(Today's three is more!)


Is it better than they?

At this point, they did not dare to deny it.

"The key is that this day only shows a sword, although he said herself that he only had this sword to take it, but what we don't know, his sword talent has more, now a unknown, and We can't try it out at all. "Hui Zi Youth Road.

"Just because you are troubles, but no matter what to say, the talent of him is now showing, it should be enough to make the Taoist palace." Red-haired man.

"Bai Wei, here is in the Shao Shenzong, this day now is also a guest in you, you should do it?" The Golden Warriary woman saw it.

"I have already told me the teacher." Bai Wei directly.

"Ice Peak Adults?" The three people of the red-haired man immediately saw it.

"It is also ingenious. This time, the Master is just visiting his old friend in the first day, from his place, you can come here for three days, wait for the Master, see this. Tianhou, what should I do if I decide? "Bai Wei Road.

"Yes, Ice Peaks, is an invincible holy person, the eyes are extremely high, and it is one of the high-rise of the Taoizhi. We can't find this day, but he is in front of the Ice Peak, it is certainly invited, At that time, how high is his talent, and it can also decide that there will be a lot of money to spend more than a big cost. "Red-haired man.

Swords like swords, there is no doubt, there is no doubt that the Taoist Palace is definitely interested.

As for the price of how big the treasure is spent, I will pick up, I have to see the specific talent and strength of the sword.


That Wan Music gave the sword unparalleled and the Jiu Luo Tuchao arranged one, followed by leaving.

Jiu Luo is unparalleled with swords.

"Tianhou brothers, sorry, I just didn't deliberately." Jiu Luo apologizes.

"I know." The sword is not a hyper point.

He knows that Jiu Lu is only a no heart, so he has not blamed the latter.

However, with this collision with Bai Yan, he will probably encounter some trouble.

Of course, this is not a big trouble, it will not threaten what you have.

"The white river is all the Tao Palace from the Tiansu Road, and the nature of the Taoist Palace is the same as the Tiantian Sanong. Now I show some means in front of them, and they will definitely report this. Give the high-rise of the Taoizhi, maybe the high-level strong people in the Taoist Palace have already known, and they have sent people to come over. "The sword did not think of it.

The strong people of the Taoizhi sent it, definitely to pull him.

"No matter, the soldiers will be blocked, the water is hidden, and let's take a step." The sword is unparalleled. "

Next, he was temporarily living in this lesson.

Wink, three days.

Outside the Shando Gate, the two people slowly step down from the void of the far away.

It is clear that there is still a long distance from the little days, but it is just a few steps, and these two people have come to the mountain gate.

"There are a hundred people, we have went to Shaotian Shenzong." A man wearing a white robe, a breath, a man, a man, and a respectful respect.

"Well." The response is the old man of Tong Yan, this old man is thin, a pair of eyes very small, like mouse eyes.

Tong Yan cranes overlooks the old man of the lower part, but the look slowly changed.

"Shaotian Shen Zong ... At the beginning, it was a certain amount of shackles with me. We even got together to go to a crisis, but unfortunately his ambition is too big, I want to go to the universe battlefield. Opportunity, in the end, it was died in the battlefield of the universe. "Tong Yan crane sent the old people sigh, the sound is also quite low."

"Ice Peak, your disciple is not inside this less God, give him a message." Tong Yanhe sent the old man.

"Yes." The white robe, like the iceberg nodded, and immediately came out to give Bai Yun.

After passing the news, the two are only waiting for a while.


The secret in which the less Tianzong Zong is shaking, and then the mountain door opened, and there were ten figures in the foot.

The ten movements, in a middle-aged man in a loose robes, the rear followed, the many elders of Shaotian Shenzong, and white and the Taoist Palace is the three genius, which is also there. I came to the Tong Yanhe old man with the white robe man as the iceberg.

"Haha, Mr. Iceberg came from, my less Tian Zong is really a lot of glow." The loose robes have made a cool smile, and he suddenly noted the Tong Yan haired by the ice peak.

This old man, there is a unique breath, and the whole person is like a surrounding time and space.

"This is ... The rules of the rules !!" "The loose robes are a sharp way.

"It's a hundred people!" "Bai Wei and the three palace disciples are immediately recognized Tong Yanhe old people," the people have arrived in person? "

"Si Zongzong." If the white robe of the iceberg, the ice peaks have seen the past, "this is a hundred people, this is just the first day, so it will come with me. "

"Shao Tian Shen Zongzheng, the big man, I met a hundred people." Shao Tianzong and the elders behind him, immediately greeted.

Shao Tian Shen Zong, although it is one of the first heavens 12 Shenzong, but the most powerful people in Shenzong, that is, this less Tianzong is just a seventh-order peak, the strength, the strength and ice peak, It's a poor, and in the face of a rule of the rules, it is natural to be a battle.

"Free gift." Basic waved, said: "The pioneer of your Shaotian Shenzong has certain feelings, and the old man gets the news this time, saying that you have a good sword in the Shandian Shenzong. Genius, will come over with the ice peak. "

"Adults have a lot of love with me Xiaotian Shen Zong?" Xiao Tianzong Siki is happy.

"Si Wei Zong, hurry to take the way." The ice peak is urged.

"Two, please come with me."

Si Wei immediately led the Equation with Ice Peak to walk in the Xiaotian Shenzong.

Soon, a group came to the place where the sword was unparalleled with Jiu Luo.

"White, you will ask him." Si Wei told him.

"Yes." Bai Yan immediately went forward.

The ice peak is asked: "I got the news of Bai Yan before, I know that there is a sword genius in Shandian Shenzong, but according to Bai Yan, this person is not your disciples of you?"

"It is true that this is called the little guy of Tianhou, just in my less people, there is no relationship with my less Tianshi, so no matter what choice he has, I can't force it for it. Si Wei Road.


PS: Today's three is over! !

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