Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3048 Bodhi World

(Today, the seventh is over !!)


"Is it the universe battlefield?" The sword has no double looks abnormally, "Seniors, this universe battlefield, what is the place?"

"The Cosmic Battlefield ... What is the specific place, why is it not clear, but I only know that there is an endless opportunity, as long as you have strength, you can get something you can't get unexpected. "The blood north said this, the look is obviously excited.

But soon, he is positive, "the little guy, you are still weak now, but you can pass the test, and the body is hidden, the future growth space must be very huge, and in the future, as long as you care, you will become The top power should be difficult, and if you have a day you can break through the rules, the strength is reached or beyond my, you can break this ban, get the hidden star map of the governor. "

"Through the star map, you can go to the universe battlefield, find my original time and space, I have a feeling, the special time and space hidden the big room, I didn't have the strength and courage to go, but you have!"

"And if you are constrained in the future, you can't break through the Lord to reach the rules, you will give you the contest to your Qiankun to give you the leader of the priest."

"Understand." The sword has no double nodded, and immediately carefully incorporated the Qiankun.

He understands that this is the star map hidden in the connotation, and it is worthwhile to have a big chamber in the battlefield, and its value is quite.

The blood north left this star map to him, and he hopes that after he grows up in the future, he went to the time and space where the star map is located, and it will be found.

Four miles have given it three, only the last machine is left.

"Little guy, I left your last machine, it is a creation." Blood north directly.

The sword is not bored but is a bright.

good fortune?

Three ways, the first machine is a treasure of three worth elections.

The second machine is an incredible emperor.

The third machine is a star chart of a largest agency in the battlefield of the universe.

The final fourth time, finally made it.

"This is also from the universe battlefield." The blood na smiled, but it was a turf, took out a stone.

Yes, it is a stone that seems to be ordinary.

At first glance, this stone is as if it is placed on the ground.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and his soul is carefully checked, and his eyes are dark.


The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

He felt the vitality in the ordinary stone from his eyes.

It seems that this stone is a complete life.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled to see the blood north.

The blood north laughed, "I just told you, I found the special time and space when I walked in the universe battlefield, and in the special time and space, although I only stayed for a while, I also got another Treasure, this treasure is the stone in my hand. "

"One flower is a tree, a bodhi, this seems to ordinary stone, and it is a complete bodhi world."

"Bodhi World?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You don't understand, you have no relationship, waiting for you to get ready, I will let you enter this bodhi world, you can stay in the world for more than 100 years, this bodhi world will collapse directly, I am in my hands This stone will be broken, you will come out from the Bodhi world, as for this hundred years, how much harvest can you have, full by your own ability. "Blood Nao Road.

"Understand." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

Although he doesn't know what to make in this Bodhi world, it is very extraordinary feeling in single stone.

In addition, since the blood north will treat this as the last machine, it will definitely not go.

"Little guy, you can get ready to be up." Blood Nao Road.

"You don't need to prepare, my current state is already the most peak." The sword has no double.

"That's good, go in." The blood north palm of the palm of his hand immediately broke the glamorous light, this stabbed Mang shine to the sword, the sword is unparalleled, but the shape of the sword is not hurt, then He is actually slowly floating like a paper, and ultimately did not enter the stone.


During the bodhi, the Bodhi world.

When the sword has no double shape, it has been found that he has come to a beautiful peach source.

Here, the birds are fragrant, everywhere.

A lush big tree, all kinds of flowers in the mountains, and there are many green grass under the feet.

A thriving scene.

In the center of this land, there is a hut, the hut is small, but it is very delicate, there is a river in front of the house, the clear bottom, there is a wooden bridge in the middle of the river.

At first glance, this point is like a hidden land of the world.

"This is the Bodhi world?" The sword is unbeded, "this world, in addition to the vitality, what is the difference?"

With full-hearted doubts, the sword is unparalleled to check the surroundings.

At the beginning, the sword did not find some points in the uniqueness of the sword, and even he sailed this world and did not see any difference.

However, when his consciousness brushed a woodpecker on a big tree, his look was fierce.

"That bird ..." The sword is unparalleled to death, it is exactly that it is staring at each feathers on the woodpender.

He first concentrated on a feathered, in an instant ... Boom! !

He saw a person, holding a sword, then waving.

Yes, obviously just a feathers of the woodpecker, but he saw a scene of a sword.

And that sword, the wind is light, it seems that ordinary, but there is a bleak.

This sword made the sword unparalleled directly, and his whole people were completely obedient.

Because of that sword, he can't understand, not see! !

Don't say anything to understand, he can't even see the mystery of the sword, half of the swords of the sword.

He can be very clear, that sword is more than a few times in the ' ' 'Star Dream' of himself! !

That is completely the gap between the sky.

He feels less than half of Xuan Olympics, halftone swords exists, just because the sword, level is too high! !

"Obviously a bird's feathers, blinking the swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship of the derivatized swords are still unbearable." The sword was unmarkable, and he hilled him to look at the second feathers of the woodpecker.

Hey ~~~ The same scene appears.

It is still a person, holding a sword, in that sword, but this sword is like cutting the firewood ...

PS: Today is more coming! !

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