Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3145, Witch



boom! ! !

Dragon is again handed over to Witch again. For a time, heaven and earth.

The sword is unparalleled in the edge of the battlefield, and I feel the horror roaring from the center of the battlefield, but it flashes a hot hot.

"Seven-order truth ... I have to look at it, there are many !!"

The sword is unparalleled, the rumble ~~~ Endless ice fire is full of horizontal, as if the waves are crazy, they are obsessed with the witch.

In this Icefield, it is, even if it is a shackle, the shape is also a shock.

"This area is so strong?" Heart is horrified.

He also pays attention to the scene of the sword, no double, killing the dragon halls, the sword is unparalleled, it can be so easy to sweep a few people, the ice fire field also has a lot of credits, and the witch feels that this field should be in this field. It is not good, but he didn't expect himself a seven-order high hairdressing. Under this field, it has also been greatly oppressed.

He has a strength, and it has also been pressed nearly two% in this field.

"It is the moment before blocking the voids. I am full of hits, and now I have a treasure of the domain, the hierarchy is too high, this kid, what is the way, the treasure on the body is so How much? "Heart is amazed.

And in the ice fire field, the sword is not moving.

He is clearly just a fourth-order holy, but this moment will directly enter the two seven-order high battlefields of the Witch and Dragon.


When the sword, the sword was unparalleled, and the surrounding position around the dragon was faint, and they wore the void directly and appeared on the side of the witch.

A scorless broken wind came, and the witch sleeve is louder.

A dark spear was condensed on the side of the body, and the blink of the lounge was hit together with the lush front of the dragon.

! !

A low hitting sound sounded, and the position immediately shocked out, but the heartbrows also wrinkled slightly.

He finally knew that the sword was unparalleled to easily kill the six-order peak, and the power of this sword array was very good. .

boom! !

The horrible broken wind sounded, Dilong one hand, the endless black mist center, was directly tearing a huge crack, and a huge fist appeared again in front of the witch.

The heart is gloomy.

He is not the opponent of Daolong, and under the pressing of the ice and fire field, his strength can only be played up to 80%, and the disadvantage is naturally larger.

Moreover, the sword is still attacked by him from time to time, so that the situation turned into one side.

Just a few photos, the soda of the witch has suffered a lot of impact, and the power consumes a lot.

"If you go so, the old man is probably in this day." Heart witch is cold, but his body has burst out of the thrilling.

This shocking, completely locking the sword.

"All is this kid, as long as you kill him, there is no barrier around, and the dragon strength is strong, and I will think about the old man, and he also killed the old disciple ..."

"He, must die !!"

The heart witch is red, and the black mist is in the sky, it is once again happened.

"Secrets, Witch !!"

boom! !

Endless black fog broke out.

These black mist, this is the witch from the heart, this witch is very strong, and the ordinary haunted is just a touch, I am afraid that a kind of power has to be killed in an instant, and now the witch is completely Outbreak, this black fog is once again strong enough! !

It has completely become dark, madness, and the blink of an eye has formed a huge black fog ocean. This black mist ocean is still swept in all sides of the whole side, and it seems to be completely covered around the world.

Witch world!

The biggest killer of the heart is also his strongest trick.

He is good at using a witch, like he, and smiles for his disciples, and the god nail is made by his witchcraft.

And he is now a perfect way to make the witch that he controls.

This trick, is very huge for his power consumption, but the power is extremely horrible.

The majestic witch world covers the entire void, but people who have been caught in this witch world will be eroded by the Witch world, and they can only be avoided, only forced to rely on Shen Li to resist.

Like the dragon, he is strong, even if it is covered by the Vietnamese world, relying on its own strength, it can also force the corrosion of this witch, he is only a certain degree of impact.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled moment, the moment of the Shuxun world swept, and he has not been able to have a few, instantly being completely wrapped in the mist of the ocean.

"The Vietnamese world, this trick is the most powerful secret that the old man has gotten in a secret, but in the witch world that is caught in the old man, even the general seven-level real holy, time will be killed for a long time, and this Children have to force the best of the top seven-level real, but he is only a fourth-order hairdressing. How long does it take to support in my witch community? Top three breathing time, he will die !! "Heart It is released in the witch.

He has a lot of confidence in his own witchcress.

The sword is unparalleled, a fourth-order truth is caught in the witch world. If it is not possible to escape the scope of the witch world, it should be doubtful.

However, the sword in the Witch world is unparalleled, but there is no idea to escape the idea of ​​this Wushu world. It is still to control the reincarnation of the sword, with the Dragon to continue to kill.

"Looking for death !!" He went to see this just a laugh.

While he tried to resist the dragon offensive, he was also waiting for the death of the sword.

However, three breathing, four breathing, foot ten breathing past, swords are unparalleled in the witch world, as if they are not affected by half.

Instead, he, because of the whole force to show the witch world, the power consumption is huge, plus the attack of the Dragon and swords, and the body is constantly damaged. It needs Shen Li to recover. Now, his strength has already consumed half a half. .

"How is it, this is ten breathing, this kid, how can it be still not dead?" He is unbelievable.

He believes that as long as the sword is unparalleled, he will leave.

But I didn't expect that his strongest means of the Witch showed it, but he couldn't kill the sword without double.

He has a fourth-order holy, how to resist the madness of the witchcraft?


PS: Today is two more!

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