Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3011 Block

(The first to come!)


Just in the surrounding territory of Jinshanzong, a general city is in a common city.

This city is quite bustling, there is a lot of cultivars, and the strength level is generally not low.

In one bar, several cultivars sat next to the table, talking in that paragraph.

"Do you have heard it? We are now in the territory, have been completely blocked."


"I also heard, it is said that all space channels have stopped running. We have all covered in the territory of thousands of urbanizes around, and now they are covered under a heavy fracture, while practitioners in the French, only In, don't make it, it is indeed completely blocked. "

"France? A few days ago, I found that there was a golden light above the void. Is it that Jin Guang?"

"Yes, it is the golden light, I heard that the command of the magic, the monetary country is personally issued, and the high levels have participated in it, and their purpose is to chase a strong man, it is exactly a committee. "

"The owner is alarmed? What is the person?"

This pub has not been awkward, heard the conversation of these four people, and many people around them come.

This is commented on this matter soon.

Nobody noted that in the position of the window, a goldpass is sitting quietly at the wine glass, and the look is light, as if it is not in the surroundings.

But in the bottom of your heart ... The sword is unparalleled but there is no quirky.

"Directly block all the thousands of urbanizes on the territory, but also stop this territory all the space channels, this is to completely sleep here, do not give me an opportunity to escape." The sword is unparalleled. "

After he escaped from Jinshanzong, he wanted to use the space channel to leave here again, but he did not expect that the space channel was stopped.

There is no way, he can only temporarily hide this city, and then he heard the news of the high-level blockade of the magic of the magic.

"Single blockade, it is definitely not enough, no unexpected magic, the high-rise, will also find ways to completely search this territory, will give me some of them." The sword was unparalleled.

Although he knew this, he didn't worry.

Because of the high-rise of the magic, everyone will definitely treat him as a true holy, and how will it be regarded as an unstead of sacred.

If he is really an unmanned saint, hiding in this area, it is indeed easier to find, but he is just a god.

In this area, what many of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred? It is simply an astronomical figure.

Even if it is a big god, countless.

So many people, he is just one, it is certainly not easy.

What's more, when he has been in contact with the high-rise of the magic, we will wear the unique clothing of the sky. The dress camouflage has changed his breath. Now he is not wearing the dress, the high level of the magic, the top of the magic, can't recognize him. .

Even before, the Jinshan Zong disciple who has seen him with him ... At that time, the sword did not have a pair of facial muscles, changed his own appearance, and now, the Jinshan Zong disciple is standing in front of him. It is not necessary to recognize him.

In this case, whoever recognizes him that is that it is committed?

"Although the people of the magic, the people of the magic, it is impossible to find me, but it has been blocked in this area, but it is also troublesome." The sword is unparalleled, "it is still to find a place to practice."

Going out of the pub, there is no longer two, there is no double, it is in a secret room.

Among the secret rooms, the sword is sitting there, and his eyes are shining with the rays.

"This time, I have been chasing, although I still have to feel too much pressure, but I have experienced a chasing, and I have made me some excitement. I feel the bottleneck in the body, I am slightly loose, I am going to see it first. Look. "The sword was unparalleled smiling, and it quickly closed his eyes.

Time passed, a swaying in January.

In this month, the righteousness of the sword is unparalleled, the high-rise of the magic, the high-rise of the city, the constant search of the territory, in order to find his traces.

And now the search is also coming to the city where he is.

Above the void, a few shadows is sailed, and these figure is unparalleled.

The magic, the country, this is in the endless place where the country is relatively prosperous, and it is more controlled with the three-six-piece domain of the foot, the strong people, the strong person who is single, there is hundreds, and this Killing the sword is unparalleled, the magical sound of the country is a big move, and now there is more than 60 feet in the hairdressing area.

There are also a lot of hairdresses that search for each city in each city, and it is true, like this in this city.


The vast soul is spread from these true saints, covering the entire city below.

"This city has many cultivars, but there is no death, and the gods have a lot of days, but there are only more than two hundred people above the God." A Ziyi woman said.

"The people are strong, the power is almost comparable to the third-order truth, but his hidden means of breath is very good, and the power of the show that has been revealed is just the level of God, so those God are also in our search. Within the scope. "A high-end man with a strong body with a tall man with a sound.

"Those ordinary gods are also awkward, but everything is above the God, all call, one by one."

"Well." The purple clothes nodded.

next moment……

"All the cultivators above all the Gods, all come over, officers, death !!"

The purple woman is cold and the sound of endless and power is echoed inside and outside the city.

This city immediately turned up, and the cultivator of the gods in the city, induced this Shenwei, in the survey, I didn't dare to violate it, I saw a shape, blinking, blinking The cultivators of more than two hundred people have more than those of this city have gathered here.

The sword is also in the crowd.

At this time, the Ziyi woman took out a special spar.

"That stone ... is it going to test?" The sword was slightly contracted.

This spironlli knows that special sparsons specifically used to test the power of the cultivator.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the feelings of the cultivator are poured into this crystal stone, this crystal stone will have a reaction, and according to its reaction, you can know the specific level of the cultivator, no matter how this practitioner hides the means of the breath. In front of this Shenli quarter, it is invisible.

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