesn't know where he will transient, but he just has such a way, there is no way to flee it.

After this void, the snooked ~~~ The breath of the sword is so lost.

Not single sluggish, and it is still very weak.

, that is, the strongest magical power of his master, and the powerful power is strong. Although he is in a very strong power, it is too big to show his burden. Let him have just directly displayed twice.

These two showed that his power, his heart gods were harmed too much too much.

Now, he has indeed caught in a weak stage.

This weakness, since this type of reincarnation, he has suffered for the first time.

But at the moment, the sword is not too much, and there is so much, his look is cold, and his mind is thousands of thoughts.

"I am unscrupulous show the life level of life, and there is two kinds of tactics. It has already attracted the will of the heavens, and the height of the heavens will have completely locked my position. Although because of the time of the mysterious people, help me Get rid of the dilemma, let me get the transient move temporarily escape, but since my location has been exposed, the Tiandao will, the most important thing of the Taijie Shenjie, the top of the three holy, will be immediately rushed come."

"Even if they don't come, the consciousness is definitely coming, and they will definitely try to find me to find my falling, will definitely turn the Jincheng, and even around the territory !!"

"Jin Wu Jiubei, I must not go back, not just like this, I have a close relationship with me in Jinwujiu, you must transfer it immediately !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear that he is now facing the danger.

And not only one of him will face a great risk, and he will even get tired to people around him.

For example, his world of parents! !

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