Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2934 recognizes



"Blood dynasty, you and I will fight again."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is awkward, and there is a black stream of black stream immediately in front of him.

These black flow beings are a stunned blood of the squad, and the foot is in the eleventh hand!

This eighteen-handed blood god sword appeared, and immediately fused with the fastest speed under the Sword Musou.

! !

The faint light, like the sound of the Sword Swings slowly in this day.

Although this sound is not large, it is very unique, and it is instantly covered the sound of the big border below.

In the void, a new one, only two meters long, but a very wide black sword appeared in the sky.

When the two meters long black god swords appeared in the moment ... Hey ~~~ The world around the world is awkward for a piece of gray.

This gray, it is like caught in the endless snow sea, and it is a white, and the only black in this white is a black god sword in the center of the void.

This black god sword has already become the only focus between the heavens and the world.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled in the word, this is a focus black god sword instant into a lightning, and the direction of the blood of the blood is taken.

The black god sword hole wore the void, it was not close to, but the dramatic broken wind produced by the cave is, but it has made the bloody king discolored.

The blood Dong Wang is not thinking about it, it is already a long sword in an instant.

This handle is like a star river hanging on the horizon, and forks to tear out a passage between the white world.

The void is trembled.

In the blink of an eye, the black god sword collided with the long knife of the bloody king.

The Rotation of the Sword Array Fourth Iron and Snow World, I also broke out this moment.

Booming ~~~

The blood Dong Wang only felt that his arm was slightly marble, and his body immediately fell back. The sword is unparalleled.

boom! boom!

The black god sword is unparalleled, and the blood is taken again.

The sword is unparalleled, and his sword is exported. It is exported to the bloody king.

Under the combination, the blood dynasty is immediately suppressed.

Just a moment ...

"Stop, stop!" Blood Dong Wang hurriedly stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and the movements in the hand have also paid down.

See this, the bloody king is slight, followed by his eyes, but the sword is unparalpled. "A Shenzun, the war is strong, it is simple, sword, nine, my blood East King has very little admire, but I have to admire you today, a gods can fight with me, it is indeed. "

The sword is not a double brow.

He knows that although this blood Dongwang stops, this does not mean that he will win.

Because he saw that this blood Dongwang also had a hand, some of his strong secrets, and some will not have to show it.

If he is going all out, its combat power should also be a general first-order holy.

But obviously, although this blood Dongwang is fighting, it will not be desperately desperately useless without any reason.

"Blood Wang, I am looking for you, there is something to ask." The sword said directly.

He has proved his strength, this bloody king is clearly recognized, the sword is unparalleled, you can directly explain yourself.

"You have to ask, should it be a thing of the ?" The blood Dong Wang saw it in the sword.

"Do you know?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is coming to the sky, but he did not speak with the blood of the blood before he had not.

He only said with the Changqing Trinity, is it a message to him before the elderly?

"I don't know, but I guessed." The blood Dong Wang smiled, "My blood Dong Wang is not very good, the people are not very good, those who come to meet me on weekdays, more or less I am, but with your strength, don't need me to do something for you. Moreover, you are just a god, the gods have such strength, it is a monster, one such monster comes to me, can only It is because of the . "

"Indeed, I am to the sky." The sword is not a double point and also directly admitted. "I just arrived until this inktripe area, I don't know if there is a nest of the sky around this ink stone area, so I ask."

"The nest of the , there is no near this." The bloody king nodded, "This nest is not too far from the Moite field. If you want to go, I can give you a road, but I'm What is the nest of the Allies is not a person who can go in, only the official member of the , or you have a clear order in your hands. "

"Take the order, I have." The sword has taken the same order directly.

Seeing the summary, the blood Dong Wangbi head immediately.

"If you have a summary, this will take it. I can take you directly. I don't know when you plan?" Blood Dong Wang asked.

"Don't be too late, go now." The sword has no double.

"Yes, let's go, just haven't been going to the Jade Nest for a long time. I don't know if there is any task for my task." The bloody king smiled, and the road was directly in front. .

The sword is unparalleled.

On the way, the blood Dong Wang is also unparalleled with the sword.

"Sword, you have a god, the war is so good, according to the name of the name should be very big, but I am so good that the territory around the Martyrdom has never heard of your name. Why is this? "Blood East asked.

"I don't think about it. I am not from the surrounding territory. My hometown is also very far away from this territory. Of course I don't know." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is this?" Blood Dong Wang is, "You have a lot of money, then your strength should be a light, but you still have to be careful, after all, there are everything in the event. The assessment of the is generally very harsh, even some other. "

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

The bloody king is a formal member of the , it is really participating in the Assessment of the Asian League, and he said that the sword is unparalleled.

"Give the swordsman, you will go to the , before you participate in the assessment, someone will ask you, if someone is recommended, when you come ..." The words of the blood did not finish.

The sword is unparalleled. "Blood Dang, I am sorry, I have promised one person in short ago, I will treat him as a refund, and because of this, he will hand over the sky."

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