Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3035 Returns Jinwu Jiujie

(The first to come!)


"Hold it." The sword smiled.

He has a certain feeling with the bloody king, but this is actually not too deep.

But this time ... he gives the blood Dong Wang Communication, please send him some 'Burning God' toxic, but it is completely blocked with your situation, including the surrounding area, only the things that you will not be carefully followed. The blood Dong Wang Xi said, and the blood Dongwang did not hesitate to hesitate, directly agreed, which made the sword were quite touched and was very grateful.

Like the friend like the blood Dongwang, it is still worth a deep, so the sword is unparalleled, and it will take all 100 million Sheng Dan. It is more than 60 million Sheng Dan, and it is grateful to the blood Dong Wang. adventurous.

Looking at the Qiankun Ring in the hand, the blood Dong Wang also did not hesitate, "Ok, I accept it."

Before the Blood King, I saw the sword without a double slaughter magic sound. There were a lot of strong people, and the strong people of the haunter were killed in the sword, and those who were strong, the sword was unparalleled. A large fortune, plus the remuneration of this task, it is to make a big profit, so he is not too much.

"Tianhou brothers, what is going on next?" Blood Dong Wang looked at the sword.

"I still have some private affairs to deal with it." The sword has no double.

"In this case, then we will be separated, I still go to the quite Wang Xiaoshao, Tianhou brothers, if there is anything, like this trouble, you can always find me." Blood Dong Wang. "

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

Soon two were separated.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is already planning to come back.

"I have broken through the unsatisfied people, and just reached the first-order holy level, according to the truth, my strength is still in the forefoot, as long as there is a chance, in a short time, my strength has been greatly improved."

"Machine ..."

"At the beginning of the secret, I promised the spirit of the secret. After I reached the holy people, I will go to the mission again, and I will accept the test of the secret owner. Now my realm has reached, I should also Go to fulfill my commitment. "The sword was muffy.

The sword is not a buddhism, but the bottom has an idea, then he will do it directly.

The endless territory, huge no.

The magical sound of the monk occupies a threety-six domains, which is already a big one, but compared to the whole endless territor, it is still just a chart of the sea, and the magical sound is from Jin Wu Jiujie. Also very far.

Fortunately, the sword is unbound is already a member of the , but it is still a member of the heavens, the permissions are not small, and the secret nest of the has all the corners of the gear world, and there is also a day around the Tsuen Dominant in Jiujie. Leaning secret nest.

Through the space channel, the sword has directly appeared in the secret nest of the Arab Express around Jinwujin.

Subsequently, the sword spent some Sheng Dan, got an intelligence.

This intelligence is the change in the year of the sword unparalleled.

If you carefully count, you will have a border from the sword without double, it has been in the past three hundred years.

For this three hundred years, there is no longer half of the sword of this world.

A slight void.

The sword is unparalleled, while you look at the information in your hand carefully.

"Sure enough, after I left, there were a lot of mystery, and there were many rules to arrive."

Looking at the intelligence in the hand, the sword is unhappy and dark.

At the beginning, in order to rush cold as a frost in the hands of the valley, he did not hesitate to show his last top card. It used the life level, and even showed the tactics, killing some of the top of the valley level. disciple.

But because of this, he was stared at the Heavenly Will, if it was not the mysterious people secretly saved, plus the instantaneous movement in the secrets in the secrets, he was afraid that he was not able to Escape.

After he left, from the triple day, a large number of top power came.

According to this intelligence of the , many of the strong people have a lot of strong, they are looking for, they will overcome the whole golden Wusijie, especially the swords are unparalleled, and there is also his born Danyang Sheng. The world is finished, and it has been found.

And, all those who have a certain relationship with swords, they are trial, but they can finally do not have a half-point trail of swords.

Not only single is the Jincheng, and there are a large number of territories around, and they are also found by those strong people.

It can be found for a hundred years, and after the news is still there, those strong people leave.

By the time, Jinwu 9th, has once again repeated.

"Hey, although the intelligence of the average is all left, but this is afraid that there is no absolute. If I have not guess, those strong people have left, but in the dark, I am afraid still still There will be a few strong people to stay, but they just have no unscrupulous search before it, but they will have the appearance. "The sword didn't have a double.

He is very clear, what kind of terrible enemies are

Three major sacred countries, four gods, eight squares, any terrible forces?

Just come out for a force, it is enough to make the whole too early gods on a shock.

Such super forces, the strong is more than the cattle, and they are more intense to their own hearts.

Even if you have never found his trails before, these forces will never give up here, they will definitely let some strong people have been waiting here, even if they are 10,000 years, hundreds of thousands The estimated estimates are all left.

After all, these major super forces should not miss a few power.

As for the heavens will ...

The sword is unparalleled, can't help it.

Although it looks like a calm look, the sword is unparalleled, and this territorial heights will have too much too much than before.

In no accident, Tiandao will has been staring at this territory. He is just just just entering this territory, nothing.

Once he communicates with people in this territory, showing powerful strength, or revealing your own card, the heavens will be perceived immediately, and those strong people hidden in this territory are absolutely first. Time is killing him.

"Fortunately, I will return to Jinwujin's purpose, just for the opportunity of the midst of the secret, but I didn't want to rub with people or fight with people. The top is just casually, as long as I don't shoot, Tiandao Will Weiner, and those who are hidden in Jinwu Jiujie, will never know that I have already come back. "The sword is slightly tight, showing a strange smile.

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