Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3120 Ziyi Pavilion



The most intensive and strongest power is also the strongest and strongest force.

Don't look at this purple blood camp, just more than forty people, can be more than 40 people, the weakest is the fourth-order peak, of which the four-order peak is not in a small number, as for the five-order truth ... single list In the conventional blood camp, there is a foot and four! !

In addition to the purple blood camp, at this moment, it gathered in this five-order real holy, there are three people, that is, the Sixth Hall has a total of seven five-level holy hierarchy.

Among them, the prisoner of the purple blood camp has just reached the five-order peak! !

"No wonder this six palace can fight against the three emperors for so long. It turned out that he was still controlling such a strong force." The sword was unparalleled.

Seven five-order real holy, dozens of four-level holy, as for the third order, it is more than two hundred!

Such a strong force is in a heavy day, it is enough to capture a small country.

Soon, in the Six Temple, the power is blew in the hands ... The void in front of the house, the large number of strong people are abrupt.

"It's coming !!" The many strong people in the house looked up.

I saw a lot of black spots in the distance of the voids.

Those black dots are dense, and there is a blink of an eye, and then a large body shape begins to emerge.


Another strong breath, exudes from these body shapes.

These cultivars that come here have more than three hundred, and the breath is strong, even the weakest is three-stage real holy, even the practitioners below the third order are not.

The fourth-order hairdressing also has a lot.

As for the five-order real holy, the five-order resurgery that is spread from the people in front of the people! !

The nine five-order real holy, plus a large number of four-order, third-order truth, more than three hundred strong people appear in front of the house, and the time that the Supreme, the strong, the strong pressure, and a huge pressure.

"Sure enough, the strength, the power of the three emperors is still stronger !!"

Many people are secretly emotional in the bottom.

The top of the crowd, the three emperors of the golden luxurious robes are indifferent, and the ban on the gods over the government, watching everyone in the House.

"Old six, I will run from my brother to see you, you don't come to see me, but also start the way to let me wait for the door, what is the truth?" The three emperor's magnificent voice is in the world. Spread.

"Hey, run over, look at me? Put out, bring all the strong people, this is just just to see me? Say, you are not afraid of being smiled and have a big teeth." Sixth Hall.

"Haha, I have something to, but if you think that you can stop my words, you can stop me, then it is too much." The three emperors smiled.

"I didn't want to have been turtle in this house. Today, since you truthfully killed, then we should really have a truth." The Six Temple under the Six Temple.

"Do you have a knot? Before you say this, it seems that Aqing from Sheng Yu Zong, let you have a sufficient look." The three emperor cold channels.

"Yes, today, Sheng Yuzong's purple elderly will don't want to turn it out again." The Six Hall is low.

The long and old old, the old, the old, and the new Zong also took the initiative to distribute their own power.

Have to say, a sixth-order holy with the five-order peak of the peak, still very strong.

Feel the two stakes, the strong people under the three emperors flashed in a panic.

It is at this time ...

"Sheng Yu Zong, huh, there is a zone who does not enter the stream in the district, it is a very good." The indifferent laughter suddenly sounded, and the laughter was standing next to the three emperors.

At the same time as Chu Xi smiled, the dragon's delegate also looked up! ! !

One shares are equally strong to the very powerful spiritual infrasound.

This kind of power is not weak than the long and weak, even faintly strong! !

"Sixth Sheng !!"

"It's a six-order holy !!"

The many strong people under the Six Temple are surprised.

And the strong people of the three emperors, the awareness of a few parties also have a six-order pest existence, even the breath is also more stronger, it is easy to tone, and the face also exposes the color of surprise.

Both sides camp, since there are six-order hairdress, then there is nothing to be afraid.

"Who are you?" The Purple old old eyes secretly laundered, staring at the dragon demonstrations that exuded the power.

"Zi Zige, Dulongs!" Dragon Deacon Ice Cold Road.

"Ziqi Pavilion?" Is the long-starred color of the long star.

Many strong people in the Six Temple will be shocked.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are also sharp.

Zi Zige ... The famous feelings in the world are too big.

The first day, standing on the top is the three cabarets, nine hospitals, 12 gods! !

Single twelve gods, it is very strong, and the heritage is also very deep. It does not have unexpected twelve gods. Even if the rules are mainly dead now, or lose falling, but the 12 gods Have the top unstead of saints.

The twelve gods is so, and the three pavilions on the 12th Shenzong, the nine hospitals are naturally stronger.

Especially three pavarats! !

This can be the three big hegens of the first day!

Before the sword is unparalleled, I can become one of the three pavilions. Behind the Ziqi Pavilion will definitely have the mainstay of the rules of the world, and this is enough to be scared, and Zi Zige has an invincible hierarchy. , The top level, the peak hierarchy is a lot of people, and its overall strength is very strong.

Compared with Zi Zige, San Yuzong is completely not enough.

After all, St. Yu Zonglian 12 Shenzong can be much more than, Sheng Yuzong is now the strongest reflection of the moon, and is just a seven-order real holy.

And the whole San Yuzong, there is currently such a seven-order true holy.

"Is Ziyi Pavilion?" The long face of the purple star is ugly, but the arrogance is a low departure: "The battle in the real martial arts, what is the relationship with your Ziqi?"

"Why didn't you really have?" Chu smiled coldly, "You listen, from now on the real martial arts, it has been attached to me, and my purple greatse is recognized by Mu Feng as a true martial art, who Dare to violate, it is right with me! "

As soon as this, the Camp of the Sixth Hall immediately produced a champion.

If Zi Zige has such an order, then there is still a few people who are in the scene.


The long and smile coldly.

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