Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2999, East Star Task

(The first to come!)


"That little guy ... The old man went to see him before, and when he sent him an invitation, but didn't know why, he refused." Mo Shan Road.

"Reject?" That is the unicorn, "Enter the Chaotic Palace, this is the big gains of the gods, the top of the talents, how many people pay the incredible price, not to enter the threshold of the Chaos Palace, this The little guy fell, and even the big chance was rejected? "

"Who is not? Maybe he is a special reason." Mo Mountain laughed.

"Mo Mountain, the little guy is still paying attention to it now?" The woman saw it.

"Yes." Mo Mountain nodded, "I didn't know that he had completed three levels of three-level Samsung mission alone, but it has become a member of the Tianzhikiki, but he has been in this time, and he has not received new. The task seems to be closed and repaired. "

"Hey, the teenager is arrogant, and there is a chance to reject a chance. I don't want to join my chaotic palace. There is no large amount of resources and conditions to cultivate, and he will practice with himself. He is the highest, and his achievements are absolutely limited." Male tall man with a big man.

"Unfortunately, such a genius." The three-eye man also sighed with the woman.

The ink shrug shrugged, but there was not much to say.


Time is in a hurry.

A sword, the sword is unparalleled, it has been one hundred and twenty years.

Finally, the sword was unparalleled from the secret room.

"One hundred and twenty years ..." The sword is unparalleled, "The helpless secret is too great to me. This twenty-decade, I will rely on time and space rules. , Enlighten the swords, still constantly pondering swordsmanship, so far, my progress is very huge. "

"On time and space rules, I should have reached the most limit of the second phase, and the blade of the idle time and space has been close to thousands of times, and then further, it is the third stage ..."

"On the sword road, I also enhance a big level. I only had three hundred and three hundred feet in the body, but now I have six thousand six hundred feet high, I have doubled it, I have a prominent quantity. The sword tree is a sword, and the power has also increased! "

"As for the sword, one hundred and twenty years, according to the figures of the void swordsman, the framework of the void sword is constantly pondering, and finally let me create 'Ji Xi', 'Star Dream' These two swordsmanship, where ' Star Dream 'is completely standard for the prototype !! "

"Now I, all aspects seem to have reached the limit of my realm, I want to further, I am afraid I have to break through the holy people."

The sword is released in the bib of the sword.

Now, he does not break through the saints.

But he is very confident about himself, because he has now reached the real limit, and it breaks through the breakthrough, the difference is just an opportunity.

As long as the opportunity arrives, he can break through.

"This opportunity, I didn't stay in the secret room, I can find it. I have to go to the wind. I will continue to adventure. It is best to give me some excitement. For example, let me give me some sense of crisis, give me a certain The pressure. "The sword is unmainted.

Now, he, everything is ready, only the door.

And this is a feature that successs in the most pressures.

"Go to the task."

Light spitting, swords are unparalleled.


In the Skyregor Hall.

The sword is unparalleled with a list of tasks, and then looks closely.

He looks at this task list, nature is a list of day-level mandate, this list has a variety of flaws, and it is difficult to have a different degree of difficulty.

The sword is unparalleled first, and it is those skylight a star mission.

The sky-level a star mission is suitable for that kind of power that has just become a member of the heavens, and it is possible to do so as long as there is a second-order holy war.

If it is one hundred and twenty years ago, the sword has no doubles, these skylight a star mission can still have a little pressure on the sword, but now, these Tianzheng a star mission is very small to make him care. .

Soon the sword is unparalleled to jump to the sky-level East Star Mission.

The super-level East-star task is more difficult than a star mission. It is necessary to complete the day-level Ethiman mission alone, most of the second-order peak and the third-order high force.

This task is also challenging for swords.

"I have selected the task this time, it is dedicated to breaking through the saints, the task is difficult to too high, but it can't be too low. Although the ordinary sky-level East Star Task has a challenging, but I am lucky. Still have a big grasp, so I have to pick, I will pick up the sky-level East Star Mission! "

"For example, this !!"

The sword is unparalleled to see a one-level second star task on the list.

It is also the task of the Tianzhixing Mission, the task of sword is unparalleled, its task pay, which is extremely high, full of more than 5 million Santan!

The location of the task is the endless territorial area, there is a lot of bustling places, there are many strong people.

And the most important thing is that this task is not limited.

In other words, even if I have received the task, I have been in a few decades, I have to complete it in a hundred years, I can naturally delay in the task, you are not a little.

"This task seems to be quite difficult, and the risk is very big, but not, I gave me a lot of room for the room." The sword has no smile, "" Just it! "

The sword is unparalleled, so soon, I will take the task directly.

After the task is taken, he is ready to start it.


Magical, the country!

A Nagda State formed by a small 38th small different domain.

It is important to know that the territory of this magic sound appearance is that the endless place is a relatively bustling place, and the strong is more than the ordinary territory.

And this magic, the country is able to combine 36 domains here, forming a great god fruit, and it is conceivable.

The magic sound of the monk is passed by the Magic Dord of Magic, which is said that many years ago have reached the fourth-order holy level many years ago.

In the endless territor, the fourth-order hairdry is definitely the top existence.

After all, there is no death in the saints, but all the five-order real holy, it is eligible to be the top unstead.

And the five-order real holy, I am afraid there in a lot in the vast three days, but in the endless territorial domain, it belongs to the existence of Fengrong Rong, which is naturally the strength of the four-level holy of the magic court.

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