Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3013 Impact

(The third is over!)


With the orders of the witch, the Magical Legion is still coming.

These 20,000 sergeants, including the tops of the magic, the top of the country, directly enter the foundation, and start the depository search search in the bottom of the bottom of one thousand miles.

It can be found in this way, one year, ten years, and 20 years, but it is still unable to find the sword unparalleled.

No way, they found the wrong direction at the beginning, and naturally it is impossible to find the sword.

A shake, this area has been blocked by the Crowd Dragon's Fundamental France for 30 years, and the strong people of the magic, still do not give up looking for exploration.

The sword is unparalleled in the city, within the secret room.


The sword is unparalleled, and it also flashes a strange light.

"For thirty years, my power has accumulated to achieve the ultimate limit of God, the understanding of the rules, the understanding of the road has also reached the peak that I can reach this level, Into-school, '' 'Star Dream' This two strokes are also strong enough !! "

"All aspects have reached the limit, and because of the previous championship, the bottleneck in my body has already appeared ..."

"The attempt breakdown."

There is no double eyeliner with swords.

Breakthrough, naturally, I want to break through the unstead of death.

This step is hard, and now he doesn't have a full grasp. After all, he did not truly ushered in a breaking opportunity.

He can do it now, it is completely prepared, then forced to break through it, if it is successful, if it is failed, I am afraid that he can't try the second breakthrough in two hundred years.

However, he is in this territory now, and he wants to find a chance to get it, he only has to break through this method.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled, and the voids in front of him have repeatedly come to several kinds of power.

These gods are also prepared for breakthrough before the sword is unparalleled.

No hesitated, swords are unparalleled to swallow these coniders into the belly, and the time has a vast and pure force began to condense in his body. But it formed a wave of fluffs.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled in the hands of the sword.

A large amount of time and space rules comes together, and the sword is unparalleled.

Time and space swordsman, star dream! !

boom! boom!

At the same time as swordsmanship, the sword is unparalleled, and the torrents of the sword are also crazy toward the wall barriers in his body.

Forced impact.

Two impacts were connected, and the wall barrier was not moving.

"Come again."

The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of the gods has formed a torrent of Jiudao with his skills, which is equivalent to this impact.

Now just impact it twice, there is still a foot seven times.

boom! boom! boom!

It's a three-time impact, and the sword is unparalleled, and each sword is displayed in the 'Star Dream'.

These three shocks down, the wall bar slightly slightly trembled, but it still never suffered damage.

"carry on!!"

The sword has no double eyeline, there is still the remaining five power floods in the body. At this moment, there are four simultaneous impacts.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

It is also four fierce shocks. The wall bar in his body is shocked by this shock, but after impacting the power, this wall bar slowly calm down.

"Eight shocks, all failed, only the opportunity to hit the last impact." The sword is not a double eye.

The last impact is also the strongest impact of his condensed power.

This shock, although there is only a god of flood, but this Shenli has a huge sum of four before.

The most important thing is that although the four floods are shocked, but they are impact on the end barrier, and the power is very dispersed.

And this time, the gods, but the power is set.

"The last chance, fight !!"

The sword is unparalleled only, and it is also a unprecedented effort.

In his body, the gods were also crazy, and the time was shocked over the wall barrier.

Booming ~~~ God is like crazy wanting to turn the wall bar completely.

The wall bar is also crazy, so like shaking.

Just then ... ! !

A fine voice sounded, this voice made the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and a slice of crack has appeared on the barrier in his body.

Although this crack is very weak, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant hole, which makes this wall barrown have lost ancient sturdy.

boom! !

The vast power floods slammed the wall bar.

"Booming ~~~" Endless World Dram crazy flooded.

Not dead, it's here! !


In the sword unparalleled, there is a canyon.

The three true holy strong people of the magic sound gathered together.

These three hairdresses are also responsible for searching for swords without pairs, and they are not in the foundation, but still searching in each city.

After all, the probabilities of swords are hidden in the bottom of the bottom, but it may be hidden in the city, and the magical sound of the monk did not want to give the sword unparalleled opportunity.

It is at this time ...

! !

A horrible neighter, and it is not awkward from the city.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Look at this Shenwei, it should be a breakthrough, and if you look at the breath, you should just have a god-honored breakthrough to reach the non-dead talent, but this mighty, it is too horrible? It is too far from us. It can actually Let me wait full of fear. "

"This is the might of the second order, and even the third-order peers, how is this possible?"

These three happiness looked up over the voids in the distance, and one was shocked.

The next moment, three people made a decision.

"Walk, take a look !!"

"But who broke through, I have to go."

Three people immediately got.

They also have a distance from the city, but they can feel so powerful.

In that city, the countless cultivator is completely under the midst of the neighborhood.

"This this……"

"Who is it? Who is breaking?"

"Look at the power of the power, someone breaks through the unstead of sacred people, but so powerful, how can it be able to have it?"

"It's terrible, this Shen Wei is too terrible. I have been fortunate to see a second-order peak haunt, and I am far away."

"Who is it, in our city?"

There are countless people happiness, making a scream.

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