Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3040, a measuring!

(The first to come!)


"Valley is old, I want a place where I can make me peace of mind." The sword has no double.

"Yes, this secret is very large, and in addition to your existence of the second cultivator, I will arrange a place for you, you can make sure there will be no one will bother to you." Go Valley said, "but there is a piece I have to remind you that any cultivator, only three chances of , you have used it once, there is still two times, this two chances you must catch, you can at least 78 It's giving around, you go to sway again. "

"I understand." The sword is not a double nod.

Very fast Valley is unparalleled to the sword to have a separate dark void.

This darkness is boundless, and the sword is situated in the past, and it is a golden stone that is suspended in the baby fist.

"let's start."

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled directly into this golden stone.

Hey ~~~ The picture begins to change.

Call! ! !

A horrible time and space storm flooded in all corners of the world, these sprints contained the strain power, strong outrages, don't say a true sorghum, swords and unparalleled, even skeptical, the Lord of a rule fell into this time and space, It is estimated that only this sprint of the sprint into pieces.

There are many places in the time and space storm, time and space seems to be completely solidified, completely stopped, and a piece of space is constantly broken, and it is constantly reorganized.

In this Time and Space Storm, there is a high-incomparable golden temple. This temple is magnificent, and it is mysterious within the temple. It is still a vast space for time and space. It seems that it is another time and space.

And the sword is unparalleled. At this moment, it will stand under this golden temple.

"I came here again."

Seeing the time and space in front of him, the sword is unbolded, and there is still a lot of waves.

His ear is still echoing to the other words that have been heard.

"Cross the time and space gates, into my space hall, for my temple !!"

When the sword was unparalleled, he across the time of the time and space, and then he was able to refer to the first designated tactics of time and space.

And now ...

Deep sucking tone, swords were unparalleled, no one is hesitant, and then it is re-entered the temple.

When I entered the temple, the sword was unparalleled to a vast void.

In this void, a high school is standing there.

This high-body shadow is three meters high, wearing a simple but clean white robe, he can't see its specific appearance, and carrying his hands standing in this void.

"It's another."

Sword is unparalleled, you are not strange to this high body shadow.

At the beginning, when he was applying a designated tactics, he also saw this high-body shadow personally showed a designated tactics to prevent many powerful people, so that these strong people were caught in time and stopped.

If the sword is unparalleled, this high body shadow is very likely to be the creator of time and space, that is, the Tempora.

Now the sword is unparalleled to see this high body, this high body shadow is standing before a star.

That is a large volume, and its territory is more than the magic, and there are many giant stars.

Such a star is simply a huge thing, and the swords in the stars have also been able to induce the breath of dense Ma Ma, those practitioners are very good, among which there are many people, the sword is unparalleled, even faintly inseparable. The breath of the rules exists.

"He, what is going to do?"

The sword is unparalleled as a bystander, quietly staring at the high body.

Finally, the high body moved.

He still does not have much actions, just just right hand slowly extended, and the direction of the giant star.

Yes, it is the simplest finger.

It is the same as the specified tactics to show.

Under such a point, a concealed time and space rule suddenly swept away.

In front, the giant star is ... rumble ~~~ The horrible time and space appears out.

At this time, the air storm is completely covered with the whole star, and a large amount of time and space is crazy, and everything is stranded.

Rotary, the giant star, including countless cultivars on the stars, will be annihilated with the speed visible to the naked eye.

It is annihilating! !

A completely annihilation.

Whether it is this giant star, or the cultivator in the stars, including the remains of the concealed rules of the sword, there is no room for struggling, and the blink is annihilated.

That giant star has completely disappeared, and this world has also returned to calm, so that everything has not happened.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is already completely.

Half rang, a vast message has poured into his mind.

Temporal art, second type ... one finger annihilation! !

"One finger !!"

"Demonstration of time and space !!"

The sword is unparalleled to stand in this void, but the figure is faint.

terrible! !

Just that scene, it is terrible.

You know, the giant star, its volume can be more than a magic queen.

Such a huge star, that high body shadow is just a finger, and the slag that is completely annihilated is not left.

So horrible means, simple incredibility! !

"Time and space annihilation, right, this high body shadow has just been used by time and space, the time and space can be released in the third stage of time and space." The sword is still recalling the scene.

The time-space storm that destroys the sky, annihilated everything, and that means is obviously annihilated.

According to the unparalleled pair of swords, it is a new ability to meet a level of time and space.

The first level of time and space rules is to condense spacious.

Second, grasp the blade of time and space.

At the third level of time and space rules, the spatial annihilation can be displayed.

As for the fourth level, it is possible to show transients.

The third level of time and space is annihilated, and the sword is unparalleled now has not reached this level.

It is just a special means to make the most perfect pick-up. This move is aware of the ability to destroy the destruction.

"Justice, my time and space rules are further, it is necessary to control the tricks of time and space, and one finger of the annihilation, it will be the most perfect, I can complete the trick while I can control the time and space. When annihilated, it can be across the Temporation of Temporal and Space Rules. "The sword flashed.

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