Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2973 Long Yujie

The second nine hundred and seventy-one chapter Dragon

(The third is over!)


"Blood Dang, your good strength is really good, this task, counts him." The man said directly.

"Thank you, the captain." Blood Dang was joy, and in the heart of the blood, Wang Wang is actually in his team, he is very clear, the sword is unparalleled, eighty-year swords are unparalleled with first-order peak real holy star sea saints On the front battle, it is only in the wind.

This combat power is in their team, even if they are the captain, they are afraid that they can have it.

The sword is unparalleled to join their team to complete this mission. For their brigade, it is simply a great blessing.

Of course, these blood Dongwang will not take the initiative to explain.

"Jian Tian Hou." The man is in the sword. "I am quite, you can call our captain directly, start now, you are a member of our squad."

"The Barbarian King?" The sword didn't have a little bit.

"This time, our team has received a prefecture-level Samsung task, and this task is also very special, the difficulty is also very large, though our team is good, but you have to carefully, and in the mission process, I hope You can absolutely listen to my command. "The man is very embarrassed.

"As long as I don't want to go to the cannon, I have no problem." The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, it will not." A lot of smiles, "This is the other few people in our team, the bloody king, 'Acha,' You have already met, the other few, I know it."

The sword is unparalleled, and the other people have met.

"Jian Tianhou, you just added our barbarism, I am afraid I don't know what the task we accept, the blood Dong king, you told him." Hazao.

"Okay." Blood Dang nodded, Xiang Xiang, even if he said with the sword.

quite a while.

"When it's almost, we should start." Standard standing.

The other seven people of the squad, including the sword, unparalleled, also prepared.


A lot of told me, when the Qang Xiaosheng, the squad, the squad, the squad, the squad, and the neighborhood neighborhood.

Through the spatial impulse in the nest, the eight people who have appeared in their mission ... Long Yujie! !

Long Yujie is a special territory.

This territory is not the territory of human cultivators, but the exorb country!

Here, there are many powerful different beasts, the number is large, and the most famous is the biggest strength, it is the dragon beast! !

Dragon, beasts, in the various impaired beasts in the Taijie, is not a high altitude of the bloody level, but it is not weak, after all, it is possible to bring a dragon word, more less and less than the real dragon. Blood contact.

According to the information obtained from the mission, there is more than 30 dragon beasts in this dragon, and there are more than 30 dragon beasts. There are six heads in the growth period, the strength is low, even if you don't die The saints can't resist, and the rest of them can compete for human beings.

Among them, there are sixteen dragon beasts, but also the first-order holy, which is comparable to the human cultivator! !

In addition, the strongest three-headed dragon beast in Longyi is even better than second-order holy! !

The task received by the Qang Qi, the first heavy task, is the dragon beast who kills a first-order level!

Dragon Trenders, in the void, the eight people in the babies are moving forward.

"Everything is careful, this Longyi Town is the territory of the beast. There are many different beasts, and most of these beasts are uniform to our human cultivators. Once we find out, it is very likely to kill directly. we!"

"Although these different beast strength is very weak, the quantity is too much too much. Once we are stared in a war by some different beasts, it will not get angry in a short time, the movement will become bigger and bigger, when it attracts The other beast will be more and more, and the team's lineup is weak, but in front of the hundred million beasts, it is nothing to do, so ... no love in love !! "

"If you encounter a different beast, you will not fight for the war. Once the battle is fighting, it will hang the horse, understand?"

The quite the voice is low, echoing in the ear of every person around.


The seven people of the team, including swords and unparalleled heads.

In the lying in the sea, they are also clear if they are falling into the endless elevated beast wrapping.


I am awkward, and the sound is shocked.

"There is a different beast to find us !!" The color is sinking.

"Look at this breath, it is a one-footed beast that is comparable to not dead, but is not a dragon beast." Blood Dong Wang Zheng said.

"I kill him directly." Amother is ordered.

The people of the squadron immediately crushed the past, only the two breathing days were killed, and then leaving the fastest speed.


There is a three-day, eight people who have entered the Longyi community for three people.

These three days, they have encountered a lot of different beasts on the way, but they have been solved with the trip to the animals, but they all solve these animals at the fastest speed, but they have not encountered too much trouble.

"According to the task information, it is in the jungle in front, there is a dragon beast that is enough to be comparable to the hairdressing." Said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is looking at the jungle to the end of his eyes.

The jungle is extremely vast and hidden at a lot of animals.

The task issued by the will generally have a detailed task introduction, as well as some intelligence.

Like this time they intercepted, in the task information, it includes the position of the dragon beasts of the dragon industry.

"The dragon beast of the true holy battle, the strength is not to be underestimated, and here is the beast domain, we must kill the dragon beast with the fastest speed, then leave." A lot of rude sounds dignified.

"This way, I will, the feathers, the bloody king directly shot directly to kill the dragon beast, Acha, Jian Tianhou ... You have a little weakness, no need to fight with this dragon beast, just Two people stayed around and prevent the dragon beasts from escaping !! "


"no problem."

Everyone in the quite king is nice.

Immediately, the tribute to the three strongest three people, they got directly in the Jungle.

These three people, the squad, the team captain, the strongest battle, has been close to the first order peak.

, although wearing a mask, but seeing a quite a temperament woman, she is the second truth of the squad, the war is naturally only pretty.

And the blood, because of the sale of the earth, after redeem the treasure, the strength has skyrocketed, and it will be worse than the general hanker.

They joined hands, and they couldn't accidentally kill the dragon beast.

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