(The first to come!)


The words of King King said, in the heart of these magic, the heart of the country, set off a huge waves.

How long does this sword Tiantian fight with the Magic Focus? Even if it is a positive collision, but now there is still dozens of times, just in such a short time, his swordsman power will improve?

From the second order of learning, it has been upgraded to the third-order collar?

This is not too horrible?


"Real monster !!"

The strong people of these magic sounds can't help but marvel.

Even if it is a magic court, the look is also very exciting at this moment.

"The power from his sword is getting stronger and stronger, I have to show the strongest tricks, and now I have not been completely crushed, and his swordsmanship continues to improve." Magic Sound There is a turbulence in the country's focus, "And, he has collided with my positive collision, and I have been hurting every time I caught him, and I have to consume a lot of power. I can't hit it in dozens of times. His spirit It's still abundant? "

"What's the matter?"

Even the Magic Mandarin felt some inexplicable.

He did not know, the sword at this moment was unparalleled, but it was also in the first collision.

"No, wrong, my swordsmanship, although there is a lot of collision, it has already entered the third-order threshold, but I always feel a little important !!" Sword is unimpedured .

Now, because of the rushing of the swordsman, he has not been crushed before, and it is only slightly suppressed.

And he is at the moment, carefully observing the hammer law of the Magic Division.

The black hammer of the Magic, the black sill, which contains the dark rules, extremely rich, both sledge hammers are also strong, and it is rapidly.

But in this rapidly, the sword is unparalleled, and there is another kind of thing.

"This is ... ?"

"Yes, it is !!"

"Understand, I know what is lacking in my sword, this is the kind of unfair, the mood !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also clear.

After all, he is a time and space rule, the time and space rules are very elegant, there is no fire, the Thunder is rampant, the sword is unparalleled now, this is a trick, but it is completely paying attention to the tricks of Wei. One trick, can you still have a little?

", violent !!"

"I want my sword to violent."

The sword flashed in the eyes of gold, and the sword in his hand has changed in the invisible.

The long sword, the moment is shocked, and a strong sweetener swept, and the swords have improved a lot.


During the front, the face of the Magic, the end of the magic, is increasingly ugly.

"His swordsmanship, power is getting stronger and more powerful, and the speed of power is getting faster and faster, the sword is even more and more violent?" The Magic National Lord stared at the sword.

At first, he showed the most powerless school, the sword was unparalleled without a half-point resistance, and the pain of the body was directly defeated.

Then, even if the sword is unparalleled, he will improve much, he can easily crush.

To just, the sword is unparalleled, and although it improves to the third-order crossing level, it is still not as good as him. He still suppressed.

But now ... The sword is unparalleled and swinging the same sword, although it is still a difference than him, but it has been able to cause a certain pressure to give him.

Such advances are raised, and it is joining.

And the most important thing is that this speed is still going! !


"That is this time." The sword is unparalleled, and there is a surprising effort, and there is also an endless gold flash in the emperor of the 30,000 feet high behind him.

Roar! !

A thick roar moved from the world.

The sword is the same, the sword suddenly waits, and the swords can be directly turned into a complete and huge ancient impair.

This is ancient ancient impaired beasts, and the air is rushing, carrying a thrilling, directly bombardment.

The Magic Goddess seems to be aware of this sword, and it is shocked, and the double hammer is also waved.

"Dark Flower!"

boom! boom!

The world is directly dark.

Under this, there is no darkness, the two dark streams have been left in an instant, and the blink of an eye is hit by the front of the ancient beast.

! !

A big sound, the world is mad, the surrounding voids have set off endless waves, a huge impact wave is unscrupulous.

At the center of the two, the magic civil main mouth is open, which is purely horrified, because he has already felt the power sent by his sledgehammer, the power of power, actually ... He above.


The void is almost cracking, and the body of the magic, the body of the Magic, is also in the shape of it.

As for the sword, the unparalleled, as if it is not affected by a half point, its body is still standing in place.

Returned! !

The Magic Communist owner, was repelled by the front! !

"How can it be?"


"Hard hard, the big man is actually repelled by the front side?"

The many magical sounds of the surrounding magic, they were unbelievable.

Even the magic, the owner of the magic, it is completely.

As for the sword, there is no parallel, he holds the sword, standing in the void, the eyes are watching the long sword in the hand, and the bottom is also very excited.

"How can I not be ?"

"Only one of the unfired, can make the attack, such swordsmanship, is really complete."

The sword is unhappy, and it can't help but grasp.

With the positive confrontation with the Magic National Lord, the positive collision is in a second time, under the time, the '' of the "Juni", which finally got real improvement.

Since then, in addition to the 'Star Dream', the second sword creation of the sword unbound has been born.

"I just had this sword, I have to reach the hierarchy of the third-order peak, but this sword is amazing, it is no longer suitable for the name of 'Jiji', but should use ' ' Talented. "The sword didn't think of a double dark.


, is a violent! !

This sword has already had a full frame, which can become a sword surgery.

And just, he was with this sword, and his frontal guard against the Magic Communist Guard. The first time I collided on the front, better than the Magic Fruit.

And this is not half a short, no one is lucky, purely the power is better than the power.

Like the Lord of the Magic, now it is completely complete.

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