Sword Master of All Dao

Article 3045 Four Compilation (on)



The look of the blood north is obviously a bit of bleak.

Also, no matter how the glory is, how can you not die, but he is still dead.

It's just a consciousness of a consciousness.

"Jian Tianhou, you can pass the test, then the opportunity in our mirror will be handed over, I have left four kinds of machines in this secret." Said the blood north.

"Four copies?" The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is full of expectations.

"The first is the first machine."

The blood north said, once a waved, took out a Qiankun ring.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled to watch this Qiankun ring.

"This is the treasure of the resources collected in my life, all in this Qiankun." Blood Nao Road.

When you hear this, the sword is not born without a red.

Treasures and resources collected by blood north lifelong?

Is this a total of blood north?

This can be a master of a strong rule, his family? How many resources have you, how many treasures have you?

The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't be happy too early, this Qiankun ring is not to give you." Just on the occasion of the sword without double excitement, the blood north directly poured directly.

The sword is unparalleled.

This blood north just said to give him a chance, and took out this Qiankun ring, the result is not given?

"This Qiankun is indeed, but these things are preparing to leave the blood ancestors, after all, there are competition in the Tianzu Daofang, this competition is very powerful, my blood ancestral I also need to leave the resources left, and I am now getting out now, I hope to borrow your hand, let you send it to the blood ancestors in the future. "

"Of course, this Qiankun is already in a special ban. Only when my blood ancestors can solve the ban, open this Qiankun, otherwise, even if the rule is personally shot, I will think about this. Ring open. "Blood Nao Road.

The sword is not blessed but it is more quirky.

The blood north glance is unparalleled, said: "Jian Tianhou, although you don't worship Wu as a teacher, but you can inherit our clothes, it is a half disciple, and natural is also a blood ancestor. People who have a pulse, I just let you send this Qiankun to the hand of the blood ancestor, this should be. "

"However, of course, I don't have it." The sword is unparalleled just a smile.

"You don't have to be too disappointed, although the Qiankun ring collected in my bi is not given to you, but I also give you three special treasures to you, these three treasures, it is the first for you. Weili.

When I heard this, the sword did not look forward to it.

"The first is the first treasure."

The bloody big hand, and immediately appeared in front of the sword.

This jade is unique, and the jade is engraved with a complicated secret printed, which is closely equipped with a full body.

And the surroundings around the jade feet are surrounded by two of the ice and fire.

Seeing the jade feet in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, but it is invincible.

He has seen this jade feet as the first eye.

"This breath, super, high height ... What is the treasure of this level?" The sword is unpaired.

Treasure he also saw a lot, of which the most, naturally he owned by the mountains and rivers.

But because the mountain river social graphics level is too high, this will cause the sword to see the specific level of the mountain river social map.

In addition to the mountains and rivers, the swords are unparalleled, the other treasures they see, the level is afraid that they are far more than the jade feet.

"This is the ice and fire tower, but I have been coincidental in the chance of the opportunity before, and I got it." Blood Nao Road.

"Bao?" The sword is unbentered.

The gods, all kinds of treasures, from the ground treasure, Tianbao to Holy Bao! !

Holy Bao, just the use of the rules of the saints, and the strength of the rules that are far from the people of the people who do not die, they use the treasure! !

Heaven and earth, powerful! !

The sword is unparalleled, why is this jade feet? Why is it so super, so tall? It turns out that it is a treasure! !

And still areas of the field to treasure! !

You know, in a variety of treasures between Heaven and Earth, which attacks the gods, the guardrails are the most common treasures, and the treasures of the domain, suppression, and soul are very rare rare.

Such a rare treasure, one thing is more expensive than ten attacks than the same level.

A field class to treasure, naturally, it is more than ten hands to the treasure troper! !

"A cultivator, want to go farther, first of all, you have to have a variety of crises or in the environment, live, only living longer, the road to walk will be longer, so I give You leave this ice fire tou, you can let you control the field, there is a sector assistant, as long as you don't encounter too strong enemies, you can just want to go, want to stay, take the opportunity. "

"This ice is hot, you should use it in the future." Blood Nao Road.

"It is used, of course." The sword is unparalleled, but it is very excited.

Here is treasure, he is of course! !

You know, he is good at the field.

He rely on the Jiuqu River, Star A, and the punishment of the triple area is integrated, enough to give the homework.

But later because of his strength, this field is gradually weakened.

No way, Jiuqu's Blue Light River is just a three-piece holy treasure, dealing with some fake stagnies or a general first-order holy, but it has come to the second order, third-order hazard level, nine songs The pressure of the river is inexpensive.

As for the prison of punishment, this is a means of secretly punishment.

This height is only the most basic means, forming a golden field, trapped against the opponent, while generating a certain field pressing effect.

But as the sword is unparalleled, it will now practice the punishment to 30,000 feet. This trick has been rarely used, because the effect is that.

The only field effect is okay, it is the star of Star A.

Jiu Yaoxing has reached the sky articles, and the star of the Star A, and there is still a certain oppression.

Now, if he gets this ice fire tou, he will play the power of this area to treasure. You don't have to play too much. Even if you just have to play, it is enough to have a great improvement to his war. With the starry field, the effect will be better! !

No hesitation, swords are unparalleled, and the ice fire tours in front of them will be accepted, and there is no blocking of blood.

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