Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3018 is him!

(Today's four more!)


The vast world, because the existence of the prisoner dragon is from the existence of the dragon, all over the world covers a faint golden color.

In the empty, !!!!

The four movements caught.

These four people are not fast, and while brushing the void, four people have released their souls all released, which is obvious to find anything.

These four people are the four strong people from the magic sound, two of which are true, and two are fake.

Search while searching, there is some complaints in this conversation. In this conversation, there are some complaints.

"Let's search for a few decades. As a result, there is no hair of the person. Take me, the person should have escaped in this area."

"I think so, but in such a big territory, then many people have been searching for the investigation, even the 200,000 magic tesselves are dispatched, and they have not found the footsteps for ten years. The person is definitely not here. "

"Hey, I have heard that some people have seen the blood in the city, and because of the unmatched saints, because the unstead of moving, the unstead of the never, the people we have been looking for." ? "

"How can, we have to find a strong strength, enough to match the three-order hanker, how can you just break the saint? These people can not find it, and if you find an excuse?"

"Who said no, hey, find finding, don't know when it is a head."

Several people talk freely, and some are obviously dissatisfied.

"Okay, shut up!"

A low drizzle suddenly sounded, and the speech is a cold proud middle-aged year.

This arrogant middle-aged is a first-order peak, the strongest strength in the four people, and the status is natural.

"Blocking this area, ordered people from all corners to search, is a witch adult, and think that the unreasonable people who have just broken is what we are looking for, and the witch adult, you have a gut, and you have a witch. Command? "The proud middle-aged sweeping three people behind him.

These three people were scared, they didn't dare to say some half sentences.

The witch, in the country of the magic, except for the country, it is estimated that the golden silver two kings will not care, only others are very awesome, and their several of course are no exception.

After a sentence, the voice of the proud middle-aged sound was also soft. "Both are less, in fact, compared to the Magical Legion, and those who have been in the bottom of the ground, we have four already lucky Oh, contentment. "

I heard this, the three people rear.

Indeed, although they have been searching, although they have been searching, but they are searching on the ground, and the power of the soul is also easy and fast.

But the search is different in the foundation.

That needs to be deposited with the power of the soul. It needs to keep the soul concentrated state, and a few more time, decades, that is a torment.

Compared to those who are explorated in the foundation, they are really fortunate.

at this time……


Then the proud middle age suddenly looked up in front, "someone in front, and seeing the breath, it seems still an unstead of sacred people?"

"Do not die saints?" The three people behind them are all, and the power of the soul is now spread.

"It is indeed a dead saint, and it feels that the breath is more strange, who will it?"

Four people took doubts and continued to brush forward.

I quickly saw a cold figure at my own sight.

He, wearing a black robes, wearing a proof gray mask on his face, cold ice ice standing in the void, and the breath that is emitted is also dark and very cold.

"This, this person ..."

When I saw the gray robs in the sight, the four of the four people who did not die, including the cold proud middle-aged.

Rights, gray masks, this is a unique body of Chiang Tianzhi members! !

In this area that is completely blocked, a person with a haunted breath, wearing a gray ball, with a gray mask?

There is no doubt that this person in front of them is the people who want to find some ten years.

"It is him, what we are looking for is him !!"

The look of the four people in the middle age, become unusually wonderful.

"Fast, give the witch adult message, let me find him !!" Cold proud middle-aged.

There is no hidden in the festival behind him, and immediately took out the governor.

Just instantly, the message has passed out.

"The message is over?"

The cold voice suddenly sounded.

The wind and proud middle-aged four people have a shock, and the eyes are more likely to appear in front of them.

"How is it possible? Just at our point of view, how can he come to us in a moment?" The proud middle-aged figure is crazy, "His speed, how fast is it?"

"I asked you, the message has been passed out?" The sword did not ring again.

"Biography, I have passed." Zhao proud middle-aged consciousness.

"Very good." The sword was unpaired, and he smiled very sincere, because this arrogant middle-aged four people have helped him do what they want.

"Since the message has been passed out, then you have no use, die." The sword is unparalleled, but the figure is strange, and there is a silver light suddenly.

The four people in the cold proud middle-aged are still there, and they will not be able to make any response.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

At the same time, the four sounds sounded at the same time, and the body of the striking body has been cut, and Jian Feng did not enter their body.

The two fakes in the four people died first.

As for the two of the true saints, although it controls the body, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is applied to the "burning god", but before and after consumption, the five drops 'burning god' poisons, these two hairdresses, Also instantly died.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, and the treasure of the four people left will revenue, but they have not left, but standing there, waiting quietly.

"Since these four people have passed the news, the strong people of the magic, will definitely come over with the fastest speed, I am waiting for them here." The sword is unparalleled smile, it is wearing mask The face is lower, but it flashes a silk look.

In the past, in front of the breakthrough, he fell to the murderer of the magic, he only fled to hind.

But now, as he breaks through the unstead of sacred people, the strength is inclined, he is incompetent, it is expected to meet with the magical gods.

"I hope they can don't let me down!"


PS: Today's four is more!

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