(The first to come!)


"Single first hell road, so strong, I really don't know how the other five power will be?" The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the bottom is full of expectations.

After killing the Baiyuan, picking up the Qiankun Ring left in Chamine, the sword is unparalleled immediately.

From his appearance to the depreciation of the departure, just use 25 breathing time, the power of Ziyi Pavilion also needs five breathing time will arrive, these five breathing time The sword is unparalleled.

After the sword is unparalleled, this winter snow country is a lot of strong, all of which are all stunned.

"White Beamous people have been killed?"

"Jian Tianhou, he actually kills the Array, this is a seven-order holy."

"National Lord ..."

One of the eyes of the mid-year man is also the Lord of Winter Snow.

The look of the Winter Snowland is also wonderful, and it is clear that it has not been completely returned from this.

Half, he took a deep breath, but immediately saw a hanker next to it. "The scene of Jian Tian Hou and Pai Beicu" can have been recorded with mirroring pictures? "

"Yes." The truth immediately answered.

"This is good, the power of Zi Ziqi will arrive, and we only need to give this mirror picture to them, this sword is too strong, I wait for a big way, Baiyuan adult Dead, no wonder our head. "The Winter Snowland is low," In addition, this mirror screen, we also have to publish it.

"Completely announced?" People around them are one.

"Yes, the gods are cruel, and a strong man wants to rise, which is so easy, and this sword is too terrible, the talent is too terrible, the potential is even more infinite, and the genius of such a big potential, more It will be jealous and even crowded, as long as this mirror screen is published, then many of the gods will be strong, including some high rules, I'm afraid it will notice him !! "

"It's not a good thing, this is not a good thing." The winter snow kneels smiled.

Soon, the mirror screen will be published.


The first day, the sword is unparalleled with Zi Zige, the battle is very powerful, and the fight is very powerful, and it has also become a topic of many cultural people.

However, although it is a topic, this don't cause too much sensation.

However, in the winter snow kingdom, the mirrored picture of the sword and the Baiby Recreation will be published, one heavy day, including the whole three heavens, and can't calm down.

You know, the sword is unparalleled, but the front is killing a seven-order high! !

"Alformation, it is too metamorphosis !!"

"This sword is the monster from which it is from the monster. It can be used in the fourth-order peak, it is already a huge thought. Now it is good, he actually kills a front. The seventh level is really holy? It is a seven-order holy, in a heavy day, a lot of forces, and only a seven-order holy. "

"There are a lot of genius in the genre, like a three palace, the Taoist Temple has a lot of time and space, there are a lot of top genius enchanting, some enchanting is also happy, but can be used in the fourth-order truth, the front The enchanting of the holy, I have heard it, I have heard it. "

"This sword is, if he can not die, the future achievements, people can't imagine !!"

"Jian Tianhou, monster !!"

The whole three days, but if you hear this, and I saw the power of the mirror screen, it was sensational to the sword.

And the three words of Jian Tianhou also resounded throughout the time in a very short period of time! !

Enchao, monster, big metamorphosis! !

One of the names of the sword is on the unparalleled head.


Among the vast chaotic void, Mo Mountain, three-eye man, and the trip of the bri sitting together.

In front of them, it is a huge mirror screen, which is the mirror screen of the sword unparalleled and the Baiyuan.

"Haha, I will know that this sword is very likely to give me a surprise. Sure enough, he gave me a big surprise !!" Mushan strokes his whiteworn beard, emit a cool laughter .

As early as more than a hundred years ago, the sword was unparalleled by the witch, and when Mo Mountain was unparalleled to the sword.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled. Since he refuses his help, it must be a grasp of this situation.

Sure enough, 90 years later, the sword invited Dragon with a big price, plus itself to sweep the six-order real sanctuary, one breath, all the people, etc., when he was very excited. of.

Now, for sixty years, the sword is unparalleled to kill a seven-order truth ...

"This sword is heaven, it is too big."

The three-eye man also said, "I have a lot of genius in the three palace. Although this year is not very dazzling, but in history, there are also talents in the sky, like eight hundred The super genius' of thousands of years, is a complete monster. He can also kill the six-order peak, if you encounter weak six-order peak, good luck, he Can also kill! "

"However, the power of the defeated king is so good, one of him is a special life, two, he is also in the careful cultivation of the Tiantian Three Palace, and there is also a kind of attack on the body, but This sword is ... There is no careful cultivation of great forces, purely relying on your own opportunity, get treasures to grow, and the battle is more than that of the king, but also more terrible, it is really shocking. "

The three-eye man is also a rule, the eye is extremely high.

He lived in a long time. He has seen how many amazing geniuses, but the genius he has ever seen is obviously no one can be compared with the sword.

"You said that this Jian Tianhou will not be a special life?" Mo Mountain suddenly asked.

"It is definitely." The three-eye man is definitely said: "He is definitely a special life, and it is definitely an extremely tip, or his Shenli will never be so strong."

"Well, I also think so." Moshan nodded, "But even if it is a special life, it can have this combat force, and it is very unrest, and his opportunity is indeed rich, look at this picture, he can kill the purple The seven-level real holy, the secret is the secret of the last show, and the secret surgery is that he is a secret reincarnation of the refreshment in the black god column of the Tiantian's secret. "

"His battle is clearly similar to that of the seven-order, but he shows that this secret is easy to kill the seventh order. The secrets in the black god column are really !!"

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