Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3085 Special Life

(The first to come!)


~~~ Tiandi vibration.

Xiong Tao has been turned into a flooding and beast, and a flashed appeared in front of the sword.


Long sticks.

A gold stick is in a hurry, and the void is crushed with the void, so that the void seems to be completely crushed.

The horrible power is unscrupulous, and the sword is unparalleled. This is absolutely a hierarchy of the third-order holy in this instant. !

See this, the sword is unparalleled and cold, and immediately, his power is also suddenly improved, and the blood peak sword is directly cut.

Snapped! !

A crisp air explosion, the world seems to be completely fried.

At the sword unparalleled with Xiong Tao, the impact wave of the horrible wave is crazy and swept around, and a great power storm has suddenly formed.


Two figures are also exploding again.

This collision is still spelling a flag.

"How is it possible?" Xiong Tao's horror.

If he started with the sword, he was unparalleled with the sword. It was because he had not revealed the truly powerful, then he has now goes all the best, and it has achieved its own power.

That is enough to compare the three-level real sacred power, and the result is still inexpensive in the sword.

"It seems that I am too small to see you." Xiong Tao is slightly shaking, that is excited, his eyes also burst out unprecedented light, "Jian Tianhou, I didn't expect you to be very excited Even the power of my own power is so much like this. Although the Taoism is not a genius, but these genius are absolutely no one can get to you. "

"Benevan the princes, you are also good." The sword was unparalleled.

He said that this is the strongest, and the most terrible first-order holy, he has ever seen so far.

Similar to the three people who met in the white bones, it was too far away than this bear Tao.

"If I have not guess, your strength should have not completely played it." The sword watched Xiong Tao.

"Smart." Xiong Tao smiled, "Since I entered the Taoist Palace, I still have no truth for a long time, but I met you today ... Jian Tianhou, you should be fortunate, because you are the first forced me Exhibit the hierarchy of the body. "

Xiong Tao's words echoed in the world, and his voice was just falling, his body started to change.

Original Xiong Tao is a man like a three-meter, tiger's back bear, but he began to stop with amazing speed, from three meters high, and at the same time, his body began to be crazy. Since the skin, the skin is also converted to golden, these golden skin, just like a piece of golden rock, all corners of Xiong Tao's body.

"This is ..." The sword was unparalleled to look at Xiong Tao in front of him.

"Isn't a human beast? No, not a different beast !!" The sword is unparalleled but shook his head, "the breath is completely different from the other beast, this feeling ... unique, this is a special life !! "

The sword flashed in the eyes.

The gods, the vastness.

In the Great Gate Dynasty, there is a variety of creatures, like humans, different beasts, waste beasts, murderous beasts, etc.

At the same time, there are some ethnic groups with unique blood, such as the top four gods standing on the top of the Taijie.

The four gods, blood levels are extremely high, and their innate advantages are much more than humans, as well as average beasts.

But the four gods are not the biggest life of the innate world, the biggest advantage is the biggest life, which is the unique special life in the Tai Chuyi! !

These special lives, born, different, and basically the whole of the Taijie Shenjie is only one.

Like a sword, he is a perfect chaotic life. It is also a kind of special life. It is only the most high in special life, and even the heavens will be jealous.

Other special life, although it is impossible to get a perfect chaotic god, but also more than those special blood, ethnic groups.

However, this kind of special life is too small. In the middle of the gods, it belongs to the existence of Fenghong rushes. Although the sword is unparalleled, although he has heard of special life, it has never really seen it.

But now, he is really seen.

This bear tao, there is no doubt, it is a special life! !

"No wonder, no wonder the power of his Shen Li will be so strong, special life, the innate advantages is huge, although he is just a first-order holy, but the power is completely out of turn, but it is not average the third-order trick." Sword is unparalleled It is also normal to think about it.

Although there are not many special lives in the Taijie, the Taoine is the whole gestone, and one or two special life is also normal.

At the side of the void, the white gang and others who watch the war, they also have excited.

"Taoine, there is a rumor very early, saying that Xiong Tao's brother has a bloodless blood, and even rumors say that he is a unique special life between heaven and earth, before, because no one really visited, so everyone is still Doubt, but now it seems that this rumor is true !! "Bai Yan is amazed.

"Special life, even the minimum special life, the congenital advantage is much stronger than some strong blood groups, and the brother of Xiong Tao is just a first-order holy, but because of the relationship of special life, his Shenli power is the most At least, it is also comparable to the second-order peak, even comparable to the third-order high! "

"If you follow some of the secrets of the uniqueness of the Dao Palace, Xiong Tao's brother's Shenli will definitely reach the top most peak, even close to the fourth-order peak !! And Xiong Tao The stick method created by the brothers has also reached the fourth-order peak level ... "

The red-haired man, the young people of the black robe, the Golden Wato beautiful women are all over the eyes.

They didn't know that Xiong Tao was very strong, but in the end, it was unable to know, because they did not qualify for hand with Xiong Tao, but now they finally understood.

"Monster, Xiong Tao brother, it is definitely a real monster !!"

The four people are now low.

At the moment, Xiong Tao, a show showd the body, and the breath on the body has risen again. He looked cold, stared at the sword. "Next, I will show my strongest strength, and I will also create the most If you have a strong stick, you can do your best to gently, if you can't stop, I will stop immediately. "

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