Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2971 Bloody King's Friends

(The first to come!)


"Don't worry, come slowly." The sword was unparalleled.

He, from birth to less than three hundred years, reaching the most limit of God in such a short year, is already incredible.

And the dead saints are so much better than God, and you can break through the breakthrough.

The sword is very patient.

However, after the reincarnation of the sword array, the sword is not intended to continue to turn off.

"Go to do the task." The sword is unimaced.

In his own judgment, his current power should be able to match the second-order truth, and this is already the strength threshold of the .

The sword is unparalleled in the future, and it is necessary to become a heaven-level member of the Tianzhi, but to become a member of the heaven, then complete three levels of three-level Samsung task.

Minimen mission, especially the prefecture-level Samsung mission, the sword is not double, but he doesn't know how the task is difficult, and it is not too great.

"Blood Wang."

The sword is unparalleled to take an entries and start the message.

"Tianhou brothers, have you not closed?" Blood Dang also tripped quickly.

"Well, I just changed soon, I would like to ask you what to do during this time." The sword didn't have a smile and exchanged with the blood.

Blood Wang, is a friend of his friend, and the two have a certain amount.

At the beginning, the two completed the task of killing the San Sheng, and got the earth fruit, and sold the land of the earth to Tissot, the blood Dongwang won five millions of Santanes, he used this Five millions of Sheng Dan exchanged many secrets and cultural treasures, and the strength increased a lot.

In these eighty years in the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the blood Dong Wang has also completed three common level of Samsung task alone and became a prefecture-level member of the .

"I have completed a level of a star mission before, and I have a strong person. He brings me to join a team, and our team, now I just went to a prefecture-level Samsung mission, Tianhou brothers, you want Are you with us? "Blood Dang said.

"Same-level Samsung mission?" The sword is unparalleled.

What really wants to come.

He now takes a wonderful curious, do not know the difficulty of this task, the best way, the best way to choose a three-star mission to complete a Samsung mission, and the blood Dong Wang is just right with people. I have access to a prefecture-level Samsung task and take the initiative to invite him.

"Yes, where are you?" The sword is unparalleled.

Blood Wang immediately sent his position to the sword, the sword was unparalleled and immediately rushed.


Here is the endless territory, a relatively remote territory.

A total of seven shapes are gathered there.

Most of these seven figures wear masks, and powerful, even the weakest is the top pseudo-hierarchy, and there are two strengths and stronger hairdresses.


Did not wear a mask, just stand up with the bloody king of the true face.

"Captain, I just contacted my friends and told him that we were about to complete a prefecture-level Samsung mission. He is now rushing." Blood Dong Wang said.

The captain of this squad is a height of more than two meters, the skin is dark, and the breath is also incomparable.

This is behind the man, and there is still a huge ax.

When I heard the blood of the blood, this is a slight nod, "this task, it is more special, not only the task has the two mission, the most important thing is that the compensation of this task is the same Samsung level task. , More than too much, there are nearly ten times more than enough !! "

"Such a high-payment task, naturally more dangerous, we naturally be more careful, the stronger the team's lineup, the stronger is now intentional, nature is good, right, yes, your friend strength how is it?"

"Strong than me." Blood Dongwang directly.

"Oh?" This is a man's eyes bright.

Several other people next to the team have also seen it.

The strong people of their squad, any of the prefecture-level members of the , the strength is also very good, the weakest is the top fake.

And the strength of the blood, in the team, should be only the two of the world, his combat power is almost a flatness, now the bloody king himself said him. The friend's strength is better than him, isn't it to say, is his friend, is a true power?

"If there is a strong" strong ", our team's lineup will reappear a lot, and the grasp of this task will be even greater." The man laughed.

"My friend has been moving, I can't take it here for a long time." Blood Dong Wangdao.

"In this case, then we are waiting for him here." The man smiled and appeared very patient.

The seven people of the team are waiting quietly in this canyon.

After half a day, a gray ball was wearing a gray mask, and the body was scattered in a dark breath.

Soon appeared in front of seven people in the canyon.

"Haha, Tianhou brothers."

The bloody king smiled and immediately greeted.

"Blood Wang Wang." The sword is unparalleled, and he also seen the past.

But found that the other six people of the bloody king, including the two power stronger, and a bit of cold eyes.

"Blood Wang, this is the friend you said before?" The man is the captain of this squad.

"Yes, he is my friend, Jian Tian Hou." The blood of the Dynasty smiled.

But the people of this squad, but they can't laugh, because they have already perceived the breath of the sword thereof.

God respect! !

Yes, the breath of the sword is unparalleled, just a god level.

There is no way, he is God is a sacred stone, and when the Xuanzhu people give him a black stone that can be changed, he can change his spiritual breath, so that his spiritual breath increases two levels, but this only uses the non-dead saints.

Like now, this black stone does not allow him to exude the breath of the unstead of sacred people.

And the district is a sacred, of course, not in the eyes of seven people in this squad.

"Blood Wang, are you doing we can't make a good? Is it a god to join our squad?"

"Blood dynasty, are you joking?"

"Blood Wang, give us a meeting."

A cold voice sounded, and these people see that the eyes of the bloody king have also become indifferent.

The blood of the blood is changed, but it is immediately: "All, don't misunderstand, I don't play what you mean. My friend is really just a god level, but his war is very good !!"

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