

"Do not!!"

"Forgive !!"

The bald elderly made a scream, I want to ask for mercy as Qianchen Temple, but it is too late.

The Tempse of Qiancheng is chasing the bald old old man, and it is a knife. This bald older is not half a struggled room, and the body is again crashing.

Subsequently, the bald old people will restructuring, the knife is continuing.

So just three times, the bald old people reorganized four times before and after the body, but the power was completely exhausted, and finally was killed by the Qiancheng Temple.

After the bare old old, he picked up his Qiankun ring under the Qiancheng Temple.

"The two people, the flee is really fast." The narrow scorpion under the Tempse of Qiancheng glanced at the distinction.

At the same time he kills the bald old, the two of the bare elders have long been restructure, then immediately escaping, and at all, they can't take care of the death of the bald old, and there is no way to chase in Qianchen Temple.

After all, I control the true sorrowful people who don't die, I want to take some hands and feet.

Even if he is far more powerful than bald old, you can defeat the opponent's body, but the other party can still reorganize the body.

Under such a premise, he can only stare at the bald older.

"Twelve teams, solve a slap, the remaining eleven ..."

The mouth of the Qianchen Temple wily wiped a brids, followed by it again.

The void outside the Dragon, the triangle hormon, the triangle warmers, and the six black people he gathered together, and there is a huge mirror screen in front of them, the mirror screen. A scene that happened in the Dragon Temple under the Dragon Temple.

"It's too strong, he is too strong in Qiancheng Temple !!"

"The Trumpet Temple is just a top fake star, is not a true saint, there is no control, but he can kill the first-order high holy, all like killing chickens, a knife directly makes a strong strength The first-order holy population collapsed. "

"It is a super genius from Tiandi Palace, which is really stronger than saying."

Six black people are constantly admiring, squatting.

Obviously the scenes appearing in the picture, making them feel very surprised.

As for the triangular warmers, the look is also quite wonderful, "Tiandi Palace ... According to I know, I am in the most core three-palace in the Arab Express, the Tiandi Haiyong level is only the lowest, there is original Palace and Chaotic Palace, the genius of these two palaces is the real terrible, especially the mixed chaotic palace! "

"Rumor, but all the super geniuses from the Chaos Palace, as long as they are not falling, the future will be able to enlighten a rule and become the rules of the rules !!"

"The Lord of Rules !!"

The six black people face each other, and they are full of endless shock.

In their view, this Qianchen Temple is easy to kill the first-order holy, and it is already ahead of the sky, but the result is just the lowest level of Tiandi Palace from the three palace.

They can't imagine that how terrible is how terrible than the genius of the Tiandi Palace and the genius of the Chaos Palace?

"Those squads in the Dragon Dynasty must be big."

The triangle warmers are secretly sigh.

The facts did indeed with the triangle warmers, this Qianchen Temple is too strong, strong terrible, and it has exceeded the category of first-order holy.

Although he is only alone, but in Long Yujie, it is absolutely walking.

And his hands and the respective position of the twelve squad. He followed the position in the jade order. He went to the door one by one. He first had to act on the body of the dragon beast. Once the other party does not agree, he is directly Shot.

Under his Thunder, the team couldn't stand at all.

One team, was ruthlessly slaughtered by this Qianchen Temple.

These teams actually take the bodies of the dragon beast, they can get 20 million Saint Dan rewards in the Longyi community, but only ten days in this month, the past three-thirds 1. There have been eight trousers that have been directly killed in the twelve groups.

The bodies in the eight teams in the hands of the eight teams have also fallen into the hands under the Trinity Temple.

Twelve days of mission began, this Qianchen Temple found the ninth team hiding in the Longyujie, and this squad, Hedb is a barbarian.

boom! !

The same is the impact of the pounds from the body of the Qianchen Temple, and directly opposed the patriarchal palace of the eight people.

The eight people of the barbaries were immediately alarmed, and they appeared above the void.

The eyes of all people of the squad, staring at the temple in Qiancheng, and the look is quite quite.

The sword is also watching this Qianchen Temple.

"This person ..." The sword is unparalleled.

Although he pericamed that the athlete's breath is just the top pseudo-hierarchy, but the smell generated under the long-lasting kill and the crisis tells him that this black robes in front of you are not simple.

"Who are you?" The voice is cold, staring at the temple.

"With you, I haven't qualified to know my name." The Qiancheng Temple is a little proud, "I will give you two options, first, hand over the dragon and beast corpse, then leave the dragon world!"

"Second, death !!"

"Joke !!" A lot of screams, but there is no scrupleness of the identity of the holy strong person, and step out of it.

It's pretty, the horror horror is immediately compressed in the Qianchen Temple, and the giant ax behind him has also appeared in his hand.

Everyone of the Barbarian, everyone saw a lot of shots.

In their cognitive, this person is more focused on his identity. The other party is just a top flexible star. It will not take the hand in normal circumstances. Even if you want to shoot, you should not do your best.

It can be now ... it is very stunned, and the light gold armor appears on his body. The giant ax in his hand is also Herk, which is strong.

Obviously, there is a full effort to go out and make your strongest battle.

This is more surprised.

And only sword is unparalleled, you can understand the intention of this.

"This is a lot of people who should be noticed, so I personally shot, and I will use it all my best." The sword is unbeded, he stared at the top of the top. Black robe youth.


The black robes are also the 'Qiancheng Temple'.

He just fell casually, but when the knife, the knife was in the world, everyone's all people became angry! !


PS: Fifth, there will be sixth, slightly!

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