

"I., you will go to the true martial arts with Xin Zong. For this female doll, then the troubles, then bring her back to the land."

"Yes." I.

"Refine the moon." The evil man opened: "We have two people to go to the true martial arts with the day of the day, and there are not many stays."

"Good." Feng Yue is very polite.

When the sword is unparalleled, you will go straight.

After the sword is unparalleled, when they left Sheng Yuzong, a elders of Sheng Yuzong walked.

"The main owner, when you really want to accept the Mu Qing as the pro-disciple?" Asked this long asked.

"There is this intend to." He nodded.

"Is it because of the relationship between Mr. Tianhou?" Asked the elder.

"Yes, but it is not all." "Yushuo laughed.

She is really appreciated by Mu Qing, but in normal circumstances, even if she appreciates her, she will not directly say that the other party is a pro-disciple, and immediately give Mu Qing like this opportunity, and also sent people to the real martial arts to solve the trouble It is a large extent because of the sword.

"Mr. Tianshou, why?" The elders were confused.

"I don't know, but I can affirm his origin is not the same." Ying Yuezhibao gains, "the evil man follows the illusion, they are already a Tiantian 3rd, the genius disciple of the original palace, and this sword Hou is also a very gainful genius, and he can let the evil master will be so awesome, and even respectfully call it as' gentle, but also with 'you' your name, such treatment, even the chaotic palace super The enchanting can't do it !! "

"Coupled with the evil man said, this Tianshou, even let the three palace owners of the Tiantian Three palace, give him a quota of the secret city, this is a big thoroughness, no accident, this Mr. Tianhou, or it has a tropic background, or there is an incredible talent, and even there may be both !! "

"If it is the first, there is such a big background, then let's try to make a way, definitely not wrong."

"If it is the second kind, that is incredible genius, just because he did not join the relationship between the Tiantian 3rd, if he joined the Tiantian three palace, his status is afraid that it will not be the master of the rules !!"

"What?" The old man blindly.

Just just a third-order real holy, but can be comparable to the Lord of Rules?

"So, in any case, this Tianshou is not my sin, and it is worth trying to pay, I just received the Mu Qing as a disciple, just give this Mr. I as a smooth, of course Although this is willing to let Mr. Tianhou grateful, but when I am thinking about him in the future, I must be much easier to deal with him. "

"It turns out." This is the elderly, "Zong Wang Ying!"


The void of Sheng Yu Zong, the sword is unparalleled, Mu Qing, Yuan Chong, the evil master, the slide, and the Purple Santian, the old veteran of San Yuzong standing there.

"The long old, the old, the first sixth-order holy, and Xin Zong people, is a five-order peak, the true saints, these two adults go to the true martial arts, the threat of the three emperors, It's no longer existed. "Yuan Chong looked at the long and old old old old, the look of Xin Zong, and the look is not much."

"Mr. Tianhou, thank you." Mu Qing is watching the sword and unparalleled, thank you.

She is not stupid.

She also saw it in San Yuzong, and the reason why the Lord who reflects the moon will be so polite, and even give her a chance to have a pro-disciple. It is because of her 'guard. 'Jian Tianhou.

Then the Lord of Moon, it is obviously the human feelings of selling swords.

As for her talent, although it is good, but said, it is not too excellent in Sheng Yuzong, like Sheng Yuzong's seven-year-old, according to the results of her , just collect her To name a disciple.

And now she has a big chance to become a pro-disciple from the Moon, which is equivalent to the sky.

"I haven't done anything, as for Sheng Yuzong, it is for yourself." The sword is unparalleled, and there is no power.

His sense did nothing, standing there, there is no more words.

As for the moon, they have to sell their face, give yourself a smooth, he just didn't refuse.

"No matter what to say, thank you." Mu Qing said again.

"Okay, then let's talk later, let's go to the real martial arts, let the troublesome the troublesome." Aside the long old open.

Mu Qing nodded slightly, and then a group of people took directly toward the real country.


Within the magnificent hall, the three emperors still sit on the top of the throne.

But the three emperors at this moment are difficult to see.


"A group of waste !!"

It contains a low voice of the sky, and the fire is in the big temple. The center of the temple has many strong people standing there. He heard this low and drink, and there is some slight shock.

"Hey, the gods are also stupid, he has a five-order high, with nearly 30 three-order, four-level hairdry, but killing only ten third-order Zhen Shengmai, there is no I can kill Aqing to kill, but I will define myself! "

"Nearly 30 strong people, even did not live, and even half of the message did not pass, I really didn't know what they did! Just thirty pigs, before being killed, I have two times !! "

The three emperors did angry at this moment.

He just got the news, Mu Qing has arrived in Sheng Yuzong, and it seems that it has a certain relationship with the Lord of the Moon, and the Moon will send two strong people to follow Mu Qing. .

"His Royal Highness, they have all died, this time is anger, it is useless, and why they will be covered there, everyone will be crossed there, this can also be busy, and now we are in urgent, If you want to think about it next to it. "The middle-aged people headed down, said that the sound is extremely denied.

"The Queen is already going to San Yuzong, and the relationship with Sheng Yuzong has already pulled the relationship. Sheng Yuzong is directly dispatching a sixth order and a five-order peak real holy, the country is coming. The peak of the order is okay, with the power in our hands, you can find someone to compete, but the key is the six-order peony, it is not good to pay !! "

In the middle of the Purple Robe, everyone in the main hall of the lead has frowned, and everyone has rushed to a good pressure.

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