Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3001 'Burning the god' toxic

(The third is over!)


"How can I become like this?"

In the goldpack, the middle-aged man was a shock, but after all, it was a first-order holy strong person, and the first time has reacted.

I saw a golden light, which is a golden long shuttle, ice cold, glaring, and instant.

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is sword, and the sword is seven-star secrets, the penalty of God, Jiu Yaoxing has also been directly displayed.

Jian Guangsen is cold, and the lightning hits it on the golden long shuttle. The terrible power will change the slightly changed the golden crowns, and then the ice-cold sword light continues to grasp the body of the golden robe.

"how come?"

Middle-aged men in the goldpacks were shocked.

He has judged that the sword is unparalleled at least the second-order heels, otherwise it is impossible to rush him so much.

"Hey, I have the nation of the holy hierarchy, the body's means is not weak, you can make my body to create more, I want to let my body collapse directly," Gold Middle-aged man cold tone.


The knife is finally above the body of the golden robe middle-aged man.

Middle-aged men just wanted to show smiles, and their facial expressions were suddenly solidified.

Because he has seen that the somatlica of the holy hierarchy of the holy hierarchy of the Sabi Sword is in the first time, the sword is torn. It was just that the mouth was completely incorporated into his body.

Booming ~~

This golden robe has no room for struggling, and the body immediately crashes.

However, as a true saint, as long as the power is sufficient, his body can be restructured.

This golden robe's middle-aged man's body has also begun to restructuring.

"This person, so strong !!"

The middle-aged man in the goldpack is also horrified while the body is sufficient.

"His speed is too fast, the feelings of time and space are far beyond my imagination, his war is equally strong, absolutely reaching the second-order hustle, the most important thing is that the gods in his hands are also very weird, then Tearing is too strong, my body warfare can't hold !! "

"Only a sword makes me crash, this is enough, and the top of him only needs the four swords, it is enough to kill me, can't be tangled with him, I must immediately escape!"

Middle-aged men have already set their minds in the middle-aged man.

As long as you complete the restructuring, he immediately escapes.

Suddenly ...


Middle-aged man in the goldpack suddenly made a horror of universal sound.

He can be very clear, and his body is in the process of reorganization, his power has been eroded by a terrorist force.

Yes, it is erosion! !

The power is horrible, and the unscrupulous erosion of his power, just instantly kung fu, his skill has been eroded by 50%, half a foot!

And the erosion force is still continuing.

"Poison !! is the poison !!!"

"This is terrible erosion force, this should be incinents !!"

"no no!!"

The entire palace sounded the crazy roaring in this golden robe, he can feel your own strength in unprecedented speed dissipation.

Originally he has almost reorganized the body, the next moment is again collapsed, once again turned into a world of power.

And those who have also been eroded by erosion.


The whole temple finally calm down.

The sword is unparalleled in the middle of the temple, looking at the terrible erosion force that remains in front, but the eyes are a condensed.

"It seems that I have overestimated the power of a first-order holy, let me waste a drop of 'burning god' venom." The sword is unparalleled.

'Burning the gods' poisons ... this is the sword is unparalleled to receive this task. After knowing the task content, it is necessary to go to the Treasure Pavilion to find Tissot.

In the gods of the gods, all the cultivators who reached the holy level, they have no death, they want to kill, it is very difficult. After all, as long as the power is sufficient, you can continue to reorganize, and even one is an ordinary Do not die, and its body can be reorganized for four or five times.

This also, the representative must continue to kill four or five times, it may truly kill a true saint.

This is too much trouble for many practitioners.

So the power of the first gods, in order to be more convenient to kill those real sanctuary, it also has made a lot of ways, come with things.

The easiest and straightforward, the soul is destroyed.

Directly show the soul attack and kill the soul, a hundred, and the body can be reorganized.

However, the power of good at the soul attack, in the Taijie Shenjie, only a small number, not much, this way is rarely seen.

In addition to the soul attack, the cultivator of the Taijie Shenjie also thought of a way, saving a lot of energy to directly killing the hanker.

That is to poison! !

There is a variety of poisons in the gods. Most of these venoms have a horrible erosion effect on Shenli. Just let these venoms enter the opponent's body, they can compromise each other in the shortest time. Nature each other Can not be reorganized.

This method is also accepted by many practitioners.

It is possible to play a lot of toxic fluids that greatly erode effects. There are many kinds of gods, and there are many drugs that are famous.

Like the sword is unbounded in the 'burning god' toxic liquid, among many poisons, it is an extremely terrible one.

'Burning the god' toxic liquid, in Tissot's exchange, even if the permission of the heaven, must have a drop of 300,000 Santa Dan, the next drop, 'Burning the gods' toxic, it is enough to put a first-order holy. Power erosion is nearly half.

Before the sword is unparalleled, it is redeemed in the Tissot 's price of 10 million Santan' toxual in Tissot. It is to be able to kill the list. Two hairdresses.

Like just, when he is in the middle of the golden robe, he has already on his own blood peak sword, wiped the foot of the three drops' toxic, with the Jian Feng cut the golden robe Middle-aged man After the armic armor, 'Burning the gods' poisons, Jian Feng did not enter the middle-aged man in the goldpack, and the effect of the three drops 'burning god' is completely projected.

The middle-aged men of the goldpacks did not return to the restructuring, and the power has been killed by the "burning god" to the body, naturally dying, and there is no room for struggling.

And the sword is unparalleled.

"Now, the general first-order holy, I just need to use two drops 'burning god' toxic liquid, it is enough, and the first-order peak may use three drops, as for the second order, it is estimated that the top is five or six The left and right, fifty drops 'burning god' venom, enough I will kill the twelve true saints! "The sword didn't think of the darkness.

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