Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2958 Positive Guard



The bloody river is surging, the surface of the river is surrounded by a faint dark golden light, and it is instantly full of heavens.

Jiuyu blood river, star Aika, and the prison of punishment, it is already exhibited.

In the sword, there is a unparalleled power, these three areas are crazy to oppress the saints of Naha.

"The domain of holy treasure?" The eyes of the Xinghai saints are released in the eyes, "" There is still this treasure in the hand of God, yes. "

"There is any means, take it out." The Shenghai saints only look at the sword calm.

The sword is not double too lazy to answer, after his war has risen to the peak, he will take his hand.


The shape is like transient.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the Saints of the St. Sea, and he holds the sword, slowly lifting, and then directly.

This, it seems that it seems to be cryed, but it can actually draw the moment, but there is no sword with no swords, and the power of the sword tree in his body has played the ultimate, hero ~~~ A large amount of time and space rules The sword was condensed, and it was condensed out a time and space blade.

There are more than 400 time and space blade, which has been completely integrated with the swords of the Sword.

Time and space rules and swordsmanship, perfect combination!

boom! !

There is a huge wind in the world, a huge sword blade storm, completely covered the void of the Star Sea saints.

"This sword, the power seems to be weak."

The star sea saints looked at this sword blade, but the corner of his mouth has a light smile.

His palm turned, and an old hammer appeared in his hand.

This huge hammer is afraid that it is full of hundreds of millions of pounds, and the surface also surrounds the energy of the light soil yellow. As the star sea saints raised, this hammer is also raised.

The endless earth rules, start conjoining in the hands of the Saints of the St. Sea.

"Heaven and earth !!"

The Star Sea saints drink a low, and the hungry in the hands falls.

Obviously, it was a huge hammer of hundreds of millions of pounds. When this hammer fell at this moment, it seems to be a sharp battle knife, with incredible power, in an instant to open the sword blade storm, then annual The power will be crushing the swords in the sword blade storm.

After the big world, after this hammer, there was a clear and visible crack.

This crack is very obvious.

! !

The sword is not double-shaped, and the rear is taken out, and the retreat is not very distant distance, and it will not be easy to stop.

After stopping the body, he once again looked up at the sacred people in the Xinghai, but it was surprised.

"Good !!"

"This power is too strong !!"

The sword is unbearable.

"Kid, have you only this extent?" The Xinghai saints hold a hue, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey!" The sword didn't have a double and cold, and the idea was instantly communicated with blood swords.

! ! !

A shocking sword, it broke out!

This sword, the power is not too powerful, but it is extremely unparalleled.

This is a high-end, and the swords that carry the willingness.

The sword is swept, and it is all under the sky.

The sword is unparalleled with the blood and sword. Feel the unsophisticated swords in the blood peak sword, the hundreds of millions of people in the world must be undead in this moment, this moment. It is the king of hundreds of millions of swords.

"This sword is ... so strong !!"

The Xinghai saints are not convincing, and the look will slowly become dignified.

There is no sword that has been guided, and the sword is unparalleled in an instant.

"Come again !!"

There is no extra nonsense, and the sword has no double shape.

He directly appeared in front of the saints of the Xinghai, and the blood peak sword in his hand has quietly smoked.

This sword did not show too amazing swordsman, but under the sleeve of the sword, slap ~~~ Sword is easy to tear the void, tearing the air, a pound of sword light is supreme The breath, suddenly the star sea saints swept.

In the face of this sword, it is suddenly a big idea to have a sacred person.

At this moment, he held a hammer, and the bustle of earth-yellow energy was gathered, and the homage of the giant hammer in his hand rose sharply, just like a hill, sudden bombardment.

boom! !

The hammer brushed the void, and the voids seem to have can't bear his power, where the crazy tremor, make a low roar.

In the blink of an eye, the giant hammer and the blood peaks collided again.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double.

He still feels great pressure from the huge hammer.

Even if he is now guiding the unsightlessness, the war has skyrocketed, but the power of the huge hammer seems to have to force him.


The sword is unparalleled and retired behind.

"Kid, you will be strong, in front of this seat, in front of the absolute strength, it is also futile!" Xinghai saints, waving the huge hammer, intend to chase the sword.

The sword has no double shape in the back, but it is one point.

~~~ Endless time and space rules are sweeping.

One designated tactics!

This trick, with the sword unparalleled now on time and space rules, as well as Shen Li's power to make a great role, but in the face of a genuine truth, it is still a first-order peak This trick is inexpensive.

But how is the effect is weak, still letting the St. Sea San Personity slightly.

At the same time, at the same time, a black flowers fierce, and the blink of an eye has formed a darkness of the darkness of two meters.

This dark sword contains no round-back rules, once, and the surrounding world becomes snow.

It is white everywhere, it is completely a big ice world.


The sword is unparalleled, and this paint and black sword suddenly attacked, and the goal refers to the head of the sacred sea.

However, this black god sword has not really appeared in front of the head of the St. Sea, he has been coming from a designated tactics.


A cold snort, the Xinghai saints will focus on the hue.

On the black sword, the hammer immediately flew out, and even the dark sword was crazy, it seems to be a collapse.

"Although the reincarnation of the sword is strong, after all, after all, it is displayed by the sword array. There is no bloody sword with the blood peak sword, and its power will reach the first-order peak holy level. It's still not able to cause too much impact, but don't have to cause too much impact, just use the reincarnation sword array to work with my self-esteem, this star sea is also awkward. "The sword didn't have a double eyed.

His figure was stable, and immediately turned into lightning to explode.

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