Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3079 Ten Tower

(The first to come!)


"The genius feast, the gathering is a heavy day in the world, but it is not as long as it is a first-order holy, you can participate in this talented feast. Before participating in the genius feast, he has had a round of assessment, which is the ten star tower behind me! "

"Ten Tower Tower is a top ten floors, one layer is more difficult, to participate in the genius feast, the minimum has to pass the fifth floor, and there is a qualification." A person in charge of the registration office said.

"Jiu Luo, you should go first." The sword has no double.

"Good." Jiu Luo nodded, and immediately entered the black tower.

Jiu Luo did not have a stay in Ten Star Tower, during the first floor of the tower to the fifth floor, soon, he quickly made a bright ray, representing Jiu Luo has passed the fifth floor, and Not long, the sixth floor of the tower also burst into light.

"Sixth floor?"

There are countless first-order hosses in the field looked up at the dark tower.

Ten Xing Tower, the difficulty is extremely difficult.

The unusual first-order high holy, wants to have a hard time.

As for the sixth floor, it must be a strong existence in the first-order holy, and this existence, there are not many in the strong people who signed up this genius feast.

At this time ... the seventh floor of the dark tower, it is also awkward.

In an instant, the Jade Dragon was immediately bursting out a burst.

"The seventh floor, just that person, actually broke the seventh floor !!"


"This genius feast has already had enough two months since the beginning of the life, and there is a lot of people who have passed the fifth floor of the ten-star tower and even the sixth floor in these two months. Seven layers, still less pitiful, all added, I am afraid only dozens of people !! "

"It can pass the seventh floor of the ten-star tower, this person can absolutely go to the end in the genius feast."

A large number of whispering sounds.

When Jiu Luo came out of the ten star tower, there was a lot of awe and watched and watched it.

It is possible to have the seventh floor of the ten star tower, in this genius feast, there is no doubt that stands at the top.

"Jiu Luo, how do you feel?" The sword watched the eye.

"Fortunately, the top six layers are very relaxed to me, but the seventh floor gives me a certain pressure. As for the eighth floor, the opponents I have encountered inside are much stronger than me. It is not what I can have. Jiu Luo directly.

The sword is unparalleled.

Jiu Luo, although it is a first-order holy, but the battle is enough to match the second-order truth, the meaning of talents is odd, and it is also normal to have a seventh floor of the ten star tower.

"Tianhou brothers, you are you, I can have the seventh floor, with your strength, the eighth floor is easy, and the ninth floor and even the tenth floor should not be a problem." Jiu Lu said.

"Ninth layer? Tenth floor?" The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

When I entered the ten star tower, the sword was unparalleled to the independent space.

In front of him, a shadow stopped there, this is the opponent he is going to face in the first floor of the ten star tower.

"Sir, defeat me, you can go to the next floor." This is cold and indifferent.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile, and it quickly shot.

In the ten star tower, the numerous geniuses in Jiu Luo and the scene are waiting quietly.

Many people's eyes are solidified in the ten star tower.

In the sword where there is no double into the ten star tower, only a moment, the first floor, burst into the bright light, then the second layer, the third layer, the fourth floor ... has been in the sixth floor, only used a short time I have passed.

Then, the seventh floor was the seventh floor, the sword was not seemingly stopped for a while, the seventh floor of the light was only lit for a long time.

After the seventh floor, the sword is unparalleled from the ten star tower.

"It's the seventh floor !!"

"These two people have passed the seventh floor, and they are obvious that they know."

"Where is this two genius? Is it from the same party?"

The people around are full of curiosity.

The sword is unparalleled back to the front of Jiu Luo.

"Tianhou brothers, do you have to go with your heart? Otherwise, how can you only pass the seventh floor?" Jiu Luoguo looked at the sword.

"Just just the assessment of the registration, it is ok, there is no need to be too shocking." The sword has no double.

Jiu Luo shrugged and said not much.

The void, white and the three disciples from the Taoist Palace look at the eyes in the eyes.

"This sword is there, there is no effort." Red-haired man said.

"Well." Bai Wei nodded, "This ten star tower, if you change our four people, just one can pass the eighth floor, if it is good, even the ninth floor, and this Jian Tianhou's swordsman is obviously above me, and according to Master, he has always hidden his means to follow strength, so he really wants to shoot, it is still no problem. "

"But he only passed the seventh floor." Well wearing a glamorous woman with golden armor.

"Don't worry, since he has already heard the genius feast, he will definitely take a while in the genius feast, and we are good looking at it." Bai Wei Road.

Through the assessment of the registration, the sword is unparalleled with Jiu Luo waiting for the feast of the day.

And this is waiting for a whole month.

Before before and after, I used it for three months, and in these three months, a large number of first-order colors passed the test of the ten-star tower, and participated in this genius feast, conservative estimates. There are more than 20,000 people.

More than 20,000 first-order holy, there is no shortage of enchanting enchanting.

Soon, the genius feast officially started.

The first round, the melee! !

Each hundred people combine together for the mix, these hasshers can show any means to kill, and once the body collapses in the killing process, they will be eliminated until this hundred people have only the last ten people. until.

In other words, this melee does not need to have a lot of strength, you only have to stay in the final battle in this mella.

In addition, the genius feast has a rule, anyone who does not use the toxic liquid, which can not die.

After all, this is just a genius feast, but it is a quantity between the genius, but it is not a real battlefield, which is not true to life and death.

The melee followed one game and started.

The sword is unparalleled with Jiu Luo, although the name of the same report, but they are not assigned in the same fight.

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