(The third is over!)


"Of course, there is."

The bloody north is definitely said: "Other strong people don't know, but I know that there will be three ways to retreat, and there are three people who don't dare to sin. These three people are the founders of Tianzu Daozu, time and space. The Temple of the Temple and the mysterious unsatisfied unlicenen! "

"The strength of these three has already reached the thrilling point, they don't need to shoot, they stand there, they are self-contained. It is not to be involved in the heavens. As long as they are where they are, the heavens will Will not exist. "

"This is what it is?" The sword was unparalleled, but he immediately remembered his Masterive.

Xuanyi is the first perfect chaotic life between the world.

His power has also achieved a thrilling point, and the sword has no double. I have been lucky to see the picture. In that picture, the Tiandao will power will also be the same, but only can only return, I don't know the founder of the Tiansu Road. The Temph Temple of Temporal Temple and the League of the Skyregor, who compared to his Master, who will be stronger.

"Right, the blood nortupi, you just said that the three freelance consists of the three free leagues, can you not be the main three-day, the main thing is the Lord of the Saint-Genting? These three main prospects, can you make The heavens will refund? "The sword was unparalleled.

"The Lord of the Sacredness?" Blood Heaven shook his head, "Whether the three holy powers can make the heavens will to retreat, I don't know, but I know, it is the main thing of these three holy bits. There is no surface on the surface. "

"What do you mean?" The sword didn't look double.

"The original original is not clear, after all, some of the hidden secrets of that level are not qualified, but I once listened to my leader of my blood ancestors, said that the main spirit of the three holy bits, but it is good, subject to heaven If you can't care, if there is no heaven, the strength is not as good as him. "Said the blood north.

"Just is lucky, suffering from the sky?" The sword is unparalleled, "listening to the blood ancestors of the leader of the leader, he seems to look down on the three Holy Lord?"

"It should be, but you can't look down on it. The strength reaches the level of the blood ancestors. Although it is not the opponent of the three holy bits, the main thing of the three holy bits is just a single person, don't want to kill him What's more, the blood ancestors are the leaders of the Tianzu Road, and there is the existence of the founders of the Tianzu Daofang. There is no courage to deal with the blood of the top three. "

"That is to say, the founder of the Tianzu Daofang is stronger than the three major sacred countries?" The sword did not ask.

"This is sure." The blood north nodded, "I have heard that one of the three holymen's Lord is in the face of the founders of the Tianzu Road."

I heard this, but the sword was unbearable but couldn't help.

He has always thought that the most terrible thing in this world should be the three holy branches of the three days, but now it seems that it is not the case.

The founder of the Tianzu Daozu, the Tempiology Tempora, the mysterious unsatisfactory cluster of Tianzhi, may be the main stronger than that of the three contexts.

"Little guy, you just want to ask, how many enemies I have in this world, I can tell you now, since it is a heaven is the word, then do you have to be careful about the three major holy The main situation of the situation is in the power of them. As for other forces, you don't care, like that three freely alliances, they are not a heart with Tiandao will, especially the !! "

The look of the blood north became solemn, " , is the strongest forces in the three freely alliances, the bottom is also the deepest, and the heaven is the same as the name. The enemy status, the power of the Skye, the three major sacred, often broke out various battle and even killing, this is a well-known thing. "

"As you said, the Tianzheng once invited you twice, if you want to go to the trivial three palace, you can completely use the scruple, directly promise is, wait until the Tiantian Three Palace, first You are a heaven and earth aiming that it will not be exposed, and even if it is really exposed, the news is leaked, let the three holy bits know that the Jianlee will do our best to maintain you. "

"Is this?" The sword smiled without a pair.

If it is said according to the blood north, then his previous concerns are obviously more.

However, he has also been cautious before, and now I know that the willingness and heaven will be hostile, and that is not concerned about what he naturally does not need to be in the sky.

"Little guy, you ask questions, I have answered you, and I will send you a word." The blood northern voice is solemn, "you have a high potential, the potential is huge, the future achievement should be unlimited, but you need to remember Live, no matter what level I have reached in the future, I must always maintain the awe of this world, that is, the world is often said, the heart !! "

"The heart is the heart?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"This world is too big, too vast, the vastness is not what you can imagine, even if I know, it is just the sea of ​​the world, I will take the day of the way, and the ordinary cultivator Words, the height of the heavens is absolutely can't be provocative, and the top of the Taijie Dao is the top of the Tianshu Dao, and the Temph Tempo is nothing. "

"But even if you are strong, such as the founders of the Tianzu Dao, the Tempiology Temple, the super existence of the Jen League, in this world, but there are still things they need to be awesome."

"In short, there is a day outside the sky, there are people outside, no matter from any time, he will maintain a fear of awe, it will not be wrong, like I, the original is too big, too small this world, will fall to the end, I hope that you will not step into the rear dust in the future. "Said the blood north.

"The late generations will remember the predecessors." The sword did not double Zheng.

The sword is not deeply remembered in the heart of the bloody.

In fact, even if the blood north does not say, the sword has never disappeared, and the higher the strength of his strength, the awe is getting bigger and bigger.

By talking to the blood north, I have a deeper understanding of this world. The sword is unparalleled for this world. The awe of the world has reached an unprecedented point.

Of course, he awe is this world, but it is not the will of the day, and there is no code between the two.

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