Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3092 Soul Killing



Linglong Pagoda collapsed, his substantive soul no longer defense means.

But fortunately, his soul is far more tough, and the powerful soul attack, after defeating the Linglong Tower, the remaining power is not too strong, although it is also improving the essence of the sword unparalleled, but His soul was not completely annihilated.

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled, and the face became awkward.

Of course, this is his own camouflage. Like the body, even if it directly collapses, it can rely on Shen Li to re-restructuring, and the district soul is hitting.

However, the soul attack of the black vain can not be only for him, but all the people in front of the front of the soul attack.

The sword is unparalleled because there is a soul defense means, and you can easily resist this soul attack.

But others are not very easy.

~~~ The power of the soul sweeps.

Time and space seem to be completely stationary.

And then!!! The three people fell directly to the ground.

This fall, is a red-haired man from the Taoizhi Palace, a young woman, a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman.

They are three people, the genre disciples are not fake, and the strength is also very good, but their three are not too strong in the soul.

At this moment, the soul attack of the black vain is, even for everyone, but attacking the soul attack on them is still strong.

These three people have not blocked, and their soul has been directly killed, these three geniuses are dead! !

"Cold Chong, Magic, Scorpion !!"

White is large and the mouth also sounds an angry scream.

White, his strength is similar to that of the red-haired man, and it is not much better than that of the three people, but it is different.

He is not just a talented disciple of the Tao Palace. It is also the first day of this era of Shaotian Shenzong. Shao Tian Shen Zong will look very heavy, so Xiao Tian Shen Zong gave him a lot of life life, in the soul defense In terms of his body, there is a soul to defend the holy treasure, and the level is not low, so he can survive under this soul attack.

There is also Duan Yu, and it is also the soul of the soul, and it is barely live.

As for Xiong Tao, the first day of the Taoist Palace, his life life means more, the soul attack is on him, but only makes his face change, but there is no great impact.

And the two four-order holy sanctuary, because the goods are really high-order, the soul of his two is also this level, and the face of the just soul attack is affected by a certain degree, but also live Down.

After a wave of soul attack, just like the black vain, his energy is too weak, and a wave of attack is already the limit. Although there is a certain damage, he can also collapse his energy. Come.

"let's go!"

That four black robes were hesitant to escape this void with the fastest speed.

These four black rises escaped with the fastest speed, escaping for a long distance, and stopped on a wild mountain.

These four black robes face each other, and the look is very quirky.

"Sure enough, it is not enough, and ran, it still pays the price." The long-haired black robe said.

"This is no way, time is too rushing, it is not too much to prepare, after all, there is only one chance, and it is too long, we must grasp." Another black robe said.

They shot this time, it is very ran, it is very rushing, and even the preparation is not.

To know, their forces can be very large and strong, although it is not more free to alliance, but the gap is not too big, and the strong people have countless, like them like them. There is a matter of basics within the forces.

But this time is too rush.

Because they were at the end of the genius feast, they had to know that the first day of the palace was, and they had participated in this genius feast, and there was no strong in the world. This is a thousand dangerous assassin.

Their power is certainly unwilling to miss this opportunity, so even if you know that it is very reluctant, I immediately finally dispelled the five fourth-order holy sanctuary of '39', and also carrying that dragon star energy. Before assassinated jade.

They are already the biggest force organized in such a short time, and the lineup of their five people, if it is lucky, it is true that Xiong Tao and several genius to the palace will be killed.

However ... unexpected succession continuous appearance.

First, Duan Yu and his two guards appeared. Subsequently, Xiong Tao is unparalleled with swords, let them find that there is still a sword unparalleled, and the existence of the four-order combat, this is the four fourth steps. It is not too much than that of their lineup.

They knew at the time, the possibility of this task is very low.

But the arrow had to be sent in the string, and they also have a hard scalp.

But I didn't expect one hand, and the sword has given them a huge surprise, directly killing the strongest 'thirty-nine' in the thunder.

Next, they only let the energy of the dragon star.

"Fortunately, this kind of assassination although thirty-nine dead, I also used a special tolerance of the dragon star adult, but this is just the minimum hierarchy, and we will kill it. The three genius disciples of the palace are already earned. The trouble is that this assassination failed, and the bear Tao will definitely be more vigilant. It's like this opportunity to be afraid. " Black robe said.

"Not only that, we have another harvest." There is another black robes to open, "it is the person who kills 39."

One mentioned that the sword is unparalleled, these four black robe people have become unbailed to get rid of.

"Yes, this person is also one of our gains, but also a big harvest." Changfa black robes have some excitement: "First-order truth, you can kill the thirty-nine-order peak level, it is incredible His talents are obviously higher than that Xiong Tao, but I don't know if he is a Taoizhi people. If it is, it is better than Xiong Tao, we should make him kill him early !! "

The other three black rises are also looking back.

"No matter what, this task has ended, let's go back to live, then put this matter in real, then what to do, you will consider it."


PS: Coke, today is two more!

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