

"This kid, definitely what to pay attention to, there is definitely something, this seat has not been noticed." The Magical Democracy is slightly lighter, and begging it carefully.


It is also a frontal confrontation, and the sword is unluckled, and the body is also flying directly, and the body is also re-created.

After this collision, the magic of the moon is suddenly moved.

"No, power is not right !!"

"It is clearly the same sword, but the power of this sword now seems to be better than the first sword."

"Yes, it is raised some !!"

The Magic Democracy finally noticed.

That is the sword unparalleled in the face of his positive confrontation. It seems that he is constantly being hit by him. He is smashed, it can be in this time, the strength of the sword has no double sword, but also In constant enhancement.

It is indeed enhanced!

"It's not his power of power, but ... sword !!"

"His swordsman power will increase again!"

The Magic Signal State raised his head, and his face was rare to expose a shocking color.

He also finally understood that the sword was unparalleled with a fool, wisely, and once again followed him blindly collided with him.

"He is using me, or collides with my positive collision, hinding my swords !!" "There is a good man in the big name of the magic.

"I am notware?" The sword is unparalleled but smile.

Yes, as guess, he is hone with his own swords.

He has been closed before, and the two swordsmanities created, and the 'Star Dream' has become a sword. The level is also three-stage across learning, fast, cut, tearing, amazing, in close range Next, this form is very unparalleled to the sword.

He could kill the magic of the magic, so much truth, it is also this trick.

However, 'Star Dream' is not suitable for the collision of face-to-face power.

And the tricks of 'Jiji' is really truly important.

Unfortunately, this trick is unparalleled, but it still has a certain distance from the sword, which means that this sword has not really completed, and it is still in the stage of re-building.

I want to improve this trick, I need to keep working with people, but I still collide with people, it is best to hard fight hard.

So before he passed his hand to the golden king, he also tried to collide with the '' swordsman and King Wang, but the strength of the King King is too weak. It does not bring too much pressure to him. He and King's king collided on the front, his swordsman didn't get much improvement.

But the battle between the Magic Focus is completely different.

The Magical Fantastic, the strongest scholar creation, the strongest scholar created is four-step higher school, and it is also paying attention to power.

With such a strong battle, the sword is unparalleled, and all the secrets are displayed, and then the topical example 'is completely laminated. He is still rushing, which makes the sword unparalleled. .

So he seems to be stupid to confront the Magic National Lord, and in a success, he is constantly improving the deficiencies of the '', in the collision process, continuous improvement This sword.

So far, there are ten times in the foot, and it really made him feel this sword.

No accident, now the 'Xiji' one, has reached the level of second-order peak, and is still constantly improving.

"Haha, happy! Happy !!"

"The Magic Words, we will come again !!"

The sword is not smiled and cool, echoing in the world, his body has also rushed to the front of the Magic Nationalism.

"Damn !!" The main color of the magic sound country is now sinking.

And in the surrounding void, the unstead of the murder of the Magic, all gathered together, one by one to watch this battle.

During the period, they also talked about it.

"It is a big master, the strength is too strong. The combatization of the swordsman is already the third-order peak holy level, but he did not expect that he also hidden a lot of means, now many means I am afraid that the battle is in the fourth-order hairdressing, but even if he is in front of the country, there is still room for resistance, it is completely crushed by the national owner !! "

"Hey, this sword is really enough, it is clear that it is completely crushed by the national owners, and he is so happy to be smirk by the people of the country !!"

"Just, I have to think about how to escape, he is so stupid to continue to fight, I am afraid that he can't use it completely, he will die."

These undead saints are talking.

I feel that the sword is a full idiot, and it also admire the strength of the Magic National Lord.

But at this time ...

"All the mouth !!" "A low drink was awkward.

These unexpected sacred people were scared, and they went to the gold kings who made a low drink.

"Do you not pay attention to some bad?" Jin Wang low deeply.

"Isn't it?" These did not die, and they were puzzled.

"A group of idiots." King King Shen Sheng: "You think that the sword is really stupid? I know that the enemy can't fight the national owner, but also stupidly collides with the national owner? Running, did you not find, the sword Does the Tianhou are in a positive collision with the national adult, is it stable? "


"His swordsman power is improved?"

"How can this be?"

These unscrupulous people are surprised, and the next moment is looking at the battlefield.

At this point, many people are all shrinkage.

They also saw it, before the front collision of the sword unparalleled with the Magic National Lord, it was completely destroyed, and the sword was unparalleled.

With tens of collisions, until now, although the sword is unparalleled, it is still ruined before it is still.

After several collisions, the scholars showed by the Magic Monoprobes, even the rolling swords were unparalleled.

"Three-order peers !!"

"This sword is the sword of the swords he present before, it is only a stronger in second-order pedology, but now that the sword of the sword has exceeded the category of second-order, now I have already touched it. The threshold of the third-order tie school !! "

"That is to say, he is in this success with the national owner, and his swordsman will learn from the second order, raised to the level of third-order tentiem, and continue to improve !!"

Kings said this, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Those people around them are completely shocked.

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