(The first to come!)


The champion is quickly dissipated, and after a while, the witch people who have been waiting outside the temple will come in.

"The Daren." The witch conquartedly.

"The four people hidden, you know?" The magic is overlooking.

"Of course, I know that they are still arranged in person." The witch nodded.

"This is good, you personally take a trip, see the swordsman, tell him the four people hiding, and give this one." The Magical Demonira.

"I see the Jian Tianhou?" The witch is a little stunned.

If he wants him to see Jian Tianhou, and also tell the swords of the four people to hide, the goddess, is this going down?

"Remember, don't let the third person know, don't let anyone know that you tell you that the four people will tell you that the four people will tell the swords, and it is still very tough, Swear to keep the posture of the four people, understand? "The Magical Gordaremo said.

When you hear this, the witch adult instantly understand.

He is not stupid, and it will be aware of the intention of the Magic Domestic Lord.

"Go it." The Magic State Lord waved his hand.

"Yes." The witch gang watched it, and it left.


On top of a calm, wearing a gray robbery, wearing a gray mask, and a cold dark breath, there is no double flashfish sitting on a boulder, and the eyes are also slightly closed. It seems to be waiting for something.

Sure enough, a figure appeared in front of him.

It is the witch.

"Is it coming?" The sword didn't open his eyes, and he saw this witch.

"You know that I will come?" The voice of the witch looked down and watched the sword.

"Of course, the Magic National Lord unless I really kill the ability, I only send people to talk to me." The sword didn't smile.

The witch gods are cloudy, and the half-rang is directly waving to throw a monk to the sword. "This is my family's big person to give you."

After saying, the witch is no matter what the sword is unparalleled, it turns directly to it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the consciousness is simple, but the corner of the mouth exposed a taste smile.

"Is it finally uniform?" The sword was unparalleled, but did not feel a half point.

The Magic National Lord can create a great goddess, should not be the kind of armed head, he also has a brain.

He should clearly tear the consequences of his face, this consequence is never joking.

What's more just a four-digit level, it's nothing wrong with the Magic Domestic Lord, just losing the face and prestige.

It is not worthless for a little bit of risking, and it is obviously worthless.

Now, the means of this magic civilian master is more sensible, and it is more intelligent.

It is still in the face of tough to maintain the status of the four people. When he puts the power of those strong, the other is to send close people to tell him the position of the four people, let him go kill……

"I killed the four people, one is to complete the task, the second is also the crime of the four people, it is indeed worthy of killing, as for the mission of this magic, there is no need to get too much, since he is now willing to wear soft I also followed him this step. "

The sword is unparalleled, and then he will go directly to the position of the four people.


Here, it is still in the territory of the Magical Voice.

However, here is an unbelievable, and there will be almost some of the territory of people in the week.

This is a buzzing big forest.

There is a swamp in the deepest forest, and the sword is unparalleled. The last four people are hidden in this swamp.

The big swamp is also covered by a layer of ban.

Within the ban, there is a palace, the palace of the palace.

"Ah !!"

"no no!!"

"Adult, forgive, forgive !!"

A sad and madness screaming in the entire temple.

There are many people who have made this scream, which is obviously in the absence of suffering.

And such a sound lasted in a large half of the time, it gradually calmed down.


The door of the inner layer suddenly opened, and then a gold robe was in a golden robe, but the middle-aged man in the barefoot came out of the temple.

This middle-aged man has a smile of evil, and there is a hint of blood. He stands in front of the temple. It is a look at the temple. "Go to the inside, will kill the two Personally lift it. "


There are a number of women who wear beautiful clothes to go to the inner temple.

Looking at these maids, the middle-aged man's mouth raised a smile.

Because he is staring at the sword, he is forced to help, only in this swamp, at all, do not dare to show.

However, he is a person who enjoys a pleasure, even if he is hiding here, he also brought a lot of maids with Meiji, these maids are giving him a pleasure.

Otherwise, he is alone here, there is no shortcomings, once you have long, he is afraid to go crazy.

Not long after, this middle-aged man appeared in the main hall, sitting on the throne, and he took out an entry to explore the message sent by the governor.

"The Jian Tianhou, actually killed the Tianwu Palace? Good courage !!"

The middle-aged man is cold and incomparable, and there is also a fear of the bottom.

"This sword is so decisive, and the national owner is obviously nothing to take him, and finally, the big people will not serve him, put me out?"

"No, it will never!"

"What a lofty existence of the national owner, he has always been a saying in the magic, and I am a strong man, he can't be unbelievable, he is really going out, then He is completely swept in the majesty of the magic, he will never do this. "

Middle-aged man is constantly comforting himself.

And soon, he got the news, the Magical State Lord personally released the words, and the gesture was very tough, and it also said that there was already spent the price of the big price. Please drive to the magic sound of the gods. Use it immediately.

"Haha, sure, why, what is the national owner, and it will be soft to the sword. This sword is that the sword is smart. It's good to leave now. If he doesn't go, hey, you will die !!"

The middle-aged man flashed in the eyes, he was very eager to die directly, so he didn't have to hide it here.

But he didn't know, he was eager to die of the sword of the opponent's death, and now he has come to his hiding.

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