


I saw the sword and the unparalleled figure had disappeared, and it was a strange silver stream flashing and then the sword light lit.

Fast, fast incredible.

When this sword lit up, the black woman's eyes fierce, and the face also flashed a shock.

A sword of this place, the black woman did not respond at all.


The sword is brighter, and the head of this black dress will take directly to the opening.

Just a photo, the black woman in the three departments has been directly killed.


It's an anger, but the tiger's back bear has come to the sword. There is no double in the sword. His two palms have a big hammer, and the body is full of black Thunder, it is like Lei Shen, the fierce sword is unparalleled.

"It's good."

The sword is unparalleled, but the right hand holds the sword.

The moment, a thrilling sword suddenly burst.

Time and space swordsman, ! !

! !

The low impact sounds, the tiger's body shape is a fascinating, and the wolf is exploding.

In the sword, there is no double-to-time rule, he has never broke through, he fully transfers the ' ' a positive collision with this tiger's wife, but also barely occupies a little wind, but now the time and space rules have reached the third stage, sword unparalleled ' 'Opening, the power has increased three times! !

The two will be handed again, naturally a rolling.


The sword is unparalleled with a double body, and the last white robe is attacked.

The white robe woman showed the soul attack, and the stereotype of the spear was controlled by the sword. There was no double burst. It can be seen by the sword. Subsequently, the sword is brushing from the white robes, and the woman is also It is directly killed.

Just a moment, the three departments were killed two, and the tiger's back bear's waist was completely crushed, and the results have also come out.

"Kid, congratulations, Tottate Mountain."

The tiger's back bear waist is standing next to it, looking at the sword.

The black woman who is unparalleled by the sword is also re-repaired, and they all look at the sword, and they have a different color.

"Containment." The sword is unparalleled but smile.

At this time, ~~~ a body-shaped Mushan Mountain is condensed, and it is always the old valley that is watching around.

"Little guy, congratulations." You also looked at the sword. The face also took a brilliant color. "The owner left this secret city begins until now, I have passed, I haven't known it. Now, someone can finally pass. The master left the test !! "

"Little guy, come with me."

The grain waves, and a space channel appears in the void around the Mountain.

Valley has a sword with a sword to enter the space channel.

It is still within the secret, but it is still the core of the secret and the most important area.

Here, it is still within a palace, just that the palace is high, the area is more vast.

The sword is unparalleled into this palace. His eyes immediately saw the most ended the palace through the void, sitting on the side of the throne.

That is a young man who has a slender, full of three meters high, and beautiful.

This young man is full of skin, but it is not quite delicate, even more glamorous women.

He wears snow white golden knuckle, a brown long hair to the shoulder, his look is lazy, but there is a pair of deep as if the eyes of hundreds of millions of stars, and there is two kinds of swords on the deep eye. .

These two swordsters are like the two sorts of the two sorts in the sword. As long as they are slightly bouquet, they will explode directly from terrorism.

This young man is lazy, sitting on the throne, there is no half a breath, giving people a feeling of ordinary plain.

But this young man, even at the end of the palace, there is an extremely distant distance from the sword, and even the young man didn't look up, just sit there, but still let the sword have a double heart rise. A fear.

Yes, it is awesome! !

This is an instinct to the awe of strong people.

"Little guy, go with me to see the master." You said.

"Master? Is that this secret of this secret?" The sword was quite excited.

He followed the old, slowly walking toward the Palace.

Half rang, finally came to the most center of the palace, came to the throne.

Going here, the awe of swords in the heart is getting stronger.

"Master." Google old opened.

His voice is gentle, but it is absolutely respectful.

On the throne, the three-meter-high handsome man has a slight movement, and then the eyelids slowly lift, and the eyes of the paint did not have a feeling of feelings, and the valleys and swords left.

At the moment of the perception of this handsome man, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole person seems to be completely cave.

But in the sword, there is no pair of two feet two, and have experienced many wind and rain, even in the world, he also instead of countless top power, although the strong people are restricted by the world, the true strength is unable to break, but The sword is unparalleled and also seen some incredible means.

So in front of this handsome man, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not too lost.

"Jian Tianhou, have seen the predecessor." The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that this handsome man was already dead, and it was just a consciousness of the body.

"Jian Tianhou?"

The ancient and low voice came out of the mouth of the handsome man, "I have been overwhelmed by you."

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"The owner, this little guy is very high, and the origin is more unusual." Go Valley said.

"I know." Junmei man nodded.

This secret, but he personally created, although the many things now have a lot of things to be talented, but as the Most of this secret, many things happened in this secret, he is still a clear, like a sword, unparalleled, to get When the corpse army, try to test the test, the soul was directly killed six or seven, still can not die, this handsome man also saw it.

"The soul is destroyed, there is no doubt, this is a normal event, but this little guy completely violates the common sense of heaven, he is a heaven and earth, and it is not possible to exist." Junmei men looked at the sword. " Flashing a different color.

"In any case, since you passed the Testament of the Mountain left, then I have been staying in this secret, I naturally be attributed to you."

The sound of the beautiful man is long.

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