Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3094 Witch God



Extremely ugly, the breath on the body is abnormal.

This time, the Taoine does have a heavy loss.

After all, the three geniuses were very good. The three geniuses were very good. Although the chance of become the rules in the future, although it is very low, it is still very high, but it is possible to become an invincible level that reaches the people of the saints. .

Unfortunately, because of this small leak, these three geniuses are directly fallen.

"Fortunately, Xiong Tao did not die, otherwise this loss is too big, and I can't afford it." I have been holding hands.

The Taoizhi is extremely heavy to Xiong Tao. If this time Xiong Tao is dead here, although he is the Lord of Rules, it will inevitably be severely punished by the Taoist Palace, even if it is not dead, at least to delay.

"Where is the five black rises, where is it?" Basone a low drink.

"One of the people, the five black robes appeared very stunned, I have already checked, but there is less than half of the trace, but there is one thing, it is the three genius that they can kill my Taoist Palace. It is because they crushed a gum, summoned a strong energy, and then the power of the strong, the soul attack, and at the time, the black robe said that this energy is Dragon Star adult! "Ice Peak.

"Longxing?" He is a glimpse, followed by a silk, "Longxing, Longxing's Lord! It is a witch teaching !! â

"Witch God?" Ice Peak is also a.

"The damn witch teaches, I heard that they are very close to the three holy bits, and now it seems to be so real." Hundreds of cold channels.

"Three major sacredness?" Ice Peak is exposed to the surprising color.

"Hey, the three holy bodies and the gap, the temple of time and space, and my Tianzu Road have never been opposite, although the two sides did not really torn the face, but the various contraders in the darkness still exist, and in recent years, three major The Holy State has been trying to try to inhibit our three free leagues, and inhibit us, in addition to trying to kill our high-rise power, the most important thing is to kill some genius in our three freely alliances. ! "

"For many years ago, there were three disciples in our Taoist brothers, they were assassinated, and they were suspected to be the hands behind the three holy bits, but they couldn't find any clues. Now this witch spirit can be clear. I assassinate the genius of my Taoist Palace, I am very good, the old witch looks like it is revoked to the universe battlefield. "Hundreds of .

"One of the people, before the rumors, the witch god education has always been for some special blood, and some special life is very interested?" Ice Peak suddenly.

"Yes, they are very interested in special life, long years come to see all kinds of special blood, usually can be born, they can kill directly, then take away the bodies, as for Their purpose, no one knows. No matter what, this time the witch is, since the genius disciple of our Taoist Palace, then they must bear the anger of the entire Tianshu !! "

He is unique, soon, he personally went to see the highest existence of the palace.


The identity of the five black robes, why do you have to assassinate them, these swords are unparalleled, he is too lazy to know.

After being separated from the Jiu Luo, he smashed alone in this first day, and also thought of the way to improve his rendering rules.

Years in a hurry, fifty years, turning too.

The three wings are in a heavy day, and it is more powerful and prosperous, and the years are incapacitated, so only because of this three wing country, the first height of the Sakura, one of the first heights.

In such a prosperous country, there is naturally a lot of crucial farms who have killed duel.

In a huge fightground in the three wingdom.


In the huge horns, the sound is shocked, and the endless audience is sitting on the audience, looking at the two people who are fierce battle in front of the battlefield.

Inside the cabinet, there are several people gathered together.

"Cold brothers, immediately go to you, are you ready?" The rough voice sounded in the inner hall.

"Haha, the cold brothers are all in the same battle in this corner, which is already winning, so strength, what else needs to be prepared?" The sound of another person sounded.

"This is, but it is still a careful point, don't be big, after all, the brothers next to the opponent is 'Magic Ax', that is a battle madman, and in this horn fighting center, it has been connected in the twenty-one game of!!"

"The brothers have to fight against the 'Magic Ax'? Rely, how do you say it !!"

"Magic, with cold?"

People in the inner hall are immediately gathered.

In these people talking, they were called the "cold brothers", they were sitting quietly, holding a pot of wine in the hand, heard the surrounding dialogue, but he seems not to me. .

"Magic Arm?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He was in this corner, and he had seen the battle with others, the strength is really good, but it is far from not enough to attract him.

"Five-year time has arrived, in these fifth years, I have made a lot of reincarnation rules, but now I have reached the bottleneck, this magic ax is my last battle I am in this corner. I hope he doesn't let me down. "The sword didn't even lift the wine pot in his hand, and a whole pot of wine was taken.

Soon, the sword was not played.



The sword has no double one to enter the battlefield of the center of the corner, and the whole crucial site instantly bursts the cheers of the mountain.

The sword is unparalleled in this corner of the fight, and it has been able to win, and the famous gas is naturally very large.

It is not long after the sword is unparalleled, and the 'Magic Ax' is coming.

The magic ax appeared, the surrounding cheers were more bigger than the sword, and the enthusiasm of countless audience has been ignited.

"I have seen you with others."

The low voice is issued from the burly man of the black armor, the burly man of the living, the beast, and this magic ax has a black giant ax, "Your sword is still good, Your body is also very flexible, but unfortunately, it is useless. "

"Is it?"

The sword is unpaired, the body is moving, the body is moving, and the purple long sword is hovering. It is enough to have a pair of purple long swords. Under the sword, there is a hand, this is a handle of three Mi long purple sword.

"go with!"

As the sword has no double one finger.


The purple god sword turned out.

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