Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3066 Shao Shenzong



In the endless territorial domain, the swords have been carefully seen various materials in three days, and of course, there are also many forces in the three days.

Like this first day, the sword is unparalleled, the most famous is the most famous, and it is the three cabarets, the nine hospitals, and the 12th God!

This is a top forces in the world. Of course, the paramenity in the world is far more than these, and even powerful, it can be comparable to the 12th of the nine hospitals. There are some, but the name is not so much. Great.

And the sword is unparalleled, knowing that Xiao Tian Shenzong, because Shao Tian Shenzong is one of the 12 Shenzong! !

It can be one of the twelve gods. In this lesson, it has been the Lord of the rules.

"I just came to this first day, although I have seen some of the information here, but the real environment, but I have never experienced that this less Tianzong is one of the 12 Shenzong, but it can be used as my foot. At the point, I am familiar with the familiar environment. "The sword has no doubles, and the bottom has decided.

"Okay, I will go to Shao Tian Shen Zong to take a trip." The sword laughed.

"Haha, it's great, go, let's go now." Jiu Luo is very excited.

The only sword is unparalleled with Jiu Luo.

The first day, very big, big boundless.

In a heavy day, there is another country, these countries have their own monarch emperors, but these countries are all under the Zongmen, like San Pavilion, Jiuyuan, 12 Shenzong, they all occupy Many national countries.

Among them, the legend of Shandian Shenzong, the country is full of eight1, and the forces can be described as powerful.

The sword is unparalleled with Jiu Luo, I got a heavy day of the territory, and I also know that the existence of some space channels, through the space channel, only spent a short period of time, they have come to the small days before.

"There, it is a little god."

Jiu Luo stands in the high space of the void, looking at the ancient sects that occupy the huge territory in front of the country.

The door is completely covered with a layer of lavender fog, and its entire sect is like a hidden, and it is very strange.

If you close your eyes, even if you don't even feel there is a parade, but a empty void.

"The time and space where this door is," the sword is unparalleled to the ancient sects in front of the front, he has a feeling, and the ancient sect seems to be in different time and space, as if it is in different time and space.

This weird feeling, the sword is unparalleled in the high-rise in the high-rise in Mo Mountain in the sky.

"If I have not guess, there is this special feeling, but because of the relationship between the secrets of the heavens and the earth." The sword is unparalleled, "I don't have an accident, this less God Shen Zong, does not exist in this time and space, Instead, it is present in the secret of the heaven and earth opened !! "

The secrets of the heavens and the earth are created by the rules of the heavens and earth.

The secrets of the heavens and the earth are very strong and strong, and there can be many things. If the Lord of the rules is to make the zone created by themselves, it is also normal, which is normal, if it is a strong array The secrets of the heavens and the earth complement each other, then even if some powerful rules of the rules are visible, they will imitate this party.

After all, it is very difficult to destroy a secret in the world with a mailing and match.

"Tianhou brothers, let's go." Jiu Luo.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

The two are directly cultivated as two Changhong, and the Shandian Shen Zongshan gates.

The huge mountain gates, there are more than ten people guarding there, there is no shortage of existence.

The sword is unparalleled with Jiu Luo, and it is immediately stopped before the mountain gate.

"Who? What? What is it to do with God?" A true holy god, staring at the sword and Double and Jiu Luo.

The sword is unparalleled, but Jiu Luo said: "This brother, my name is Jiu Luo, just coming from the endless territor, what is the purpose of coming ... I have encountered a small Tian Shen The predecessors named Su Qianqiu, he has given me a chance, and I said that when I broke through the saints, I came to Shao Zong Zong to worship him as a teacher. This is what he left when he left, give me a letter. "

Jiu Luo took a trick, and the trill was just a normal token, but it contained special atmosphere.

The true saint took the trill to read, and he looked at Jiu Luo. "Are you a disciple of Su Chang? Su Chang's old temper, and all the year round, can you hear what disciples did he have?"

"This, I am not clear, but I have given me the opportunity at the beginning of Su, and now I have been three thousand years." Jiu Luo said.

"OK, you are slight here, I have to confirm first." That really holy.

"No problem." Jiu Luo laughed, just waiting for the mountain.

It is not long for this waiting, a middle-aged man wearing a loose robes come out.

"Wan Music."

Seeing this middle-aged man, those people guarding in front of the mountains have respectfully.

The deacon, in the Shao Tianzong, is second only to the elders, and the status is also extremely high.

"Who is Jiu Luo?" This loose robes middle-aged man, that is, the Wan Mado's opening query.

"I am." Jiu Luo said.

Wan Music sparely, "I just confirmed with Su Chang, he did to end the endless territory for three thousand years ago, and left a firing to give a small guy called Jiu Luo, as for what you said It is indeed true, but Su Chang said, he is now closed, it takes a while, so I want to place it down, wait for him to go, you will officially hinder. "

"No problem." Jiu Luo Yixi, "Yes, I am a brother, my friend, come over with me, I don't know if I can go with me?"

"Your friend?" Wan Music looked at the sword and no pair, and nodded again: "Since you have to worship the long teacher, then the natural disciple of my less God, and the disciple of the core level, one core The disciples invited a friend to visit in the Zongmen. I will not refuse to refuse, you will come together, come with me. "

After saying, Wan Deh is walking in the Xiaodong and the sword.

I really arrived in the Zongmen of Shao Tian Shen, and the sword was unparalleled with Jiu Luo immediately saw a spectacular, even shocking scene.

I saw the secretly Ma Ma's high mountain, standing in various corners, endless attractions, endless halls, some suspended in the void, some are standing on the mountains, while the voids, the white clouds flutter, even there are Some different beasts are existed, the waves are magnificent, and the victory!

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