Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2927 people go to the building

(The third is over!)


"Go !!"

"What happens to be this territory, as well as the surrounding territory, you must find the existence of the kid!"

"Not only one of him, and his loved ones, all those who have a relationship with him, they must grab it, do not hesitate to find him !!"

Although the white robbery is still gentle, it can be cold, it is like a cold cream.

In his ten rules behind him, hundreds of unscrupulous saints were all nodded, and they were looking for the fastest speed with the fastest speed.

In the following void, the matter of the rules of the rules of the Valley, it is very horrible to look at this scene.

"Sure enough, the main native of the sacredness has also caused the Lord of the Ten Rules, and the top 100 strong saints is strong ... The kid's ability, it is too big." This is dark and dark, and she also swayed when her mind is sword unparalleled.

"Only forget the Valley, if the frost is less, or it is more wronged, I will destroy you all the best in the future!"

At first, the body is not put on the heart, but now she doesn't dare to look.

"I hope that the Lord of the Holy State can find and kill the boy. Otherwise I will forget the Valley, I am afraid that I can't stay peace in the future." This is sighing, and her consciousness has begun slowly Dissipate, as for cold as frost ... When she arranged the array of the white robe, she had commanded the proud woman, and she was cold as the cream back.

The next thing, she doesn't want to have, and I don't dare to bother.

The most intimate in the gods, the three days of public arrival, this news formed a storm in a short time, swept the entire golden Ukrainian world.

At first, the strong people in Jinwu are still inexplicably inexplicably, and even a little doubt.

It can be used as a terrible non-dead saint, and even the Lords of the legendary rules began to cross the golden umbuge, those strong people in Jinwu immediately believe it immediately.

Especially when they know, when these strong people are rushing to the sword, they are even more shocking.

I have to know how the sword has repeatedly said that it is just a god.

A Shenzun in the district, there is such a big energy, and it has made the three rules of the three days, and hundreds of unstead of sacred people will be chasing him.

Even from Longfeng Pavilion, the news said that the sword is awkward, and it has violated the heavens, which is not allowed to be the heavens.

In Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, the heavenly willperness will personally fall to the sword, but they are only saved in the end.

This news also made countless people shocked.

In short, the name of the sword has also revived again of Jinwu Jiujie.


Danyang Shengjie, Red Rock Fort!

Dozens of non-dead saints, there are several rules of rules, while appearing in the Red Rockburg.

The strong people in the Red Rock Fort feel this horrible to extremely breath, and it is already scared.

Even if it is the owner of Red Rockburg, Yin Su, who has already achieved the hierarchy of the saints, and it is also a head.

Scorpio, she is also a no-dead, although it is just broken, but the strength is also in that.

It can be ten people in front of you. Even if anyone is only a breath that it is scattered, she feels a feeling that cannot be resistant.

Especially the few people in the forefront, any person's breath is enough to make her completely desperate.

"Are you the landlord of this world?"

These strong people have the forehead, and the white robe's head man suddenly saw Yin Su, but it was flashing a strange light.

Yin Suer has not been able to react, but its eyes have become empty.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Suer has been hurt, and it is completely controlled, and there is no resistance.

"About the sword, tell this seat for everything you know." White Robe is a man ordered.

"Yes." Yin Suier nodded, Xi Xi said that everything you know is carefully.

Including the origin of the sword, with some contact between the Red Rock, the whole.

Yin Suer naturally said the northern martyrdom, and also said that the sword is unparalleled in the Wusha wilderness! !

"Wusha wild area !!"

I learned that the Wusha ruin is a sword where the sword is unparalleled. After the sword is unparalleled, after the loved ones of this world, the white robe head is bright, and then immediately I will immediately.

In the case of three hours, the white robe's head man and others have already arrived at the Sandscape.

It can be reached, but they know that the sword is unparalleled, and it is only received by the three mysterious power soon. Now I don't know where.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled.

"Three people, all in the fashish robe, the face also with a gray mask, this is ... The people of the Ansheng League!" White Front is in the heart.

"Mix !!"

This white robe is obviously a bit of anger, but it is powerless.

, that is the most mysterious, but the most terrible party, its strength means, deeply unspeakable.

And the

But in the triple sky, he did not have much power.

As in this Jinwujin, he did not have some power to involve, so he wanted to adjust the strength, only temporarily in the heavens will, open a space channel, so that the strong people in the three days have come However, you can do it differently.

Regardless of the gear of the gods, no matter which corner, the only is willing, can pick up the number of unscrupulous saints or more than the power of the unsatisfactory time, this is the big place, its The strength is spread all over the world, although these power is relatively scattered, there is not completely concentrated together, but it is still extremely horrible.

"That kid, since it is possible to move the strong people of the Amei to the relative to the person ... with the means of in this way, just transfer his favorite people to some hidden territories, even if it is This is also unable to check, and he himself is also. "White Robe's head men's face has become a little ugly.

If the sword is only one person, he is almost escaping. He still doesn't care. Just determine the probably position of the sword, it can join hands with the heavens, and find the sword without double. come out.

If the sword is unparalleled with the strength of the Arab Express, or simply add it to the , then he wants to find a feeling.

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