Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3025 Magic Word

(The third is over!)


On the void, the middle-aged man suddenly appeared, and the face is indifferent, so calm looks at the sword.

Although there is no half of the words, there is no trace of the hand, but the light is standing there, but it is still a lot of pressure to the sword.

"Such a big pressure, no accident, he should be the Magic National Lord." The sword is unimacred.

He is very clear, in the whole magic, only this magic gang owner can now give him so much pressure.

"I didn't expect the goddess of the goddess. I would like to come here." The sword was unparalleled with a slight frown. In his opinion, he was very moving in this magic, although there was a great movement, this magic patrophobe You should be able to ask yourself.

But just just a matter of time, it should not be present, or shoot it.

But now, this magic, the country of the magic, is personally come out.

The sword is unparalleled, but the Magic National Lord did not plan to shoot, but he did not show it, but he can see what happened here in the eyes through the prison dragon, when seeing the sword unparalleled and gold When he was defeated by Kings, he has already shaken.

Subsequently, I saw the sword where the magic of the gods were murdered. When I was directly slaughtered in a first sixteen true sanctuary, the Magic Magnolia did not sit.

The prison dragon container is the treasure of his refining, and he directly controls the prison dragon to open a space channel, and the fastest speed is coming to this.

Silence is a long time, the middle-aged people in the black robe, that is, the Magic Master is finally opened, "telling this seat, your name!"

"Jian Tian Hou." The sword is unparalleled.

"Jian Tianhou?" The magic of the moon is slightly moved. He has not had this name memory in the mind, "can defeat the golden king in the first-order truth, and it is even more than ten. The true sorcerer is uncomfortable, will never be a silent unknown generation, if this is not guess, you should come from the Tiantian three palace, and it is not a Tiandi Palace, it is likely to be from the original palace. "

"Tiantian three palace?" The many strong people of the magic, the people of the magic are all.

They are all the strong people than the sacred people, they all know that they are alliances, and some people have heard of the Tiantian Thirteen.

Know that it is a place where you are in many days.

Now listen to the moon, the country is said, these strong people are immediately.

"Yes, it is definitely a Tiantian 3rd, and only those genius monsters in the Tiantian 3rd will have such a terrible strength !!"

"First-order holy but has a third-order peak, such a monster, and only the three palaces are only available."

"Tiantian three palace, the minimum hierarchy of the Tiandi, is indeed beyond the level of Tiandi Gong Genius."

These strong people are discussing them.

They all believe that the sword is unparalleled from the Tiantian 3rd, and it is very likely to come from the original palace.

After all, there is also a strong point of weakness.

The genius of the Tiandi Tiandi Palace can also challenge it, but it will not be too outrageous.

Like the sword has seen the genius of the three Tiandi Palace, it is Qian Chen, Long Yun and blood jade.

Among these three people, Qianchen is handed over with him.

Thousands ofachen clearly is just a top fake, and there is not long after breaking, but the battle is enough to match the second-order truth.

Although Long Yun and blood jade he didn't pay, he listened to Long Yun said that blood jade is just a first-order holy, but the power is enough to match the third-order truth.

It can be said that the genius of the Tiandi Palace can make a chance to challenge.

Like the bloody jade, the first-order holy holy, three-level, in the Tiandi Palace, is a more powerful role, and the sword is only a first-order holy, you can only show the strength of him now, is already enough It is comparable to the three-order peak, and it is obvious that it is much more powerful than blood jade.

These strong people who naturally magic, they think that swords are unparalleled, they are also from the genius of the original palace.

If you hear them, the sword is unparalleled but feels a little fun.

"I am not from the Tiantian three palace." The sword is unparalleled. "

"How is it possible to be a top genius like you, and the Jade Answa should have already discovered, and it will definitely be invited to invitation.

"Yes, the Jade Ansita sent an invitation to me, I want to join the Tiantian three palace, and I have invited two times, but unfortunately I was refused to be rejected twice." The sword is unparalleled.

"Reject?" The magic of the country, "You actually refuse the invitation of the Tiantian 3rd?"

The Magic Master is a bit surprised.

He heard about the permissions owned by the talented disciples of the Tiantian Three Palace.

That is the place where the gods of the Taijie Shenji, the genius of the monster level, the giftion of the genius, only want to enter the Tiantian three palace, but the Jian Tianhou in front of him, clearly received the invitation, but he actively refused?

"The Magic Word State, I am a disciple of the 3rd palace, it is nothing to do with you?" The sword didn't have a double Lang.

"Of course it is related."

The Magical National Lord is again indifferent. "If you are the disciple of the sky, then this seat may take a courage, do not dare to kill you, and you will leave you a life, top more Give you a discipline, but now this seat has already been asked, and you have negative yourself is a disciple of the Tiantian Three Palace, and this is also recorded in this seat, then all the mirror governor is all recorded, then this is even Now kill you, there will be no more words after the event. "

"Even if you are really a disciple of Tiantian, as long as you have denied, then you can kill you."

"Is this like this?" The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is a laugh: "The Magical Frontier, I said that you are too much trouble, you will be a big national dominant, want to kill me directly to kill it. If you need to set out my words, how much? "

The sword is unparalleled. It is obviously one of the ridicies. It can be listened to the Lord of the Magical, but it is not half angry.

Just kidding, 'Jian Tianhou' in front of him is obviously from the Arab Express, and the enchanting is like this. He has a coupling should be reasonable. Even if you pass it, you will not joke. On the contrary, he knows that the sword is so unparalleled. The enchanting, there is no scruple, then it will be joke, saying that it is a green head, no brain.

His magic, the country, the country, the country, the country, the country is now, I don't know how many years, and I have experienced the unique wind and rain, but he can always survive, the magical sound of the country can always exist, except himself In addition to the strong strength, the most important thing is that he knows that it is unable to provoke.

If the sword is unparalleled, he is a three-palace disciple. He will never dare to kill the hand, but now, he doesn't need any scruple.


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