"Waste?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Some are somewhat waste." Tissot adult also opened. "If you need to save your own skill level, in my treasure house, there is a kind of power to enhance the power of the power, these gods have all levels. For the needs of each different level, you are now just a level of God, and the general ordinary appearance should be enough for you. "

"How many skills have been contained in ordinary power?" The sword is unparalleled.

"A gorge you refine and absorb 100,000 Santan, and more pure, as for the price, in me, this kind of ordinary level of the power, 10,000 Sheng Dan can be exchanged." Tissot big people .

"One is worth 100,000 Santanes? And the price is just 10,000 Sheng Dan?" The sword was unparalleled.

He has finally understood this Tianshu, and the bloody king will say he wasted.

This is a waste of waste, it is simply in violent heaven.

"Rely, I have absorbed so many Santanes, if it is all changed to the gods ..." The sword is unbolded, but he is a positive color: "Tissot adult, the spirit of ordinary hierarchy, one to absorb ten Hallowen, that is higher? "

"Higher level ... There is a level of power, giving general fake stagnies or some strengths and weak hail, its effect, one to absorb three million Santan, In my value of 100,000 Santa Dan. "Tissot big people.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is surprised!

The thrilling is too wasteful before, and it is the effect of this level of grades.

One will absorb 3 million Sheng Dan, how many vast power?

"I am now the peak, the gap is not too big. According to the top of my previous, I have absorbed two million Sheng Dan, and it should be enough to break through, and now this will be a good thing ..." Flashing the strange light, I immediately said: "Tissot adult, this level of grade, give me a first 20!"

"Twenty?" Tissot's brows.

The bloody king is surprised to look at the sword unparalleled. "Tianhou brothers, the level of the grades, one, absorb 3 million Saint Dand, 20. The Santa Santan , What do you want so much? "

"I naturally have my use." The sword is unparalleled without explaining too much.

"The grades of grades, a hundred thousand Santan, twenty, is two million Santan, you are still 48 million Santa Dan." Tissot big people.

"Tissot adult, I still need a special sword array, I don't know if you have it." The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword Array? What sword array?" Tissot adult saw.

"Round back sword array, is a strong person named bronze heart sword, this bronze heart sword is nearly invincible in the death of the saints, and he created a total of twelve ..." The sword is unparalleled with the information of the reincarnation sword array.

Rotating the sword array, since he got a great help to him.

He also refused to get time and space, the two rules of the reincarnation, and the swordsmut that he created is against time and space.

In terms of reincarnation rules, he relies on the reincarnation of the sword to play the perceived feelings of reincarnation rules.

However, the round-back sword array before him only had the top four, and the fourth heavy ice world he has now possible, and the strongest power will be displayed.

At this time, he certainly desires to get a stronger sword.

"You wait."

Tissot adult immediately explored.

No way, the treasures in the treasure hall are too much too much. If you take this round of swords, there are hundreds of swordsms that have the same reincarnation in the treasure hall, even if the Tissot is The spirit of the Treasure Pavilion has to be carefully going to see it.

After a moment, Tissot adults once again looked at the sword. The top four only requires the permissions of ordinary members to exchange, but the privilege of the secondary member needs to be exchanged, as for the strongest four sword arrays, it takes the authority of the heaven. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Twelve rounds back to the sword, the top four he has already owned. He now needs to be four, but he did not expect the privilege of the four layers so high. The last four more need to be a member of the heaven. permission……

But the sword is unparalleled, and it can be understood.

The copper heart sword, after all, is a near invincible, unstead of sacred people. The strength is extremely terrible. He has created the reincarnation of the sword. It is a strong meaning of his famous, and the power is powerful.

Such a powerful sword array, the redeem permission is high, and it is also normal.

"Tissot adult, round back to the four sword arrays in the sword array, if it is a prefecture-level member to exchange, how much Sundam is needed?" The sword didn't have a double.

"One thousandth5 million!" Tissot big people.

The sword is unparalleled.

One thousand five hundred Santanes, exchange the four swordsmors in the Round Returning Sword Array, nor too expensive.

"Since the four swords in this, since now you can't redeem, then it is, anyway, in the power of my current strength, I can become a prefecture-level member should be not difficult, I can first stay in the holy place, waiting in the future into a prefecture-level member, I will redeem it again. "The sword is unparalleled smile," However, although the sword can't be redeemed, the soldier that can drive the sword array can be changed. "

The soldiers who drive the sword array, the sword is unparalleled before the blood of the blood, and the foot is ten and eight handles.

This 18th Polygestive Sword, each handle is the top Tianbao, and the power is not good.

But now with the unparalleled strength of the sword, it is difficult to meet his needs.

The most critical is that he has got a huge sum of the footsteps of 500 million Santan, now, let him feel full, in order to improve the power of the reincarnation array, he really wants to put the 18th hand to the blood of the blood. Change it again.

"Tissot adult, I need a set of holy hierarchical gods, all the god swords, the size of the model, just in my hands, the blood of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sword, then It is better. "The sword is unparalleled to take out a bloody sword.

"The Holy Location of the Holy Location, I didn't have this treasure hall, but I can find an alternative to it. As for the price, the ordinary three-piece holy hierarchy of the shelves, 200,000 handles, higher three products holy hierarchical level The system of the gods, six hundred of thousands of handles, as for the top three holy hierarchy, one hundred and fifty thousand one hand, you can choose itself. "Tissot big people.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is more inclined to one hundred and fifty thousand one top three top three layers.

However, such a sheller, he needs to be a foottellite, one hundred and 500,000, all add it ... 2,7 million Santan! !


PS: Today's four is over, just under high-speed rail, late, everyone forgive

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