Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2962 Tissot Adult

"Look at this, it is indeed mature, Tianhou brothers, go pick it up." Blood Dong Wangdao.

"Well." The sword was not a hyphenotype. He directly flipped into the pool and gently picking the big god fruit, and he returned to the body of the blood.

"Blood dynasty, this big goddess is that you are all discovered at the same time, naturally occupy half, can now, we know the name of this big god fruit, but don't know What effect does it work, how much is the value? "The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, this simple, Tianhou brothers, listen to me, let's go back to the Arab Express, wait until it is, naturally allocated." Blood Dong Wang smiled.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.


" old."

The bloody king went to the counter and the thin old man wearing a robe.

"Let's handify the task." Blood Dong Wang took a list of tasks, and he also took out a mirroring.

This mirror maker is the Dragonfly recorded.

The strong people of the , in the process of completing the task, like this task of killing strong people, some will put the opponent's body, or to prove that the other party is brought, it is easy to use this person. Kill, but some people are troublesome, open the mirror record directly in the process of completing the task, and record the process completely with the mirror screen, which is better to prove.

Blood dynasty is recorded in a mirror log.

After the old man took the mirror, simply browsing his eyes, the next moment, his eyes were in the sword, and there was a bit of horror.

"Yes." The old man nodded, and immediately took out a Qiankun ring. "This is your mission reward, you will assign it."

After the Blood Wang took, he left the counter.

"Blood dynasty, if you are in the future, if you do the task together, don't record the mirror log record." The sword didn't touch the nose. He didn't want too many people to know his strength.

"Haha, understand." Blood Dong Wang nodded.

"You didn't say that the Naido nest, you know how to assign the earth fruit?" The sword was unpaired.

"Don't worry, you come with me." The bloody king mysteriously smiled, and it went to a corner of the sword.

"Tianhou brothers, you just join the Ansimagu, became the ordinary member of the , not long, I am afraid I still don't know if I have the right member of my ordinary member?" Said the Blood East said.

"I don't know." The sword didn't answer.

"I will tell you, the members of the Asian League, the different are ordinary members, prefecture-level members, the heaven-level members, and even the trip, there are two kinds, this authority has two kinds, the first is The task level you can take! "Blood Dong Wang said.

"For example, ordinary members can only take ordinary hierarchical tasks, but higher levels of prefecture-level tasks, but they are not qualified to apply, and the opposite level can not only receive preferential tasks, but also to access ordinary tasks. of."

The sword is not a double brow, this is what he knows.

"The second authority, that is the Treasure Pavilion." Blood Dong Wangdao.

"Treasure Pavilion?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"There is a treasure hall in the , and this Treasure Pavilion is invincible. All members of all the can enter this treasure hall, but only the treasures in the treasure hall, also have various levels, ordinary members It can only be exchanged for treasures such as ordinary member privileges, as for higher level treasures, no matter what you pay, you can't get it. "Blood Dong Wangdao.

"Is this?" The sword has no double eyebrows, "That Treasure Pavilion ..."

"It's here." The blood of the Dang has stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a bit awkward.

He has now coming to a vast attic, but the key is that this attire is a great empty land, and there is no half of the substances around it around.

This is empty, is it a treasure hall of the ?

"Tianhou brothers, you see." The blood dynasty is a front pointer.

The sword is unparalleled to see the guidance of the bloody king, but his look is now.

Only in front of yourself, there were some golden rays to start condense, but it was condensed into a golden light.

This golden photograph has a normal human size, but it can't see the specific appearance.

"Welcome to the Treasure Pavilion, I am the Treasure Pavilion, you can call me Tissot." Golden Lights issued a normal human voice.

"The instrument of the spirit?" The sword was not a feet.

"Tianhou brothers, you should be unfamiliar with the instrument, but the Tissot adult in front of us can be uniform." Blood Dong Wang light.

"How is it different?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's very simple, this is also what I have heard, it is said that the Treasure Pavilion of the Tianzheng in the Great Great Games, only one, and the spirit, and only one." Blood Dong Wang Shen Sheng.

"What?" The sword is unlikely.

There is only one treasure hall in the , and only one device is?

Then they are now seen, is it the only way to be unique?

How can this be?

"The Treasure Pavilion of is impossible to put in this territory of our current." The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, it is impossible." Blood Dong Wang smiled, "So tell you, the does only have a Treasure Pavilion, but only one device, but this is the spirit can be divided into the gods. There are countless secret nests, but in the secret nest in the , the members of our can be dialogue with this. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is shocked.

A instrument spirit, incarnation, all the nest of the gods?

"It is possible to talk to the spirit of the spirit, that is, what we want, talk directly to this mission?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Blood Wang nod, "in front of Tissot, you can say what you want, or the type of you want, Tissot adult will choose your own, will satisfy you require, and in your permission range The treasure information within it gives you, if you find the right, pay the price, then wait here, the Tianzhi will naturally have a strong to send things to your hand. "

"In addition, the Treasure Pavilion of the is mainly to exchange treasures, not single, you can use Santa to buy some things, the same, you can also exchange your treasures into holy treasure, no matter what the treasure Tissot is It can be approved in the first time to determine its value. "

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