Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 311, Sheng Yuzong

(The first to come!)


"Is it alive?"

Yuan Chongxin is also incredible.

You know, that is, nearly 30 third-order real strongest, and there is a five-level resonant in the price of God's goods, and in the face of so many people, even in normal circumstances. The peak is not survived.

But now, the sword is unparalleled to use the message to tell him, obviously good.

"Jian Tianhou Xiao brother said that he has already slammed the gods four, asking us now, he will come over and we will meet with us." Yuan Chongdao.

"Tell him the location." Qing Dynasty.

Yuan Chong nodded and immediately sent to the past.

And then, the temple was waiting quietly in this quiet.

This has been waiting for a long time, and there is a good shape in the distance. It has quickly appeared in front of him.

This figure is that it is a sword.

"Qing Hemou, Mr. Yuan Chong." The sword said hello to the two.

"Well." The Qing Dynasty nodded slightly and responded.

"Jian Tianhou Xiao brothers, you actually live from God four them in their hands?" Yuan Chong is amazed at the sword unparalleled.

"I am good at speed, and the commanding means is also good, plus luck, this is escaping from their hands." The sword is unparalleled.

"How can you drag them before?" Yuan Chong didn't help but ask.

It is good at speed, and the commandment is strong, it can live in the hands of God, and it is more acceptable.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled before it is just a simple escape, but one person will stop the gods alone, and then escape.

In blocking the four-class strongest of the gods, I will refund again, this is not ordinary people.

"I can stop them, because I have a special treasure in my hand, I can block a time and space in a short time, and I naturally trapped God and others for a while." The sword laughed.

"Is this?" Yuan Chongbei headed, he looked at the sword, but he couldn't see the sword.

"Don't say this, Qing Hemou, the three emperors have sent people to kill you, but I don't know if you are still going to go to Sheng Yuzong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Go, of course." The Qing Dynasty is never hesitant. "Six brothers are in the battle with the old three, which is always in the wind, and the situation is getting worse, especially just, knowing the old The means for use in the three secrets, I am more determined to go to Sheng Yuzong, because only the support of Sheng Yuzong, the six brothers have hope for the third day. "

The sword is unparalleled deeply looks at the Qing Dynasty, nodded slightly. "In this case, it is not too late, we will continue to leave."

"That way, you will have a lot of brothers." Yuan Chong faced the sword where the sword was unparalleled, it has become very polite.

I immediately went to San Yuzong immediately.


Inside the temple, the cold man in golden luxurious robes is in the three emperors, sitting on the throne.

"God Four them, there is no news?" The three emperors were obviously a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes, in addition to God, those strong people brought by him, they will also ask for a message, but they are now no one to send, and they are estimated, they are either in a special time and space. It completely blocks the external message, or, they are all dead. "The middle-aged people of the Purple robe said respectfully.

"The news we got was very accurate. The relationship between Aqing did only brought Yuan Chong with ten third-order peers as carry-guards, and the old people have been under our monitoring, and there is no more moving before. Know that Aqing is attacked, the old people are immediately moving ... This can rule out that this is the trap of deliberately settlement. "

"Since this is the case, what did the God have encountered?" The three emperors touched the armchair, and they were sinking.

Half-rang, he re-raised his head, "Go, immediately send people to God's four places, no matter how things must be clear."

"Yes." The middle-aged people in the purple robe respectfully headed his head and quickly went down.


The sword is unparalleled, the temple, Yuan Chong San continued to catch the road toward St. Yuzong, and did not encounter any trouble all the way.

After several days, the three came to San Yuzong.

"His Royal Highness, that is, St. Yu Zong." Yuan Chong pointed to the ancient sects of the front side.

"Well." Nodded under the Qing Dynasty. It also juited with a fence.

Sheng Yu Zong, although not in San Pavilion, Nine Hospital, the 12th Shenzong, but in a heavy day, it is also a certain party of Herch, and also has a certain heritage.

Like this door, look at the past, it is quite atmospheric.

"Walk, let's go."

The Queen Temple immediately went down the mountain door.

Before I arrived in the mountain gate, the disciple of the Ten Sheng Yuzong, who was guarded in front of the mountain, surrounded.

"Who are you?" One of the white rough discies asked.

"My name is Mu Qing, from the true martial arts, I have come to see the seven-generation elders of Gu Zong." Said under the Qing Dynasty.

"Meet the seven days old? Do you have a seventeen elders?" The disciple of the white robe asked.

"Yes." The Qing Dynasty immediately took an agreement. "This is the old age, and the explanation will be held in Sheng Yuzong."

The white robe disciple is inquiry, simply looks for a while, and nodded slightly. "It is indeed that the older's older is not fake. You are here, I will notify the job, let Xin Long have taken you in."

"It's been working." The Qing Dynasty was awarded.

Not long after, a white thin old man came out from Sheng Yuzong and came to the front of the sword.

"Who has a trill to have seven-generation elderly?" This thin and weak old man swept from the sword.

"It's me." Qing Dynasty opened.

"Come in with me." The thin old man is cold.

"Adults, these two are my guards, can they go in with me?" Asked the Queen.

"Yes, but remember, don't run in the world, otherwise it will be in the sect, it is not good." The thin old man is low.

"That is, we will pay attention to it." The Qing Dynasty nodded.

The only three people followed this thin and weak, and they entered the San Yuzong.

A party that is extremely atmospheric, and the strong breath is very much.

Of course, whether the strong in Sheng Yuzong is quantity or quality, it is certainly more than the Shandian Shenzong who stayed before the sword.

However, a lot of strong gods is hidden in the dark, but there is no double feeling in the sword.

"You are Mu Qing? Is it a princess of Zhenwu Nationality?" The thin old man in front of the front is suddenly turned.

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