Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2953 looks down on me?

(The first to come!)


"Haha, you will have three holy, let me come to you."

It seems that some madriary laughs sound in this day.

boom! !

The horrible breath has fallen from the blood of the blood, and the blood of the blood is directly smashed, and there is a blue long knife.

As a broken wind sounded, the cyan long knife was like a cyan thunder, and the fierce swings came out.

"I shot together, kill him!" The boss of the three saints, that is, the cloudless old man sent a good time.

The breath of the three-way necrosis hierarchy was raised.

These three breaths, anything is far less than the bloody king, but they are three people to join hands.

Moreover, the three holy years of the San Holy Year live together, killing together, fighting together, the three-person cooperation has already reached the point of tacit understanding, with the United States, completely not afraid of any top fake.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

I saw a low border against the roar continuously in the void.

Every time I burn, there are violent waves and swept around.

The sword is unparalleled to stand on the edge, watching the battlefield in front, and there is no intention to start to the end.

"Sure enough, when the blood Dong Wang worked hard with me, he also hides a lot of strength. His real combustion is absolutely stronger in the top pseudo-Sanctuary. It has not been close to the general hairdressing, but The San Sheng Sheng strength is also weak. If the three people are scattered, the war is the general unstead of sacred people, but the three people join hands, but they can fight against the blood of the blood. "The sword is unparalleled.

He looks very clear, on the battlefield, the bloody king and the brothers and shadows have been exhausted, but both sides are fighting the flag.

To say the advantage, the blood Dong Wang Juqiang has occupied some advantages, but this is a minor, and that San Holy seems to have an absolute contest.

"Haha, Blood Wang, I admit that you are strong, in this surrounding area, in addition to the big people who have reached the hazard level, I am afraid that no one is your opponent, but unfortunately your strength, Just also have a difference between our three brothers. You want to kill us, it is an idiotic dream. "The cold old man smiled.

The blood of the blood is sinking, but it also secretly shook his head, and it is full of helplessness.

"Indeed, single by me, I still don't have the three brothers, but this time, this time is not only one." The bloody king glanced, but the eyes were the sword, "Tianhou brothers, shot Let me join hands, kill them three. "

The brock is also immediately seen in the swing of the swing, but it has a touch of disdain in it.

At the end of the end, they did not put the sword unparalleled.

The sword is not smiling, and the heart is also secretly sinking. "These three brothers are not weak. If they are positive and killing them, they will take them to kill them. Since this ... do not waste time, directly, and kill three people one by one! "

The sword is unblocked. Zhongxiao is flashing. When it turns into a stream of flow, the blood peak sword has also appeared in his hand.

"There is a gods in the district, but also dare to participate in the fierce battle between the unmanned saints, it is really looking for death!" "San Sheng in the San Sheng, the ranked old bald teenager flashed a contempt, one waved immediately with a pound The power of has gathered a huge fist in front of the front, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, look down on me?"

The sword is not a mouth to the mouth, watching the hidden fist, his sword is too lazy, just just the idea, the invisible sword is uncomfortable in front of him, then bursting out, this sword is destroyed, directly Pull the mash with the fist gathering.

The shape of the sword has not been hindered by a half point, and it has appeared in front of the bald teenager.

"Old three, be careful !!"

"Expand !!"

The cold old man has the brunette and thin men are shocked, because they have seen a beautiful sword light bright.

That sword is beautiful, it is intoxicated.

Speed, it is incredible.


The bald teenager is full of eyes, watching the beautiful Junlun's sword light toward him, but there is no response.


The result of the wonderful Junlun passed along the neck of the teenager, and the entire head of the teenager was directly thrown out.


The sword is unparalleled to show a smile, but it has a shape of the black hair.

" !

The same is a wonderful sword, but this sword actually brings a huge sword net. This sword net seems to open the peerless beast of the blood, want to completely engage the black hair. .

"Old second, fast !!" "The cold old man in the distance issued a drunk.

The brunette is also reacted.

They have three brothers, if they are correct, they are indeed strong, unless they have encountered the hanket, otherwise she has no acclaim.

But if they were directly tawn from it, they were killed one by one, and they were also ordinary unstead of saints.

Now that the bald teenager has been killed on the spot, the three people teamed up, the camps have been broken, and they are left, of course, only fleeing.

"Escape !!" The brunette thin man suddenly broke his fastest speed, and I wanted to take the Jianwang before the scope of the sword network.

However, the palm of the sword is suddenly lifted, and the direction of his direction is far away.

This means, immediately have a vast space and space rule force.

The dark hair is thinner, immediately caught in a stagnation.

This is just that is just the electro-optic stones, almost negligible, but in this time, the sword net has been completely packaged in the brunette, and a large number of swords and light come, black hair is thin. The man is not coming, and the body is directly strangled.

"Do not!!"

Seeing this scene, the cold old man wants to crack, and the eyes become red and crazy.

It's too fast, and the sword is unparalleled.

At first, the three brothers found in the heart of the sword, and the sword was unparalleled. The sword was unparalleled. When I was killing the old three, it was the bald teenager, and then I killed the old two in the Thunder. That is, the brunette is thin man.

This is in the eyes before and after this, but it will not be rescued. It can only look at his two brothers who have been swords with ruthlessness.

"Your two brothers are dead, next, it is you." The sword smiled coldly.

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