Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3122 Change

(The first to come!)


The long and old breath of the purple stars, the whole body is covered under a light purple flame, it is like a purlas in the gods, he holds a long gun in his hand, one hand, one-handed a large piece of large pieces of purple, and in an instant The most central in the battlefield appeared.

As for the dragon deacon, the hand is my handle, and he is also filled with a lot of black light. This black light seems to swallow the world, and it is necessary to completely fall into the whole world.

Two big six-order real holy strong, instantly fierce battle.

boom! boom!

The sound of the shock, instantly echoing the entire battlefield.

One of these two people made a hand, the horrible geostate formed a three-order, scared around, four-level real sanctifiable, even five-level holy, no guts appeared around them.

Just instantly kung fu, the two have already fight for ten times.

"The sixth-order long old in the district, and dare to be mad in front of this deacon. This deacon will let you know this day, this day is very !!" The dragon dedicated voice is cold, the bits in the hands have skystick, Endless dark dragonfur, instantly annihilate a lot of purple in front of the front.


The long old face is quite gloomy.

When he made a hand, he found that this dragon deacon is also a six-order holy, but the combat power is slightly better than him.

Of course, Dragon Monolites can't be too much, and he is not afraid of him.

"Kill it!"

It is a good time, and the Long Laoshi is played again with the dragon.

The two instantly fight hot.

Two six-order holy, there is a battlefield belonging to his own, no one is daring and, of course, because the two are mutually implicated, they cannot affect other battlefields.

The entire battle, because the relationship between the purple blood camp, the two sides can now say that it is quite the battle, can't see obvious advantages.

But at this time, in the other end of the void, the three emperor Mu Feng is a smile, he looked at the middle-aged people next to the Ziqobe, "Let them do it."

"Yes." The middle-aged people of the purple robe nodded, and the next moment came to the message.

The battlefield center, the original two sides were fighting for the sky.

Just at this time ... changing the world! !

The purple blood camp, more than forty sergeants originally gathered together to form a military array.

At this moment, there were three sergeants in the Zijing Camp, and suddenly turned the gun, and went directly to the comrades around him.

boom! boom! boom!

The three sergeants shot the opportunity properly, and the three weapons were obviously incorporated into the special venom. The three people shot, and they killed the two purple blood camps and seriously injured one.

The most important thing is that the military array of the entire purple blood camp is completely chaotic.

"Mix !!"

"Damn !!"

The angry sound is connected.

It is not only a purple blood camp, and there is also a camp in the six temple of the fierce battle in the void, and suddenly some people go to the strong people to attack, and the number is still a lot, and more than a do person. 'Rebellion'.

"This group of mess!"

The Sixth Hall saw this scene outside the battlefield, and the face was purple.

He knew that the three emperors were inserted inserted, he also fell, but he did not think that the quantity of the three emperors was so much, and there were more than ten strong people. The most important thing is, purple blood There is also three rebels!

You must know that the original two sides are in the case of absolute disadvantages, and the reason why you can fight with the three emperors is quite the relationship between the Zijing blood camp, now the three-person rebellion in the purple blood camp The blow is too big.

The purple blood military array instantly collapses, and the sergeant is also equal to six, and the force is suddenly reduced.

Without the rushing of the purple blood camp, the disparity gap between the two sides camps will begin to reflect.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Haha, kill them !!"

The strong power of the three emperors of the three emperors rose sharply and started to kill.

In the Sixth Hall, this is obviously completely suppressed, and it is necessary to form a defeat immediately.

"Finished !!" The Six Temple is pale.

"How can it be like this?" Mu Qing's figure was shaking, and her gaze couldn't help but see the sword.

At the time of this defeat, Mu Qing can also send hope, it is a sword.

"The evil master, the slide." The sword was unparalleled.

"Mr. Tianhou." The evil man came with the magic water.

"Help me busy, look at him for two people." The sword has no double.

"No problem." The evil man is very refreshed with the illusion.

He is a genius, the genius of the original palace, the original palace, whether it is the three emperors or Zi Zige, did not dare to kill him.

If the self-strength is too weak, he can't have any effect on this battle. He has also kills early, and now the sword is unparalleled to help, they are of course not hesitant.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword appears in his hand.

"Mr. Tianhou, what do you finally have to shoot?" The evil man immediately expected.

"Mr. Tianhou personally shot !!" "The slide is also quite excited.

The sword is unparalleled, but his body has been directly in front of the battlefield.

"I really shot." The evil man released the deep light.

This makes the next six temples under the Qing Dynasty.

"Two, look at your look, seem to be very expected to Mr. Tianhou, how can Mr. Tianshou is just a third-order triple holy, do not change the battle?" The Six Temple frowned.

"What do you know?" The evil teacher glanced at the six temples, smiled: "You are afraid, I have been in a long time, I have paid hands with Mr. Tianhou with Mr. Tianhou. It is also a first-order holy, but I am the genius of the original palace, the war is extremely strong, and anyone who has three people can suppress the third-order truth, the luck is good, and even the three-order positive True St. !! "

"However, when we were three people, but they were completely crushed by Mr. Tianhou, even the room for struggling, and at that time, Mr. Tianhou was just a first-order resin !!"

"You think that the first-order holy is so strong, and now Mr. Tianhou has reached the third-order holy level. How strong is his strength?"

The Six Hall is listening to the Qing Dynasty, but the head is a bit.

The genius of the original palace, can suppress the third-order truth in the first-order holy level?

And the three original palace genius teamed up, but was just just a first-order holy level of the sword without pairing.

"This, this ..." The Sixth Hall is shocked, and it can be expected to follow him.

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